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Everything posted by MeganGC1983

  1. Ohh she has a scarf. My fault. Cocktails.
  2. Wait. Wait. Wait. She doesn’t have to cover up?! 🤔 side eye
  3. Sooo I’d heard a few places that shorts needed to be longer and shoulders cover to tour. Very conflicting. As soon as we showed up for the tour, they immediately asked me to cover my shoulder sooo I bought a 5 euro shirt. and now I’m having a walking jack and coke.
  4. Yall im so done with the IG photo shoots everywhere. There’s hundreds of people and you need 44 angles to get THE shot. Move it or lose it. 😆
  5. Yes, as you can see I always try to get the least amount of people. It was really hard.
  6. Sorry I was talking to my dad. Got sidetracked and we grabbed 1/2 pints.
  7. Hey @Roscoe13 when you wake up… text me.
  8. This is where Mr. Megan picked complete with Dropkick Murphy’s on speaker
  9. Tour is at 4:30. So about an hour til check in. Finding a beverage.
  10. Called my kids. That was a mistake. More cava. How do they fight at 7:35am?!
  11. The rowdy party has quieted with anchovies.
  12. A rowdy group of ladies have moved in next to us. They are speaking Catalonian so I’m only picking up some of it. I think one just got divorced and this is her party. you know that scene in “the internship” when Vince Vaughn is speaking in Chinese and ends up at the strip club instead of the nightclub… it’s like that except not Cantonese and mandarin. and no strippers… yet. 🤷🏼‍♀️
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