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Everything posted by SLSD

  1. We began our journey with a flight on British Airways to Heathrow and an hour and fifty minute drive by car service to our lodging at The Pig at Bridge Place near Canterbury. Tomorrow morning we will have a less than thirty minute drive to the port at Dover. I cannot say enough good things about our lodging. The Pig is a charming hotel and the employees have shown us the most gracious hospitality. They have been friendly and helpful in every way possible. I highly recommend The Pig at Bridge Place if you are sailing from Dover and want a special start for your cruise. The hotel restaurant is provisioned from a beautiful and extensive onsite kitchen garden which adds to the ambience of this delightful bucolic hotel. The food has been excellent. We like the hotel bar as well. I'm including a few photos from The Pig. We chose room #11 at the hotel which is in an adjacent building and looks out over a meadow as shown in one of the photos.
  2. We usually do have great service. Last summer we had exceptional service and we were able to recommend our waiter to friends who sailed after us. I just wanted to know if someone had a waiter they especially enjoyed.
  3. We board Sojourn in jujst a few days now. Any advice on which waiter(s) we might ask for in the Dining Room?
  4. I'm disappointed to hear that there are so many large groups. In my experience, they change the feeling of the cruise. Perhaps others don't notice a change, but I usually do. They are usually noisier, more boistrous, and more demanding.
  5. I'm afraid that an occasional ya'll comes out of my mouth!
  6. The owner of last year's dog was from Mexico if I remember correctly and was not a jewelry designer--so this is mostly likely not the same dog. The owner was not well liked onboard and I witnessed her being quite rude to one particular excursion guide and quite pushy with the gatekeeper at the TK Grill. We'll be on Sojourn going to Iceland and Norway (again) this summer Herb and will miss you and Mary!
  7. Whenever I take photos aboard a ship, I am always so careful to not include other people in my photos--and if I do, their faces are not visible. I think this is so important.
  8. I hope you do have a good community of travelers and that makes or breaks a cruise for many of us. I think we've sailed with you--but did not meet you--some years ago from Kobe to Vancouver. The great thing about that cruise was that it was 20+ days and all the same people as there was no way to slice and dice it into 7 day itineraries. I know Mr. SLSD and I will have a great time this summer because we will make it a good time for us--but I don't look forward to the constant changing of passengers. Hopefully there will not be groups!
  9. This is one thing that concerns me. It has not happened to us, but I know it has happened to others. I had never received an email like this one we received from Seabourn yesterday. I clicked on the link about charters--and there as all kinds of marketing language. This is a big push by Seabourn both for group travel (with incentives) and charters. We are so looking forward to our 28 days on Sojourn this summer. We'll have to analyze where to cruise going forward after that.
  10. Right now, It is getting more difficult to find itineraries that are longer than 7 days. We're sailing for 28 days this summer--but the first 14 days were divided into two 7 day cruises some times ago. I think the second half is still a 14 day cruise, but who knows. They will divide it if they can.
  11. I received an email from Seabourn today pushing the idea of group travel (with some incentives) and charter travel on Seabourn ships. I find this a bit disheartening, while realizing that Seabourn is trying to sell their suites and will do most anything to accomplish that. I've never enjoyed seeing large groups traveling together onboard Seabourn ships and would not like to see our plans changed due to a ship being chartered. It's a new world at there and I assume there will be more changes to come.
  12. I agree with you. We have quit asking for liquor in our suite because it went unopened by us.
  13. What is the point of a tie if you are not wearing a jacket? It would be better, in my view, if you wore a jacket and not a tie. I've never liked the look of shirt and tie without a jacket--seems so mid management at work to me. Just an observation. I'm sure you can get by with your dress plan.
  14. I think most of the regular posters here know how I feel about buffets and the closure of the MDR for breakfast and lunch. We'll be onboard for 28 days this next summer and it could be a challenge for us.
  15. I just completed the same survey and found it worrisome as it seemed to putting out feelers to see which current amenities could be dropped or changed (and not for the better). Like many of you, one of the main reasons we sail with Seabourn is because it is an all inclusive experience treating each passenger the same. And, sure enough, the return email address was Holland America.
  16. I just received an email thanking us for sailing with Holland America and talking about some details of our trip. For the record, I have never sailed on Holland America and do not plan to in the future. Clearly, the email is referring to my upcoming Seabourn voyage. I don't appreciate the name confusion. I can't imagine Seabourn letting that get through. I see it as sloppy and careless. I'll leave it there.
  17. I am expecting to enjoy Solis in July and August.
  18. Hmm. I often order appetizers instead of main dishes. I hope this is allowed by the time we sail in the summer.
  19. Thank you. I expect to be able to eat some things on the menu (salmon for example) but do not want to eat it every night or for every meal. I will certainly be eating what I can off the menu, but expect to need entrees made for me many nights--when I am not eating the ubiquitous salmon.
  20. Thank you for these comments. I will go to preferences and give them an idea of what I can be eating. It should be easy to accommodate.
  21. Thank you. No special ingredients needed--thank goodness. It should not be that difficult. I just don't want to eat the same thing at every meal.
  22. I am very sad to say that I have joined the ranks of those who need a special diet--with a lot of things I can no longer eat. What is the protocol for asking for special accommodation while on the ship. We will be sailing for 28 days this summer. Do I ask ahead of time? Do I wait until I am on the ship? And to whom do I speak about this? Thank you for any suggestion in this area.
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