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Everything posted by Bo1953

  1. For myself, I do understand and accept accordingly. Was the sailing ruined because I could not eat there? No. Would it have been enhanced were I able to eat there? Most likely. Really, it was not a deal breaker or upset for me. I plan on asking Chef Boloud to add a vegan option to his menu for the sailing in 2023... I will start this by November of this year for August of 2023... plenty of time to know if it will happen or not.. LOL bon appetit and bon voyage
  2. c - X is under contract with DB over the offerings with his name attached to them. While in his restaurants, on land, the Chef may be able or willing to accommodate, on the high seas they are not permitted to and I understand, for sure, as once they start changing the menu the whole idea gets diluted and unrefined. Was I disappointed, of course. Was I mad, well maybe for seven (7) minutes. It made me determined to make the rest of my dining experiences, after a two (2) year absence aboard any ship, the best ever! bon appetit and bon voyage
  3. Yes, rc, I truly enjoyed the sailing, crew, staff and the CC members met aboard.... The MDR, for dinner, was amazing and accommodating, to say the least... after day three (3) they prepared off menu vegan items for me and I even gave them several curve balls as to what I would like including a vegetable tagine... out of the park... then there were a few dishes I requested that went flat, YET I asked for them and they delivered accordingly. A different dessert every night in addition to increasing the number of sorbets in OVC every night. How could I complain about that... LOL, well maybe about the additional weight I have to work diligently to remove it and then some... bon appetit and bon voyage
  4. To report - Miami said I would be accommodated with a vegan meal, once aboard I was told no accommodations could be made as they are under contract with DB with that stipulation! What is true, I canceled accordingly. Bon Appétit and bon voyage
  5. Thank you for the clarification, yet I do understand the point, yet still IMO, those of us who choose to continue to cruise despite the ongoing struggles and ever moving policy targets are sailing at our own risk regardless, again IMO. On the sailing I just finished, the Captain announced that masks were mandatory in the casino and theater. It appeared, to me, that at least 40% of Americans ignored the request. Quite a few took masks to enter the theater and promptly discarded them once seated. Does anyone really believe that I need to really care about those individuals, apparently, whose rights were being abridged for the greatest benefit of all passengers health and chose to not care about others? Does anyone really believe that I need to care if those individuals chose to get on the elevator unmasked with coughing running rampant and the Captain's request being ignored? It is "My" position that the flaunted need to take care of themselves and not expect X to do so, just because they want to be made whole for getting C-19. I wore my mask, and sometimes double, in all public spaces aboard and never used the convenience of a beverage in my hand while walking of me as an excuse. Yet, if this type of behavior provides a "pass" for not protecting yourself, others, the crew and staff as well, then so be it. In health and bon voyage
  6. Options, options, options... bon voyage
  7. Which begs me to ask the question, given what a few of us know about the draconian protocols surrounding C-19, what is the reason one would take the risk if they are 'adverse' to any degree to the protocols? Hopefully, more people will cancel and pricing and/or protocols will adjust accordingly.... Good for me, I must admit.. LOL bon voyage
  8. I say go ahead and have a national story done to attract attention to your situation. What more do you have to lose over this? bon voyage
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