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Posts posted by AnhaltER1960

  1. I would not worry. They will let you off the ship.


    The exact arrival time in Basel even Scenic will not know. Last port of call on that itinerary is Breisach, some 50 km away from Basel, which would be no more than 3 hrs sailing. BUT, there are 4 locks in between, and they make it unpredictable.


    Still, it is fair to assume, the ship will leave Breisach in the afternoon, after the excursions returned, five/six o'clockish. Then arriving in Basel around midnight is well possible.


    Just calculate your timing. Three hours (7 to 10) before departure from Basel dock is not realistic. Assume 30 mins from dock to Basel SBB station, getting a trainticket and board the train. 90 min travel time to the airport station. 30 min at the airport to find and get to the check-in to check-in 90 min before departure (check airline information on their minimum times).


    If you feel uneasy, consider plan b: Leave the ship at Breisach the afternoon before and take a train to Zurich airport and stay in an airport hotel.

  2. While the water table of the Elbe is well below a long-term average and the wave of the last low-pressure system has gone, the water is stable. Rainfall today in Saxony and Bohemia, more forecast the next couple of days, will put cruises safe to sail until into July (my forecast, no guarantee though). All cruisers on the Elbe this week enjoy your trip, but prepare for some rain, though the rain will be warm.


    So this is much better than last year. Last year at the same time there already was low water with ship swaps, cancellations and bussing. Nothing like that this year. The only cancellation ive heard of was the Junker Jörg, a couple of weeks ago. They cancelled her last cruise upriver to Dresden fearing she would be stuck in Dresden and then missing her summer season in the Baltic Sea. Wrong decision, she could have sailed in and out of Dresden despite her draft of 1,25 m.


    Next weekend Wittenberg will be celebrating Luthers Wedding again (494th anniversary, if I remember correctly), plenty of medieval music, market, cherry beer on one of the largest public festivals in Germany.

  3. 2 hours ago, puppycanducruise said:

    The report I just heard on the CBC radio, said that the MSC ship was having engine issues, and tug boats were assisting it.  However, a cable from one of the tugs snapped.

    They said there are 5 injured.  Hope there are no casualties.


    I hope, too, that there are no casualties and the injured recover soon. 


    The "engine issues", however, are standard practice for cruise ships being pulled in (and out of) Venice port. Tow boats pull the cruise ships, who have their engines not running. This is to protect the sensitive medieval embankments and house fundaments from waves created by large ship engines. So after the tug failed the MSC Opera was not maneuverable.

  4. 13 minutes ago, Got2Cruise said:

    I hope everyone is ok. I thought the small ships docked at another place than the megaships in Venice. 

    Correct. The crash happened at San Basilio dock, where the small ship was berthed. MSC Opera was not supposed to dock there. She was towed into the harbour through the Giudecca canal, when she got out of control. Apparently the wire rope failed and the MSC Opera was pushed by wind and/or current. Not using her own engines she was unable to maneuvre.


    Lucky spot to hit land, as San Basilio dock seems to be much more stable than standard Venice embankments. Hitting the Zattere a couple of yards further east would have caused serious damage and, being crowded on a sunday, probably more injuries or even worse.

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  5. It has been raining quite a lot since end of April, reducing the rate of decline of the Elbe water table. Was about time, as the first boats got into increased alert. No cancellations yet, but the low water table requires careful maneuvering on the river, therefore less speed, therefore longer sailing time = reduced time in ports, amended schedules. Most of the rain was soaked up by the meadows, by the soil, which is still too dry as a result of last years drought.


    The actual weather situation with a low-pressure-area in the Czech republic looks (at least to me) like a Genoa-Low type Vb, bringing humidity from the Mediterranean/Adriatic Sea around the eastern Alps and pushing enormous amounts of rain from the north against the Bohemian hills and the Alps. Depending on how stable this low pressure area keeps its position, they can bring lots of rain, this sort of weather produced the Elbe floods of 2002, 2005, 2013 and others, also floods of the Danube.


    So, bring some raincoats, as a price for future cruisers into the summer.... They will thank you.

  6. On the Elbe they do, if there is demand for it (there mostly is...). As Viking run a strict policy across all their operations, I do suspect (without having seen), they offer slow walking on other cruises, too. It might be at the discretion of the PD, if its only two or three pax, but even then usually its easy to find some travel companions who take it leisurely, irrespective of their physical status.

  7. On 4/18/2019 at 1:45 PM, notamermaid said:

    Hello AnhaltER 1960,


    good to hear from you again. Dresden appears to be still keeping up a good level at 143cm today. Hope it stays that way.


    We certainly have some bright Easter days we can look forward too!


    Enjoy the sunshine.





    Thank you notamermaid for your Easter wishes. It has indeed been a perfect weekend with fine temperatures in the lower 20ies (seventies for the Fahrenheiders), blue sky, fresh green on the trees and in the fields. Congratulations to all, who chose to cruise this weekend on the Elbe (or any other river in Germany and beyond) - you did everything right.


