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Everything posted by Sthrngary

  1. @YoPhilly Hope you are well. I know the NCL Haven very well. I wrote the op-ed on CruiseCritic.com 5 years ago called, The Secrets of the NCL Haven VIP experience. It was updated in 2021. I only share this fact because I can give you a comparison of another experience I had and feel very confident it will be my upcoming experience on my 10 day Oceania Cruise in November. It will also give you my reason's for selecting Oceania. The Haven concept is called a "Ship-With-In-A-Ship". This is very similar to the Celebrity Retreat and the MSC Yacht Club. Suites only Dining Room that most feel are better then specialty restaurants; Suites only pool, hot tubs, bars, lounges, observation area and sundecks. The Haven has a Butler of sorts. The key is much less crowded, easy to find a lounge chair by the pool or hot tub, the staff is usually the best-of-the-best to earn the right to be their. There are a few more amenities but I think you get the idea. The best Haven's are on the Bigger, newer ships. This allows you to have water slides, go-carts, Lasor tag and other area's with everyone on the ship and a very exclusive private place to go when you want privacy. When you go on a ship like that are Premium-Plus or Luxury like Oceania or my reference which was the old Crystal Cruises, the moment the guest leave their room, every guest is treated the same with very few exceptions. My term is "Haven on Steroid". You have complementary laundry and laundry facilities on most decks; Complementary soft drinks in the stateroom mini fridge; Upgraded bath amenities; Access to all the specialty restaurants with on guarantied reservation for each and waitlist on other nights; Dinning is better (remember food is relative); Smaller ships that go to more port intensive itinerary; traditionally better personalized service. The real key difference is everyone is treated the same because that is the model. I choose Oceania over the Haven for my Mediterranean Cruise because I wanted a laid back cruise since I will be doing a lot of walking at the ports. When I was on Crystal Cruises, it was way to low key for me at the time. It was not port intensive, we missed a bunch of ports so lots of sea day. Not the right ship or brand to be on for that type of trip. My understanding is the entertainment is not as good on Oceania which is understandable. Give and take just know what you are getting. Now I don't mean to be confusing with my outline. My biggest complaint with the Haven, Retreat or Yacht Club was when you leave it, the quality and experience is different. The consistent treatment was on outside the exclusive area. Remembering my experience is with the Haven per your comment and not with Oceania. For my wife and I it is kind of like. Some nights you want Prime Rib and other nights you want Seafood. Both are good all you have to know is what your want your over all experience to be. Hope all this makes sense. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  2. My son went to Auburn. My daughter went to Alabama. House divided. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  3. I wrote the Cruise Critic op-ed on the Premium Plus Beverage Package. I have purchased it on my last five cruises. The last two cruises, the higher end stuff I was able to get on the three previous cruises were no longer offered. Example was my favorite which is Tequila 1942. Not a supply chain issue, readily available. Second example, something as simple as Chardonnay. That is all my wife drinks. On a seven day cruise on the NCL Breakaway, with the PLUS package, my wife who can drink wine in a box could not fine a decent Chardonnay but for two nights. What was being served was truly awful. Third example, Crown Royal, none. Fourth example, Selected Bottles of wine could be ordered at lunch and dinner. You could order another when the first was finished. If you have some left over, you could bring it back to your stateroom. You can no longer bring it back to the stateroom, you are limited to one bottle. The list goes on. All changes within the last 8 months. The best and most recent example is Kinky Boots. The cost was to high so they took it off. It was a news release. I fully understand Supply and Demand. Just like hotels and airlines. The key here is fare increase while quality goes down. You mentioned the room servicing, the food in the MDR and Buffet quality. The service was great and the food was noticeably not. Remember the comparison, last two of five cruises. Add into this the items purchased after the fare. Spa, Vibe, spirits and that list goes on. I love NCL. My first cruise was 44 years ago on the SS Norway. My point is simple. Raise pricing PLEASE. No issue. I am good. Don't cut service quality, food quality and experience Quality. You mentioned Excursions. I booked the Beach Villa on the NCL Private Island over a year ago. It was $599.00 for the day. My last trip it was $799.00 after the FAS discount. I passed and walk back to the area. Half the villa's were vacant. So much for supply and demand. The Haven is so high, I can take Luxury and Ultra-Luxury brands whom are all inclusive for the same or in some cases less. This is important to my post because I also wrote the op-ed on the Secrets to the Haven VIP luxury Experience which is still going strong after 5 years and one update in 2021. I have no issue with NCL in general, I will cruise them again, I feel for the financial position they are in and I have NO skin in the game except for wanting to have a smile on my face when my vacation is over. These issue will fix themselves or NCL will not be in business anymore. I want folks to know the good, bad and ugly prior to cruising. That way they will have "Realistic Expectations". Now that I know what I know from the last two cruises, I will allow NCL some time to find their sea legs again. I will be back and harbor no resentment. I hope I addressed you issues and question. