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Everything posted by Smitheroo

  1. I dont recall that yours came across that way. There were just a few that were harsh
  2. I notice there is this choice for $39 and the travel insurance offered when you are booking (about $109) The one for $39 doesnt include trip cancellation. When would you just use the one for $39? I know it doesnt include cancellation of the entire trip but wondering what scenario this would fit
  3. thank you, good to know and date of booking wont matter if done on lline?
  4. I agree with you. I mistakingly wondered about the neighborhood also being "seedy" and was lambasted. Might not be any seedier than any other NYC neighborhood (maybe) but still might not be a pleasant stroll navigating cars, icy ruts in the street, or ankle high slush, lugging a 50 lb suitcase. Different experience in the summer i'm sure
  5. and P.S. Isnt what we are on a form of social media ? and here you are
  6. No one here might be agreeing with my sketchy neighborhood theory but you can be sure there are plenty wondering about it and would never even verbalize the question I did. They just wouldnt do it! Whether or not it was a real threat or not but base their decision on what they have heard. You are entitled to your opinion about social media. And I'm not going to make an in depth analysis of NYC crime to answer a simple question. And I'm thinking my history with NYC might go back a little more than yours does. If you knew me you would know that I am not influenced by what others think other than to give me a general idea of what I am asking about. And it seems like I have personally insulted you with my question. Some people managed to answer it and stay calm
  7. What's with the "additional tip" with salon services I paid for what I consider to be overpriced services and willingly paid the "added 20% service charge" (I had no choice of course) So why are they looking for an additional tip? Yes, I know its completely voluntary based on a client's perception of service but they are really pushy. Some people dont like to be put in that position. I did pay an additional tip and for that reason (along with my cruise next experience that I've been ranting about) I will never take advantage of their salon services again. Yes, it was nice and I liked my hair cut but I'll just continue to pay $9 at my local beauty school for the same service. I wouldnt feel this bitter if the additional tip wasnt shoved in my face
  8. there's plenty in the news to know that it isnt all made up for social media- and do not get started with Faux News please. There is an increase in crime. For the most part I'm not overly concerned and do go to places where this has happened But hauling a suitcase through an area thought that could be sketchy is asking for trouble. And your opinion is one of the many opinions I would take into consideration. as in social media says NYC is riddled with crime but here is this person who lives there and says otherwise. Not all reported in social media is a lie or grossly exaggerated. Some of it is based on fact.
  9. You can, but not for the promo in effect at the time I wanted to use it When I purchased them I was allowed to use 2 on any cabin. When I got around to booking, it was for balcony and up
  10. That is one thing I learned very quickly, What is the bottom line and am I willing to pay that amount?
  11. When I investigated more I realized that the same cabin she booked was two different prices depending on which cruise. She switched from the cruise where the cabin had a higher price to a cruise where the same cabin was not as expensive. This was the reason for the drop in price.
  12. Where's the hype? They prefer one kind of coffee over another and are willing to stand in line and pay extra for it. Thats called personal preference. I'll go with the dining room coffee as long as it delivers what I am looking for in coffee. It was when it didnt I noticed. I'm also lazy and not willing to spend so much for coffee as Starbucks but others see things differently
  13. Well, for one thing i dont think it was $9 a cup for Starbucks. I didnt buy it, my partner did, but I'm guessing that is a bit of an exaggeration. As for your other argument, its up to the person and the reason they drink coffee in the first place. If I am after the effects of caffeine why would I drink coffee that didnt provide that for me (unless I had no other choice) If they had McDs on board I would buy substitute coffee there.
  14. I think in many cases the person might not even realize their style of writing might be inflammatory. But the end result is the same as it were.
  15. I just want to say that you have such a nice way of writing that doesnt make one feel stupid.
  16. Thanks, I would do that. However the real reason in my case I couldnt do it was because my booking was for a studio. That's a legitimate reason. The reason I was given was the date
  17. I just want to add that the *real* reason I couldnt apply it in this case was the fact I booked a studio. But the reason I was *told* was because it was initially booked before 7/8.
  18. That may be the reason for the change to no expiration date. No rush to get rid of them, hold on to them, forget you have them, they dont get used but you paid for them. Add it to the list of ways to screw the customer (that isnt dishonest but the end effect is the same)
  19. Unbelievable. In my case, I wasnt able to apply one to a booking before Nov 8th. The *actual* reason was that it was a studio I had. That is okay. The fact that the reason I was given was that the booking happened before Nov 8th was no okay, it was untrue apparently from experiences on here. A case of someone thinking they know something but dont
  20. I asked and was told no, it had to be before Nov 8th, that start date of the promo. So i guess it depends on who you ask
  21. Next time buy 8 !!! But dont fall for any free money gimmick lol
  22. that is correct, there is no longer an expiration date
  23. One thing I learned doing this insurance research that I didnt previously know is the definition of "pre-existing condition" according to travel insurance. Having a chronic stable medical issue (like hypertension or even diabetes if it has been stable) is not a pre-existing condition for travel insurance. a pre-existing condition is an issue that changes in some way during what they call the "lookback period" (often 60 days, others up to 180 days) The shorter the lookback period the better the deal. So, yes, its very possible that no one in the group has a "pre-existing condition" according to travel insurance rules if they have had no changes in or received medical advice about their chronic health issue.
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