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Sea Dog

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Everything posted by Sea Dog

  1. Yes my back is barking at me tonight. I wear a back brace but it doesn’t help. Just got to take it slow. So much fun to watch BD on Friday night with some great Royal Caribbean cocktails. I should sleep like a baby tonight.
  2. Cheers! Full day. Worked on my dirt pile for grading on the foundation. One side done. Son came over and helped. Boy I’m lucky to have a great kid. Worked 4 hours before heat got to us. Went and had a late lunch early dinner and then a nice cocktail at a craft cocktail bar. Now home resting up for “Cruising for Cocktails with our weekly Below Deck watching and frozen cocktails from Royals menu and Tiki cocktails.
  3. Thanks for the clarification. I had read that she was the first female cruise ship captain but the article did not state American. Interesting. They also sent a female into space long before the Americans did too.
  4. I have heard from lots of people that say she is very approachable, extremely nice and gives her time freely for pictures and questions. I like and respect her very much. Let’s face it she was the first ever female cruise ship captain and I’m sure she had to face a lot of obstacles and skepticism. I am wearing a hat outside.
  5. Yes I really wanted to do that sailing but Linda had shoulder surgery and we didn’t think she would have been rehabbed enough. I’m doing pretty good just dealing with doctor visits it seems like too much. Next week is urologist to go over MRI. I may have one spot they may biopsy. Then to the periodontist for some gum work and then finally to skin cancer doctor to have a mohs surgery on my temple. Then after our October cruise it’s back to the skin cancer doctor to have some chemo cream applied to my bald head. That doesn’t sound fun at all. Ah the joys of getting older.
  6. Im sure he’s great I am a Captain Kate fan and enjoy her YouTube videos. So bummed we had to cancel our first Celebrity Beyond cruise last April with her.
  7. Have a great cruise Bethany! Let us know how you like Beyond. Is Captain Kate back yet from vacation for this sailing?
  8. So sorry to hear about your fracture. I hope it heals quickly for you. I will be thinking of you Patti!
  9. I know you have the equipment that would make it easier. A little too far to drive though. Thanks for thinking of me.
  10. I don’t mind getting the exercise. Quit today after 4 hours. Back is hurting pretty good and I will be sore tomorrow. Knees did well. 1/4 of the pile is gone.
  11. Guess I got my work cut out for me. New grading around the foundation. Have shovel will travel. If you don’t hear from me after a few days check local hospital for heart attack victim.😜
  12. Beautiful pictures Helen. Looks like a great cruise so far. Keep us updated and tell Marty hello from me.
  13. We have always been able to access cabins by 1pm. By the time we board, make specialty restaurant reservations and then have lunch it’s 1pm. It goes by quickly.
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