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Everything posted by MeganGC1983

  1. 1/2 price thrill water park is our compensation. And the “get out” instructions and tags.
  2. But the tram isn’t coming again so we walked.
  3. Moved everyone over from Chill. This is much better.
  4. Wandered over to this other area. Much better. Sand is better. Beach is cleaner.
  5. Checked in for our flights. Gonna hang out a little while longer at Thrill Waterpark, then try to head over to a beach. Back onboard time is now 6. The time is flying by.
  6. It’s toasty. Haven’t seen the kids in a fat 30 minutes. Came to track them down.
  7. Mr. Megan is slowing me up from iguana hunting. He’s aimlessly wandering.
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