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Everything posted by MeganGC1983

  1. And an empty seat between us. Everyone is on and we are pushing off.
  2. It’s not Shaq’s and they are out of honey, but it will do.
  3. Next couple gets on and the guy forgot his backpack. Good thing we aren’t running late.
  4. Something I always wonder about… who keeps all the strip clubs in Dallas open? How is there still a demand for that?!
  5. Welcome to Ft Worth… probably the only time 820 isn’t crawling.
  6. Stopped at the first truck stop on the highway and found everything Aris could want. 2 magnets, a keychain and a monster later… back on the road. Hold my calls. We are almost in Texas.
  7. Good morning??? I think I slept 5 minutes. Up and at them. Headed to Dallas Love field. It’s cruise day! (needless to say from the picture, sorry for the dirty windshield)
  8. All packed up, showered, sent some work emails. Good night CC! Gonna hit the road in a few hours.
  9. Yeah July 3rd was rough on my favorite pair. Now I gotta break in new ones.
  10. Stopped at Dollar General and grabbed some OU stuff as back up to the back up plan! BOOMER!
  11. Well, the first issue of the trip has happened. Stopped by our “local” truck stop and they didn’t have a single magnet. We have 2 back up options on the trip down. And there’s always Buccee’s. Buccee’s is NOT in Oklahoma, but sometimes you take what you can get.
  12. Not gonna lie, it’s a little stressful, but I gotta take care of my people. The biggest stressor is flying in the day of. I said I’d never do this, but I’m doing it for the adventure and for another B2B. 😆
  13. Kids have been dropped off at Meme’s. Lots of hugs given. Lots of requests for pictures of ice cream cones and Guy’s Burgers and of course stuffed animals. 🤦🏼‍♀️ We might be single handedly keeping the Caribbean stuffed animal empire afloat.
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