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Posts posted by NotThePest_Too

  1. Which brand do you use!


    Disney Lover as I stated before, I order from a wholesaler because I order at least 16oz. From the cost of the small bottles (.5oz , 1 or 2oz, the majority of money is paying for the bottles especially if you are using a lot, as I do.


    Google essential oil and bulk, you will find who I purchase from. Because I order more than $250USD at a time, I only order about 1.5 or 2 times a year (Average --- I just checked my invoices). I get a discount when I hit $250 because they are a wholesaler and they always charge shipping so the discount softens the cost of shipping.



  2. Wow! That's all I can say about sceptics. You do know, or don't you, essential oils have been distilled and used for thousands of years. I agree with you that you should not be burden with having to use EO at all but please understand that others do not serve your choices.


    Now I'll move on. I did my first cruise ever Nov of 2017, Princess Cruise Line and took the USB travel diffuser. I have been using essential oils for years, started out with Tea Tree Oil. As a daily user (Cleaning, laundry, mixing with skin and hair products) I have not begun to glow-in-the-dark yet.


    I believe my use of oils (I don't use blended oils except one for pain) kept me from getting sea sick when we hit a patch of rough seas when storm arose in the Caribbean Sea. Because I'm a heavy user of oils, I get mine from a Wholesaler. Someone mentioned sinuses and before I became fully invested in oils and expanded from only using Tea Tree, I got sinus infections three four times a year. Since incorporating Peppermint, Eucalyptus and Tea Tree around my sinuses and temples I have not had a sinus infection since.


  3. Bermuda is beautiful! But it won't be warm enough to go to the beach in October, most likely, because it is not in the Caribbean. There is also a possibility of a hurricane at that time. Bermuda is in the mid-Atlantic at the same latitude or longitude as North Carolina.




    Enjoy your cruise!


    Enjoy your cruise... Please don't let someone else's experience color your thoughts.



  4. (y)



    Just returned home from another solo cruise ( I don't remember which number but after cruising solo for 15 years I still love it:D), Sailed from Venice to Nice with stops in Dubrovnik and multiple places in Italy......Sicily was wonderful:D...this was a 10 night cruise with many ports (8 I think)……..


    Now I don't have anything booked:eek:….I have been trying to decide on something.....I better get researching


  5. The restriction may have something to do with an Accounting Issue. I don't want to get technical but there are probably different Funds and Accounts used based on how the cruise is booked and it is near impossible to move monies from one Fund and Account to another.



  6. … After a couple of horrendous shared holidays with friends, it's not worth the risk to try doing that again, so I cruise alone and always have a ball, but must stick to the Main Dining Rooms and always book private tours via CC roll calls, in order to save money.


    Many thanks

    Fran in Sydney



    Fran in Sydney --- a sister after my own heart. I did my first ever cruise with a group (Exercise Class Members:eek:) I didn't share a stateroom with anyone and MDR was a nightmare so I only ate there 3 nights out of a 10 day cruise. Exercising with folks is one thing vacationing with them is an entirely different animal.





    PS Dinner Issue - My TA booked me for Late Dinning with a table of 10, so I'll see. If I don't find that suitable, my Roll Call for S.A. has 300 folk, maybe more 'cause husbands and wives, friends traveling together are under the same CC Handle.

  7. Fascinating! I haven't been to NYC. Here in Vancouver on our public transit, we let everyone off before we get on. In fact at some of the busier stations at rush hour, they cordon off an area in front of the doors so that those waiting to get on don't stand directly in front of the doors blocking people getting out. Perhaps it's not helped by the fact that people getting out definitely don't do so in an orderly way.


    I've lived and worked in NYC riding the buses and subways and I've always allowed others to get off before I get on. In fact the majority of people (at least 51% allow others to get off before they get on. People usually don't que up for the buses or subway but they usually do line up for the express buses.



  8. Just got back from my first European Cruise (Baltics) and I went solo. I did two Carnival cruises solo; but this one was major.


    I was anxious at first - especially since I have never been to Europe. But, I had a BLAST!!!! Awesome trip. Met lots of wonderful people and had a very memorable experience.


    Therefore, I have booked the Emerald Princess r/t Barcelona for next June. Will go solo unless I find a roommate.


    Debbi :D


    (y) Going on my 2nd Cruise ever, Royal Princess, and I'm not sure if it's my 2nd one solo 'cause the first was with a group but I did a solo inside cabin. Feb 2019 I head for a 49 night cruise around South America.



  9. Its my understanding, and you would probably know more than I as I'm only a mechanical engineer with no knowledge of marine design, that while cruiseships are equipped with anti-heeling systems the stabilizers don’t help with much with pitching, so modern cruise ships are often designed to have a longer and narrower bow to help cut through the waves. I know that its size and weight will effect its water displacement so physics come into play but thought that there were some design elements as well. If I'm wrong, I apologize - just remember reading that somewhere in passing along the way......



