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Everything posted by Roscoe13

  1. Imagine if you will, a cruising world where Payton Manning is your cruise director... Omaha, Omaha, Barracuda, Blue Whale, Crab, Crocodile, Omaha!!
  2. I zoomed in on the instruction sheet that they are reading... "Hey GF, it says right here that Kraken is a rum and not a hockey team in Seattle! Who knew?"
  3. I believe the correct expression is turnt...but please don't ask me to conjugate it!
  4. I'm sensing a OnlyFans page for you two... BTW, did you see a dark Camaro going the other direction as you entered the port area?
  5. Penalty! Excessive Waffle Celebration! 15 yards and loss of fork! And NO!! It is not reviewable!!
  6. Whilst you're there could you pick me up some of that honey walnut shrimp? Yeah, I know it's an upcharge but to quote Fifth Harmony: Baby I'm worth it!!
  7. Perhaps everytime you cruise on Princess you should consider a name change from Saint Greg to... 2 Glasses Greg!
  8. I'm reasonably sure they got your number from an Aids Charity Walk list...
  9. I believe @Saint Greg already pays an extra $20 pd to NOT have any photographs taken...
  10. That and did you ever notice the ratio of trips to the water is equal to buckets of beer... 1:1...coincidence or chance?
  11. Another revenue stream for you is to hotel out your dresser drawers to tourists...
  12. And just think...you'd have over 5 million subscribers if your name was Packer Greg...
  13. Except for Elegant night when it's water and bread 🍞
  14. I think it's time Edy and had a Towel Animal Create Off... Or TACO for short... Here's my entry
  15. I was beginning to think that towel animal picture was one of those perception tests...some people see a towel animal and some people see a butter dish.
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