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Everything posted by navybankerteacher

  1. The over-use of alcohol is what causes those problems. No one really thinks that smoking in moderation is OK for your health.
  2. Of course, the bottom line is: not only does smoking represent a (possibly small, or unproven) safety hazard, it is an acknowledged health hazard - even to non-smokers who are near smokers. Cruise lines might be well advised to ban it absolutely - in all areas. While perhaps upsetting to some dedicated smokers, such action should be seen as a kindness if it helps them bite the bullet and just quit.
  3. If you are bringing a couple of steamer trunks you can have as many dress suits, regular suits, sports jackets, etc. as your vanity might wish. Practically, however, all you really need is one dark suit or tuxedo for formal nights, one blazer or sports jacket (which you can wear while boarding - as the pockets are convenient for documents, etc.); for other nights, perhaps three neckties, a couple of white shirts, perhaps one blue and one striped shirt - to be able to be dressed differently for a couple of dozen nights.
  4. We are posting on Cruise Critic - not talking about about bringing gear on board a Navy ship.
  5. If some cannot take a full week, Bahamas cruises from Miami or Fort Lauderdale have many three to five day itineraries — but they would involve flights from mid-West - also possible pre-cruise hotel stay.
  6. PB&J's are great -- when made at home, with the right ratios of primary ingredients and a razor thin skim of butter to serve as a kind of lube. But it needs to be the right brand of PB and a decent amount of the right partner (ideally Welches Grape Jam - too bad they stopped making Grapelade) and jelly is usually too slippery. I am inclined to think mass market cruise lines would economize on the raw materials --- and, in any case I'll be damned if I am going to pay cruise fares for things I can make much better myself at home. Finally --- what is wrong with preparing your own meals?
  7. My thought also, but if P&O allows it, BRBO might be a starting point -- I think I would be doubtful about making such a purchase from a stranger. Have you friends or family who might like to buy you out?
  8. What is it with Baltimore taxis? On our Grandeur cruise a few years ago we took Amtrak down and a taxi to out hotel- a rolling wreck with a bad smell that took a lot longer than I imagined it should- and cost about $50. Next day we Ubered to the cruise terminal - about $30, and after the cruise Ubered to the station - again about $30. I’ve used taxis in many US cities and have generally found them comparable to Uber - but Baltimore seems a different matter.
  9. The guarantee is hardly “worthless” if it gets wheels put back on. (Loss of a wheel happens to be one of the most frequent damage suffered - so focusing on the contents being spilled is not really relevant). In any event, the better made luggage is less likely to have that happen.
  10. Well made luggage will last longer -- certainly the wheels tend to stay on - and most good brands come with guaranteed repairs. Like most things, you will only get what you are willing to pay for.
  11. Sadly, I think that you are right. The general level of civility seems far lower recently - road rage is a prime example --- even something as simple as dimming high beams at night when facing an oncoming car is now largely passe.
  12. No, it is just understanding the language. Discriminating between is simply choosing one option over another - usually on the basis of personal taste. Discriminating against obviously means imposing personal feelings AGAINST option not chosen.
  13. About time someone suggested that he not subordinate his wife’s trip to his vanity. How would he be able to help her with her luggage - rather than imposing extra effort on her so he could bring his neighbor-annoying plaything?
  14. Mexico had a comparable exit tax -- I was amazed at the number of people at the Cancun airport holding up the line. claiming to have spent every last peso/dollar and were flying home penniless.
  15. True -- but it is the others who pass on that "information" regardless.
  16. I beg to differ --- I believe 83.275% of "facts" posted on these threads are the product of the fevered minds of the person posting.
  17. Are solo cruisers wealthier these days - or has the evolving demographic of cruisers increased the risk of getting an incompatible roomie?
  18. Which consideration makes dining at a shared table on a Cunarder generally more enjoyable than on ships of Carnival’s other brands.
  19. And how about being exposed to different terms for the best part of your meal: pudding, afters, or just plain dessert?
  20. Agreed - the slow shufflers often seem to be deaf - and inclined to walk abreast. It is a whole lot more efficient to meet promenaders head on.
  21. I recall that from a few years back. An interesting development: why do you think matching singles is no longer done?
  22. You need to decide if your focus is 100% on the cruise - or if you are willing to take advantage of peripherals - like an amazing port from which you sail. There are many folks who will fly across the Atlantic for a Mediterranean cruise -- and will not consider adding a couple of days to take in Rome, or Barcelona, or Athens, or you name it.
  23. Those second and third passengers spend money on board. You may not believe it, but the cruise lines' bean counters, who are better-informed, full-time money guys seem to, --- and, even though I do not like it, I have to accept the likely fact that the cruise lines know what they are doing (maximizing earnings), and are more interested in that than in being "fair" to single cruisers. Like it or not: you are playing in their back yard, so you play by their rules.
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