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Everything posted by Eli_6

  1. @TxTeach79I got an alert to my phone earlier today that my lost luggage from London Heathrow airport had been located. I didn't have any lost luggage, but thought it might be good news for those of you with lost luggage on the same flight.
  2. I really like our hotel (Granados 83) except that all the bathroom doors are glass and see through. It leaves for little privacy when doing your business.
  3. Not this year we didn't. The shoes are the problem for us. DH has size 12/13 feet and now both my boys are in adult men's sized shoes so we skipped suits because of the shoes. Also, I had to bring 2 laptops and some books because I am going to Cambridge after the cruise for some research for my dissertation. Last year I bought 3 suits and the shoes with them and that alone took up an entire carry on. But they were a bit smaller last year. Just can't do it anymore with growing boys. My youngest is 5 ft and 120 lbs and already in men's clothes and shoes. Sigh. Growing up too fast!!!
  4. U don't need to fly nonstop. U can't fly nonstop from d f w to bcn. Just do carry on. Not that hard. If a family of 4 like us can do it, anyone can do it. We have done it 2 summers in a row. 3 weeks and 3.5 weeks. We even did formal clothes last year.
  5. Funny story. My husband and kids ran up to tell me that Ghandi was buried in La Sagrada. I said, "Erm no. Not possible. Ghandi was Hindu. He'snot buried in a Catholic Church. " Kids confused Gaudi with Ghandi. And my husband did not have his glasses on.
  6. More pics from the Barca stadium tour:
  7. Inside of Sagrada Familia above and below
  8. Down the stairs in one if the towers
  9. Pics above and below are la Sagrada familia
  10. Hotel Granados 83. I had to get a place with 4 beds. And preferably 2 bathrooms.
  11. @TxTeach79 Never mind. Just read you still don't have your luggage. 😢
  12. @TxTeach79. Have you gotten your luggage yet? We just saw a pedestrian get hit by a car. It was crazy! Drivers here be crazy. Motorcyclists be crazy. Bicyclists be crazy.
  13. Barca tour was great and will post more from that later. loving out private pool now. Hubs is straight up asleep.
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