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Everything posted by navybankerteacher

  1. It reminds me of the famous comment: "So this is Winnipeg, I can tell it's not Paris". No, your "stop in NYC" is NOT in NYC. Back in the 1930's Mayor LaGuardia refused to get off a plane that landed at Newark - claiming that his ticket indicated a fare paid for a flight to New York. Interesting that someone from New Brunswick, NJ would know the fastest route to Manhattan (I certainly would).
  2. Of course, if the Kraken is thrashing about even an ordinarily calm day can have some motion.
  3. Every cruise ship I’ve sailed had free hot water in the cabin’s bathroom.
  4. From a strictly price view, staying at a LGA hotel is likely to save. Likely free transfer to the hotel, lower room cost, then just one taxi/Uber fare to cruise terminal. Downside would be really limited dinner options and loss of opportunity to see a bit of a wonderful city.
  5. Good question. Of course the original post just mentioned the service had returned - so no harm. I wonder if they might restore the sleeping car service between New York and Montreal - about the ideal distance/time for an overnight trip.
  6. My problem with shipboard water is that it has such low mineral levels as to have, in the words of Pogo Possum, “too much of a tasteless taste”.
  7. … and don’t mislead people by insisting that ALL parts of New York are completely safe all hours of the night. p.s. I lived in New York for a total of about 25 years, commuted daily into the city for another 25 years, and still visit the city more than a dozen times a year. I love the city, but not to the point of being a see-no-evil fan of the city.
  8. I visit New York regularly - seeing family and attending theater in Manhattan - I probably have “…my feet in the ground…” more recently than someone from “The other coast” (whatever that means). My comments, which apparently upset you, have been strictly with regard to very late at night walks in areas with very few people about.
  9. Unpredictable. Could be glassy calm or fairly heavy seas - likely to be pretty good as the early month oh hurricane season sees little activity.
  10. Reminds me of the “Happy Hour” in San Juan - when a rum and coke cost less than a Coca Cola.
  11. I was not talking about being IN Tribeca late at night, I was referring to the late night long walk from the Broadway/Times Square area TO Tribeca (to which an earlier poster had referred). But, yes, as a rule New York City is as safe as most other parts of the country - but there are parts of the city, and times of night, where there is increased risk —and statistics bear that out, so why press your luck ?
  12. Give yourself a break - the few dollars a taxi or Uber wold cost would be a minuscule addition to the airfare, hotel cost and cruise fare you are already paying - hauling luggage to station, down subway steps, on and off trains, and back up to street level and then to hotel ….. are you NUTS?????
  13. No - because I am aware of some of the risks of late night walking in largely unpopulated areas of New York’s Lower West Side in the late night and early morning hours, and prefer to not trust to my luck when a ride will both save time and avoid unnecessary exposure. I wish you continued good luck.
  14. In the Times Square area, fine. I might think twice before walking alone down to Tribeca after 11 PM - it can get pretty empty- possibly risky - that late.
  15. A Tom Collins is one of the simplest, uncomplicated drinks. “Fru fru” implies something (frequently served with a little paper parasol) with a number of ingredients, garnishes and concocted in a blender - something, perhaps, along the lines of a frozen strawberry daiquiri.
  16. That Open House New York cruise is likely to have a more interesting/interested crowd on board than the typical three hour Circle Line round Manhattan cruise - but I doubt it will show more waterways - just provide detailed info on the shorter route covered.
  17. I was born in Manhattan and lived there until I was twelve - and again from age 20 to 32, and commuted in until I retired. The only time I experienced “street crime” was at about age ten in Central Park a few toughs carrying switchblade knives robbed me of about fifty cents. It may not be as safe as it was back during Giuliano’s “broken windows” policing, but is hardly as bad as you seem to think. As in any city, you need to keep your eyes open. But, frankly these days shopping malls in small towns across the country seem far more dangerous. We still go in several times a year to visit my son’s family and for theatre evenings.
  18. Actually, sailing from NY in the winter to the Caribbean puts you in the 70 degree Gulf Stream by early afternoon of the first full day. The last full day is cold - but that hardly means “…at least 4 days of chilly weather…”. We rarely do it any more because most sailings out of New York now are on NCL or similar undesirable mob scenes. Also islands in the Caribbean worth visiting are better experienced on land trips.
  19. Actually, the sea water temperature in Bermuda in November will be in low to mid 70’s. Anyone used to summer swimming at ocean beaches from New Jersey on north in summer will find it fine. The air temp will likely be in low 70’s - certainly not “summery”, but certainly comfortable. Yes, if summery beaches are the only thing you want, you might find the Bahamas more to your liking — but except for southern wusses the Bermuda beaches are likely to be good. To the extent you are looking for ANYTHING else, Bermuda is head and shoulders better than the Bahamas.
  20. There is a Doubletree Hilton and an AC Marriott - both within a few blocks of Pier 11 - where you get the ferry which takes you to right next to the Brooklyn Cruise Terminal.
  21. Generally, JFK is more convenient (less expensive ground transfer) to New York than EWR - but if there is a significant fare saving or more convenient scheduling, EWR might work — but then you should also consider LGA. Consider staying at a lower Manhattan (Wall Street area) hotel - very convenient to Brooklyn terminal.
  22. The itineraries are both interesting - but, because you will also be spending time on the ship, I would strongly recommend Celebrity as providing a vastly superior experience.
  23. What could most likely “go wrong” in this context would be the people who actually believe such a three year cruise will actually sail - and put money down to reserve space on it
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