    While enjoying this Easter, I am starting to get worried on water tables, at least on the Elbe. It had not rained here in the Middle-Elbe-Region for six weeks now and I am starting to pray for rain - not here, but in Bohemia. While the water tables are still ok for cruising, they keep falling. The winter reserves from rain and snowmelt are gone, it now needs rain to keep the water levels up. If ir remains dry, I see trouble for the deeper drafting ships before the end of May (hat is not a political statement), maybe even earlier. 


    I do not wish our neighbours in the Czech Republic any bad. Just some rain 🙂

  8. Baedecker is the standard in Germany for travel guides, for more than 100 years now. Bit old fashioned, but you find all relevant information on the cities, sights, castles, but not the hippest bar in town. Baedecker guides on the Rhine are also available in english, just look on Amazon or at your local bookseller.


    Personally I love their older editions too, like 1906 or so. Same landscape, same castles, but often more detailed descriptions and accurate sketches than in todays guidebooks. Ok, forget their prices and probably opening hours...  :-).


    And, of course, Mark Twain, A Tramp Abroad (though not only on the Rhine), and "Legends of the Rhine", https://archive.org/details/legendsofrhine01906rula



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  9. 24 minutes ago, SBJB8184 said:

    Sooooo.... is it true that Viking has cancelled all 2018 Elegant Elbe cruises, but CroisiEurope continues to cruise?  Are the CE ships different than the viking ships that allow them to cruise in shallower water?  Just curious.




    Yes and no. Viking have cancelled all remaining Elegant Elbe Cruises this Year. Croisi Europe are still operating some (I am not sure, if all) of their Berlin - Prague Tours, but in the way I described earlier in this thread: They sail on the channel Berlin to somewhere near Magdeburg, do some bussing then and continue sailing from Litomerice into Prague on another ship. So they do not cruise the Elbe either. 


    Indeed the ships are a bit different. But that does not do much difference, both Vikings Beyla and Astrild as well as Coisis Elbe Princesse I and II draw some 80 to 90 cm. Good, but not shallow enough for the Elbe this year. 

  10. On 10/18/2018 at 11:25 AM, notamermaid said:

    Has it rained in the Czech Republic or are they possibly just letting a wave of water from the reservoirs through?


    They sent just one wave downriver, I am not aware of significant rainfall in the Czech Republic. I spent one day yesterday in the Elbe valley around Bad Schandau. Have never seen the Elbe that shallow there. Nevertheless, a calm sunny day, autumn colours in the forests, beautiful. Too much of a pity that no cruise traveler could see that. Some cayak and rubber boat paddlers could.

  11. ... we really want to do the Viking "Elegant Elbe" in 2020... can anyone recommend the "best guess" month to go?


    Needs a large crystal ball, one and a half or even two years ahead. April and May seem to bee the months, which are safe, though this year even May was a cliffhanger (if this year was a one off, then its weather, if it repeats, then its climate change).


    You are talking on "Elegant Elbe", which is the product of Viking River Cruises. Notamermaid already reported their itinerary on the Elbe. There are pros and cons to this itinerary (I am not even sure, whether missing Magdeburg is a pro or con). However, as Viking are sailing the Elbe between Wittenberg and Decin only, this is leaving out some shallow parts around Magdeburg. In comparison with other companies, this Viking timetable has proven the most stable. No, they could not not sail all year this year, but Viking ships had still be sailing on the Elbe, when others long went into bus mode.

  12. ..i did try to search german rail but looks like too early to book for june...


    On their website www.bahn.de, German railways do not show trains after timetable change, which takes place on Dec. 9th. Train connections after that date usually are shown six to eight weeks before the timetable change, so keep a bit patient and look again in October. Do not assume major changes in the timetable though.


    Reduced prices for long distance trains can be booked 91 days before the travel date. Standard flex price for ICE-long distance trains is 54 Euro one way in 2nd class, reduced tickets can be cheaper, but are valid only on the booked train. Train ride takes an hour and 10 minutes. Regional trains, which take some 40 minutes longer, can be considerably cheaper. Bavaria ticket, valid on any regional trains in Bavaria, comes 31 Euro for 2 pax in 2nd class, 52 Euro in 1st class. Valid on weekdays after 0900 hrs, Sat, Sun, publ holidays all day (maybe next year the prices will be an Euro or two up).

  13. Indeed the weather situation has changed - even on the Elbe. There has been some rainfall alonh the Elbe and the temperatures dropped. Means that more rainfall reaches the groundwater and/or the river, reduced evaporation.




    The water levels on Rhine and Danube had been low, too low to sail some shallow parts. The recent rainfall apparently was enough to lift the water table beyond critical level. Not so on the Elbe, which was scratching at record lows (I read a newspaper article about ten days ago, that the Elbe at Wittenberg reached an all-time low since measurements started in the year 18xx).


