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Everything posted by MeganGC1983

  1. There a huge chance that I throw up in this bungee class.
  2. My drink is directly in front of the ferry place. Last time we were in Tortola, we walked over there and took a ferry to the Bathes.
  3. I’m going to bungee class but it feels like a bad decision. Go, go liquid IV and I grabbed a charcuterie
  4. Ran to the bathroom. My people run deep. Talk to Brandon the Hype. Super nice. Loves Alejandro. Knows he has big shoes to fill. Etc.
  5. Daught house… had to do a large selfie. Drink is a lavander margarita with bacon salt.
  6. Sip lounge beverage. My challenge to dance with a stranger.
  7. My mission to claim my cocktail…all three of these happenings cast members were hired by Joel. First contract. Fun fact: Joel worked with my sister at Disney World.
  8. Ran to the cabin to put on pjs and it looks amazing.
  9. Dessert. Apparently the special mousse is amazing.
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