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Everything posted by phoenix_dream

  1. Even though there are alot of people doing PUP IMHO it doesn't really add up to a whole lot of points, especially if you are talking getting to Zenith. It's already pretty easy to get to Elite or Elite Plus, especially if you sail more than once a year. One thing I think did up the numbers alot quicker was the double points they were giving right after restart for awhile. Those helped us get to Zenith probably 6 months sooner than we would have.
  2. And yet it was discussed as something they were looking into. And that's my concern, the programs are very different.
  3. In the video about changes, mention was made about combining the two programs. A better status match would be nice. But combining? I have concerns about it. For example, the upper level Royal perks are much less than Celebrity's Zenith. Would we be downgraded and/ or lose some of our best perks? I think if combining points they would have to significantly raise the point requirements, which really hurts those loyal to Celebrity who are getting close to Zenith. And maybe those already Zenith by being loyal to Celebrity would be at some lower level. I am concerned this would possibly hurt those at lower levels as well. The only ones it may benefit are those who regularly sail both lines. So much for brand loyalty. Call me skeptical but almost all the recent changes have been made to generate or save $$, not benefit the customer so this concerns me. Some on various FB pages say this is a good thing. I'm not so sure its good for most of us. Thoughts?
  4. DH got one, and I didn't. We both receive other Celebrity emails. I just don't get their IT processes!
  5. IMHO E class is considerably more noisy than S or M class.
  6. Don't understand your comments about overpaying for the exact same experience? How so?
  7. And new cruisers are much more likely to spend onboard for shops, shore excursions, photo packages etc., than seasoned cruisers
  8. DH just got upgraded to First Class yesterday. He and I both got upgraded on each leg of a round trip last week. I confess it doesn't happen as often anymore.
  9. Not sure why not. Been having them do my laundry for years. No issues. Sometimes I am away from home for weeks at a time. No way am I packing 3 or 4 weeks of clothes in a suitcase, or 3.
  10. I still think it's a bad idea. Sorry to hear that's how it's handled on Royal as most of the X changes seem to be to Royalize everything.
  11. Wow, just wow. What does age have to do with anything? Yes, most Zeniths are not in their 30s as it can take a lot of sailings to get that level. But that has zero to do with anything. And for your information it wasn't always just a suite area as you state. It's a Retreat area, which until Covid was offered to Zeniths and upper level Blue Chip cruisers as well as suites. So they also had the "right" to be there as you call it. Celebrity also promised that right would be restored, but that was untrue. Perhaps that promise will now once again be fulfilled.
  12. 100% agree. On cruises I cringe looking at all the crazy people frying themselves in the sun, probably so they can go back and flaunt their fabulous vacation. A good friend watched her husband go through many agonizing years suffering with melanoma before dying in his early 50s. A pretty tan is just so not worth dying for!
  13. Exactly. The space available idea is rife with issues of all kinds. And who decides these things? Is it based on a certain number of suite passengers or Zeniths? Or will it be at someone's whim, like it is for lunches or dinners? I'm also wondering if they plan to add this access then take away all the lunches or dinners. With all emphasis these days on bringing in newer, younger passengers I just can't see them bending over backwards for Zeniths. I hope I'm wrong.
  14. So true. You usually can't even get the small servings of that snack mix they used to provide at bars. Of all the cruises I've been on since restart I think we only had it on one ship.
  15. Agree. I should have specified that when it was turned into a suite lounge it was only upper suites.
  16. Agree. But the way they are making changes these days no one can accurately predict what's coming. I am of the opinion though that they will not add that benefit to Zenith.
  17. I've never had trouble finding a seat. But I definitely had problems finding a good seat, especially one in the shade.
  18. You are correct. My bad. People can have plenty of money and prefer to book other cabins. Or conversely save up to splurge on a suite.
  19. Don't give them ideas! I think initially Michael's Club access was only upper level suites
  20. I guess I'm wondering, as Retreat decks were a very new thing pre-Covid. They actually have the most space so it seems kind of strange that it would be limited to the lounge. I would assume not Luminae as that could possibly get too crowded. But I use the lounge the most when in suites so I'd love to have that back when I'm not.
  21. You're right I often wouldn't know unless I saw them in Luminae or the Retreat when I am in suites. Or by seeing their cruise card. I just haven't found, when I am in suites, people who are more or less rude, snobby, entitled or whatever than anyone else. Money doesn't mean manners. But it also doesn't mean lack of manners.
  22. Your assessment is wrong. Yes, I sometimes sail in suites. And sometimes in inside cabins, ocean view cabins, balcony cabins, and everything in-between. I have encountered rude and obnoxious fellow passengers in all types of cabins, fortunately not very often. I honestly think it is very likely the rude person was attempting to be funny and the OP didn't get the joke and overreacted ( and if a joke it was admittedly a bad attempt at one).
  23. Just read that also. It's about time that came back! Does it include the deck as well as the lounge do we know?
  24. My favorite ship is Equinox. I've probably sailed her the most and have made years long friends with some of the staff. I am not a huge fan of E class ships. I need a real balcony, and find them too crowded and noisy to my taste (although I have only been on Apex, and am trying Ascent next year). They do have the best Retreat areas.
  25. So your idea of handling this would have been to physically attact him (your own words, fisticuffs)? Not sure what that says about having good manners. If he was not joking (and are you sure about that?) I would have been mad also, and perhaps said something. But fisticuffs? Honestly I really suspect he was joking (admittedly very inappropriately - I am not defending it) and perhaps your reaction was a little extreme based on what you said it would have come to? Only you can honestly make that assessment.
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