    So the recent rainfalls have risen the Elbe level from donteventhinkaboutsailing to no, not really. Though the Czech released one wave yesterday, which would even allow sailing, surfing that wave and getting the keel well sandbrushed. But that is not enough to resume regular sailing.



    The weather forecasts see that low pressure area over central eastern Europe, which brought that rainfall for the Elbe (and as well for the Danube) to disappear and back to dry weather. I am still pessimistic for the remaining 2018 season. Even CroisiEurope went into cancellation mode after several weeks of bussing.

  14. It certainly does not look like we will be sailing on Elbe as planned this September 15th.


    Viking have cancelled almost all Elbe cruises in September by now, so you should gotten the notification on the cancellation of your Elbe sailing in the meantime.


    There had be some raindrops into the Elbe recently, lifting the water table from "donteventhinkaboutcruising" to "no chance to cruise", but falling again now.With no change of the weather pattern and a continued massive water deficit I start to doubt, whether there will be any cruises on the Elbe in the remaining season at all.


    Croisieurope are still fighting and continue ther cruise/bus-mix as described earlier.

  15. Now I am worried. Our cruise is Berlin to Prague on Sept 15th. Called Viking today - not cancelled yet. As I have my own flight arrangements I am anxious to make alternate plans ASAP.


    The first three days of your trip will be on land anyway (Berlin, Potsdam, Wörlitz, bussing to Wittenberg). Actual cruising on the Astrild is scheduled to start Sept 18th. Still more than three weeks to go and it needs a large crystal ball to look ahead that far.


    However, yeasterdays/todays rainfall was way short of giving a sustainable impact on the water level. Weather forecasts for the next 10 days do not call for much additional rain. Of course one may doubt the reliability of long term forecasts, but the water deficit of the Elbe is enormous. It needs several days of continuous rainfall esp. in Bohemia to bring the water to a level, which allows sailing to resume. And even the worst long-term weather forecast cannot be that wrong to oversee the required rain.


    Yes, it is a good idea to push plan b ahead.

  16. Conditions on the Elbe have not changed so far - still no sailing. Weather forecasts are calling for some rain/thunderstorms (not only) in Eastern Germany and Bohemia. It remains to be seen, if and how long these rainfalls will affect the water level.




    Viking have cancelled all their Elbe cruises in August. A report on tripadvisor suggests the cancellations to continue into September (see https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowTopic-g187399-i889-k11514560-o80-Elbe_River_Low_Water_Level-Dresden_Saxony.html ).



    CroiseEuropes Elbe Pricesse I is still sailing on the canal from Berlin to a place near Magdeburg and Elbe Princesse II between Litomerice and Prague with plenty of bussing and ship swap in between.

  17. Just send some rain over from the Rhine valley to the Elbe, we did not want keep it all to ourselves. ;)


    Thank you. It helped me, I did not have to water the garden yesterday (still dont know what to do with that extra hour). The impact on river level of the Elbe, however, was negectible.



    Navigation situation is still unchanged.

  18. The year is 2018 A.C. Europe is entirely occupied by the draught. Well, not entirely... One small company of indomitable Gauls still holds out against the elements. CroiseEurope are holding out against the Elbe and are, well, not cruising, rather bussing guests up and down the river with the Elbe Princesse having sailed from Berlin on the canal to Burg (near Magdeburg) and doing bus tours from there. Eventually there is a bussed ship swap to the Elbe Princesse II, which is stuck in Melnik for, maybe, sailing into Prague then, whilst another flight is doing the opposite direction.

    No changes on the Elbe so far and on the weather. No rain, no cruises on the river..

  19. Recent thunderstorms have left a little bit of rain in the area - fsr not enough to lift the water level sustainably, just a short peak. Forecasts are calling for further dry summer weather.



    Viking have hoisted the white flag now and apparently have cancelled all Elbe cruises for the rest of August. Sent home (some of) the crew, the hungarian bus drivers and locked the ships. Looks like quite a financial buff for Viking, as the cruises had been well booked.

  20. First of all, many (or even all) cruise lines offer slow walking groups (some call it gentle or leisurely walking groups) with reduced programme and/or a different ratio between walking and bus than the standard tours. And, of course, you are always welcomed to use the bus only as a shutlle and skip the offered guided tour or simply walk off the ship on your own or hire a cab. Often the ship is not moving during excursions, but that depends on the schedule.



    Indeed the Middle Rhine gorge is spectacular and well worth seeing, as it has been for visitor since the 19th century, that applies for the stretch between Mainz and Cologne. However, other parts of the Rhine, both upriver and downriver are more like a canal (between Basel and Karlsruhe it really is one) with not much scenery.



    Scenic rivers are the Moselle, the Main and the upper Danube. So a river cruise, which combine some of these rivers, like Moselle to its confluence with the Rhine, then Middle Rhine Valley, Main, Rhine-Main-Donau Canal and maybe the Danube until Vienna or parts of that, might be something worth sailing. Also the Douro in Portugal is scenic river.

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