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Sea Dog

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Everything posted by Sea Dog

  1. We have always booked the Chef's Table while on board and always for a deal. Usually get it for 50% off or BOGO. You do have to flexible as far as scheduling.
  2. If I remember right there is usually a pretty good sale around Labor Day and then of course Black Friday is when you usually see some low prices.
  3. I agree. I stress enough as it is. Once Iโ€™m on a ship all my worries go away. I agree. It does give you an extra layer of security. Now you might not have the stress of testing but I think there will be an uptick in cases on board.
  4. I'm curious to know what is it that's bad? Is it just in the MDR? I'll be on Adventure next fall. I hope they get their act together.
  5. I've been eating sushi long before sushi was cool and eaten at good restaurants all over the country. Izumi is good but limited in the creativity of the rolls. I will go back to Izumi anytime but most people can get quality sushi anywhere on land at a good sushi restaurant.
  6. This makes me laugh because I think the same thing. Who wants jello for dessert? The only time I do is after major surgery.๐Ÿ˜œ Could use more chocolate. I will say this chocolate dessert in the WJ on Explorer last November was the bomb. My first time at CP 150 I could not decide between either the Filet or the Thermidor so the waiter brought me both. The Thermidor was amazing. You should ask if you can get both. Those garlic rolls were so good I could have just eaten those all day.
  7. I thinks that's perfectly alright. I don't mind at all someone saving a few chairs. It's the person that goes out at the crack of dawn to claim a bunch of chairs and does not show up till after 4-5 hours that I have a problem with. The 30 minute rule needs to be enforced.
  8. I knew you would love the Martini. And Yes I will be asking for Ben when I make my reservation. Thank you so much for the recommendation. Last time at CP150 I had both the Filet and the Lobster Thermidor and it was amazing. Next time turn him in to the pool attendant. That is so uncalled for. YES! or just throw his stuff to the ground. Sorry Charlie!
  9. No but I do anyway. I like having the fine print with me in case something would arise. I have a folder that has paper copies of cruise contract, Travel insurance policy, and set sail passes even though I call them up on my phone. I heard stories of people's phone dying right before they needed to show an agent their set sail pass. I like having backups and keep the folder in my backpack. It doesn't take up much room.
  10. What was your favorite entree at CP 150? Did you like the Cucumber Martini? Jerk.
  11. Happy Anniversary Graham and Pauline. 41 years is a great accomplishment. Cheers to you for forty one and for many more to come. Safe travels wished for you Dani and have a great trip.
  12. Yep weโ€™ve got two of those and they go nuts with stat stuff you spray inside. Now thatโ€™s my kind of tour bus.
  13. So Linda went to get dog and cat food and picked up some toys for the pups. One was a chew toy that is made up of some kind rope/straw combo and is not suppose to be harmful if eaten by the dogs. Needless to say Lizzy loved it and destroyed it as you can see. "Honey get out the vacuum cleaner".
  14. Thanks Ken. I think what I will do is one night Hibachi with the UDP and the $10 up charge and then just go back to Izumi for lunch one day where it's covered under the UDP with it's "small plate" two "large plates" plus dessert, option.
  15. Thanks for clearing this up because it seems confusing. What would be the up charge portion for Izumi if getting a roll or two with the Hibachi?
  16. And just to be clear if you have the UDP and using it for Hibachi if you order some rolls too is it an up charge or allowed under the UDP with a cap not to go over?
  17. Oh no! They will need to restock in hurry for my cruise. I love my Remy. Thanks for your observations.
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