    Don't short yourself. (Not my first time reading this but upon reading again, a light blub when off. I may be mistaken, like you, but many Mechanical Engineers go on to work in aerospace? Since air, space is a gas, or lack there of depending on how high up you go, isn't water also a different type of gas? So your comments are worthy to be considered even if you find out the mark was missed. :D (I'm not being critical or sarcastic)



  10. What are you afraid of? It is wonderful being on the ship and visiting all the different countries. When you go solo, ALL of your time is your own. You can stay as long or as short on any adventure or activity that you choose to. You never have to compromise or see something you may not have an interest in. There is no one to get in the way of what you want to do when you want to do it. You can eat as much or as little as you want and no one will ask you about it or tell you that you shouldn't. You can leave anything in the cabin you want, anywhere you want because no one will ask you to move it. You're LIVING your best life now. Enjoy!!!:):)



    This (y):ship::cocktail:



  11. I have found eating alone to be the worst part of eating out anywhere. However while cruising, I go to the main dining room, and ask the maitre d' to sit me with a group. I usually do this even if not cruising solo. Many people are eager to share their table with others, I have never been left alone. Also if I make acquaintance with interesting people on board or on an excursion, I sometimes arrange to meet in the bar outside the dining room at a set time, then we go in together.



    I'd rather eat alone then to eat with bad or disagreeable company. I rather enjoy my own company. Besides, you are never alone. There is always me, myself and I. :D



  12. Yes I guess 2 months youwould have to, but I steer clear of the laundry room on a 19 night cruise. I bag up my used laundry and do it all when I get home. I'm on holiday, don't do washing and ironing then!!



    This is some what off topic, maybe not; but I'm an exercise instructor plus spend time in the gym or taking classes so my business casual clothes are my workout clothes. Once I get sweaty, I can either wash them in the bathroom sink or go to the laundry. I don't machine dry my workout clothes so I hang them up to air dry helping to keep my room moisturized, LOL. By the way through the Roll Call for this cruise, 300 plus, I've organized workout classes for sea days. I need to keep my instructor skills sharp and on point. It's free and not under the auspices of the ship; those who participate will be helping me out.



  13. And what does it do?


    The essential oils in my suitcase? Hopefully it does the job of repelling any four legged creatures that may want to stow away in my luggage (aircraft holds, overhead bins, etc.). All of the oils I mentioned repel different kinds of insects or critters in the rodent family.


    I hand wash my underwear in the bathroom sink. On my previous 10 day cruise, I used the self-service laundry three times. I'm not keen on doing laundry when returning from a vacation. On my upcoming cruise, I will be traveling for almost two months so I'll become friendly with the four walls of the laundry room.



  14. Thanks Ramona.


    Maybe a drop or two of a couple of them would be good in draws.



    I infuse the inside of my suitcases with either Lavender, Eucalyptus, Lemongrass (I forgot this one). Sometimes I throw some Peppermint by placing the oils on cotton balls, paper towels, old cloth, whatever's on hand and placing them inside all the pockets in my suitcase and in the main sections. I then close up the suitcase(s) without anything else in there. I do this one to two weeks before I pack anything.



  15. Which oil is that and how do you use it, especially for sinus


    I use about seven/eight essential oils (Note: not aromatherapy oils) and I use them for many things, body, cleaning, laundry. Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Wintergreen, Tea Tree, Lavender, Clove (from seeds, not the leaves; yes, there is a difference), Orange, Lemon, Helichrysum (very expensive) Cedar. There are tons of places on the internet where you can find recipes using essential oils, you should try doing... How to use essential oils for XXXXXXX. And Essential Oils to relieve sinus congestion/infections, etc.

    Sorry I will not tell you how I take care of my sinuses because I use my oils directly on my skin without diluting them or using a carrier oil which is never recommended but I've been doing it for years with no ill effects so I'll continue but you need to find your happy medium. Make google your friend. Good luck


  16. After reading through this thread and than just remembering somethings I read in passing about customer service, maybe the checking off about good service is based on our human nature. We then to complain verbally to others about bad service more than we will tell others about good service. Someone out of rage will take the time to right a negative letter but how often will we sit down and compliment excellent service.



    How often have you (including myself) tell someone you appreciate the effort they've put in for doing their job in excellence. We don't do that because we expect it. Entitlement? I don't know and I'm not saying that. I do know that I have to remind myself to give out compliments during my everyday walking through life. Sooo, to balance out negative reviews or complaints, we need to remind ourselves to give out compliments to family, friends, and those we meet in the market places.




  17. I always found it strange that all the people posting that say they don't remove gratuities knew why all those people were in line at Guest Services on the final night.


    There are people who do not want to have anything charged to their credit card even though their account is secured by a card. So on the last night they pay with cash. Several people in the group I was in on my first cruise did that. To me it seems a waste of time because you can just move the money over to your credit card.

  18. Fangedrose , I understand your concern . May I suggest you keep your meds in a covered plastic container in the drawer or on top of the bedside table. If it makes you more comfortable wipe down the drawer with Lysol wipes ( bleach ) and/or line the drawers with newspapers . I hope that helps.


    You can hang your nightwear in the closet . Make a space between what you’ve worn or bring plastic bags from the dry cleaners to separate your clothing. Bacteria et al does not jump across spaces unless sneezing , etc.


    My husband and I have 4 years of post-graduate classes in microbiology between us , he is blasée about the whole thing whereas I am more cautious. I cannot find the name of any disinfectant other than bleach that is useful in killing the norovirus. As others have mentioned , it does exist .


    Sanitation scores for the different cruise ships can be found at cdc.gov Anyhow, I hope you can cruise at ease and not worry so much about germs.







    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


    Don't want to sound non-concerned but anytime you work for/at a specific career your inside knowledge will cause you at least some

    bias, if not a lot



    Case in point, my son is an aerospace engineer. His first job was analyzing all the materials that made up a Boeing plane (787), in other words he ran tests to find the breaking points of screws, fasteners, clamps, all the little stuff. He is not a BIG fan of flying, although he does 'cause he knows what could go wrong and it's mostly human error.



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