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Sea Dog

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Everything posted by Sea Dog

  1. I know it will probably take a year after replacing where I will feel really good but I’m looking forward to increased mobility. Just getting in and out of the car has been painful with my knee. I am also looking forward to going up and down stairs without doing one leg at a time.
  2. You will have a great time. John and Laura are so much fun. Adventure “Live” review starts a week from today.
  3. Yes my stomach is a lot better. My lymph nodes in my groin are still a little swollen and tender but they are getting better. I know it’s crazy but I have most of the Christmas decorations up. I figured it was easier to do it before we cruise than trying to get it in before my surgery. The outdoor decorations are going to be scaled back. I’m not putting up the 3 animated trees, too much work and I won’t be able to take them down after Christmas. Here is a pic of the great room tree before it gets decorated next to some decorations for Halloween.
  4. At the dentist today we talked about it. I told him that I may grind my teeth at night. He also asked if I bite my fingernails. I said yes as I’ve had that habit ever since I was a kid. I know I was doing it Sunday night watching the Chiefs football game. I bet it got chipped then and I didn’t notice it till the middle of the night. If it was nail biting it will force me to not do that anymore.
  5. @dani negreanu I'm still thinking of you and your country. I'm so sorry that there are evil people out there.
  6. Well it’s always something. Things getting hectic as we are preparing to leave for our cruise next Thursday. Of course something always happens. The other night I woke to a weird feeling in my top front tooth. I thought I might have some food stuck but after inspection my front tooth is chipped. I have no idea how it happened unless I may grind my teeth at night. So I’m seeing another dentist today. As my dentist is out sick. I hope to get it fixed before we leave. Next Linda’s brother is basically dying. He was a long time heavy smoker and now his lungs and heart are shot. He’s in the hospital now as he’s having trouble breathing. Doctor say he could live till next week or a year from now. Linda has told me that if he starts to go down she wants me to still go on the cruise without her. I told her I feel guilty about that. But she seems totally fine as her brother wants no service and wants to just be cremated. So we will see. We’ve made arrangements if something were to happen while we are gone. Please think positive thoughts for us and your fingers crossed. Crazy also getting ready for a cruise and also getting ready for knee replacement a week after we get back. This morning I had the Cat Scan on my left knee for the Mako Robotic system. It will map my knee and tell the surgeon where to cut and how much of the bone. Pretty much almost packed. I know we are a week out from leaving but I like being super organized. I have everything in packing cubes ready to be put in the suitcases. Getting super excited. Live review starts next Wednesday. Cheers, Sea Dog
  7. We enjoy the Chef’s Table but only do when we can get a discount on board. Usually we have been able to get it for 50% off of essentially a buy one get one free. Now with Royals pricing and demand I’m not sure they would even offer that discount. In the past they seemed to be eager to apply the discount.
  8. I think it started in the upper Midwest. It usually done with chicken and noodles over mashed potatoes but you can do the noodles over mashed potatoes and turkey gravy. We do it every year at thanksgiving. My aunt used to make the egg noodles from scratch which was delicious but it’s easier to use Reames egg noodles boiled in chicken broth. Here is a recipe. https://fork-lore.com/2012/02/06/chicken-and-noodles-over-mashed-potatoes-thats-right/
  9. I use Reames too. Easy and oh so good. Not low calorie but great comfort food. I use Reames frozen egg noodles. Boil in water or chicken broth and then spoon over mashed potatoes and gravy. It's so good.
  10. Happy Thanksgiving my friend! The meal looks fantastic. Ever tried egg noodles on top of the mash potatoes and gravy? It's so good.
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