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  4. @ChiefMateJRK Hello sir. I hope you are safe, healthy and well. Way back "When", I started writing about my cruise vacation experiences. We have replied to each other comments and posts many times. On a unique level, we don't always agree but we always respect each others point of view. The key of all of my personal writing has been, to create "Realistic Expectations". The issue with social media (no finger pointing here) is some folk tend to exaggerate the treatment they receive good/bad. At face value, it is their right to express their experience anyway they choose. Where the challenge comes in is when the person reading a comment and thinking that will be their standard when traveling. The actual comment was something special done for them. The reader now makes that their expectation for their future cruise. An example is a personal escort into the back entrance to a small venue like the Cavern Club. That escort could have happened to the poster however it is not a policy of NCL so the next guest that askes, does not receive the same treatment. Disappointment happens. The challenge is the expectation has been set as if it is the policy and consistent. Now take my example and expand it to both smaller and larger events. @The Traveling Man was expressing the experiences that he had and how they are not matching his past experiences. Only he can make that evaluation because the experience were only his. I have had many but not all of the same experiences so I read his comments it supported my own thoughts. Others have had none of the experience stated. My take on his post was something I truly believe in. It is OK for any cruise brand to raise the fares/price on all products and services especially in todays day and time. It is not OK to raise prices and decrease quality. To justify raising prices with lower quality does not make sense and will receive pushback sooner vs. later from the guest. Your response was that you have felt no real differences in the recent experiences you have received. I also support your point of view based on your personal experience. Now I have two points of view to consider. IF I read @The Traveling Man article followed by your response and do not have a personal experience of my own, it allows me to go on my next cruising adventure knowing not everything is as describe by every poster. That is healthy and allows my original goal of creating "Realistic Expectations" to naturally happen. My concern is and always will be. When a guest goes on a cruise, they visualize how that cruise will transpire and to many of the events that thought would happen, does not. The disappointment will not be with the actual policies of the cruise brand. It will be on the perceived policies. Every contributor has an obligation to accept others experiences if it was provided in a professional way. Let me be CLEAR here, NO rocks are being tossed in anyone's direction. I am just making a request and I too hope ALL CRUISE BRANDS are reading this. Please feel free to increase prices as long as you keep the quality the same. My request to all guest. Please give the good with the bad so folks can set "Realistic Expectations". Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  5. @curlstravel Thank you for you comment. Many other guest have felt very much the same as you do. Sometimes change reminds a guest why the chose the brand in the first place. Thank you again for the comment. Cruise Well and Enjoy Every Moment.
  6. Now that I have your attention, "I truly love NCL" especially the "Haven" . Anyone who has ever been in charge of a division of a large company, owned their own company or a manager for a successful company, understand what is going on right now. The simple fact is running a cruise brand after a pandemic, is like walking a tight rope. These companies have lost vast quantities of money, over a long period of time, forcing them all to get into huge debt. That debt caused huge payments to the lenders. Now the interest rates are higher not allowing a refinance possibility. That is the environment the cruise companies live in today. Now just for a minute, YOU are running NCL. How do you pay your payments, make a profit for the stockholders and keep the guest happy. There is the "tight rope" that needs to be navigated. So what do you attempt to do? More precisely, what do you do to "test the waters with your clients". No guest wants things to change except for MORE amenities and benefits. Taking things away from guest is a tough deal. The cruise brand can SPIN it anyway the want, we the consumer are NOT stupid. Let's call out a few: Reducing the number of times a day you stateroom will be cleaned or refreshed. Increasing the cost of certain spirits (Bailey's Irish Cream is an example) so there is a cost for the item over the Perk Drink Package. Reducing the number of room stewards thereby reducing the staff cost. Increasing Gratuities Suggestions that usually are taken out of the Stateroom Portfolio. Changing the Rules on programs like the Premium Plus Beverage Package. Some Broadway Shows eliminated due to cost. Increase in overall Fares. There are a lot more changes and adjustment that have been made. To many to mention. All of the above create a certain level of resentment from guest. We all understand it, however we also naturally don't like that kind of change. I have noticed on other brand boards that a lot more guests are posting as NEW to the brand. A small mutiny from ones favorite brand, it would seem. No brand is immune. Not that the changes are that big a deal for ALL. It is just a feeling of resentment as I indicated above. I personally felt this way and my next cruise is on another brand. My right, my wants/needs and my money. Yet it is funny. The brand I choose have long time guest saying, "I will never cruise (Insert Brand) again". This same brand has lots of Newbies like me hoping for a change, like me. The difference is I still LOVE NCL, the Entertainment Options, the way the ship is organized and again especially the Haven. I just want a change with the hope that the industry will regain their footing quickly. I don't blame NCL, Celebrity, Carnival, and or MSC. You got to do what you got to do. Business is business. Recovery from a pandemic is a tough deal. All I ask is we as guest don't over react. Just because you use another brand does not mean you are gone forever. You will, however read the newest reviews before you return. Just my two cents and thanks for reading. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  7. @MEFIowa Now we are talking. Overproof rum, let me raise my hand. Fun stuff. Even more fun is that we are on the same cruise. Great idea. Thank you. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  8. @jonthomas Let's commit to doing really good reviews, that are transparent and honest for this board. I am on the newly refurbished Riviera. I have nothing to compare it too except other cruises I have been on. From a Newbie perspective, I will do my review. Seems like there are a lot of new to Oceania posting which is encouraging to me. Guest need well balanced and honest reviews to make good business decision. Thanks for the reply. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  9. @SATaxman If you would have asked me some years ago, I would have given you a long list. Today, not so much. Diet coke would be it really. I figure, what my request are could be accommodated by the butler or Room Steward. My past experience was if I asked for anything, the crew would bring way to much. I hate waste. So today, I just keep it simple. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  10. @Flatbush Flyer Wow and I do mean wow. Once again, this post should be at the beginning of the Oceania Cruises Blog on CruiseCritic.com. Very helpful and educational. Thank you and others that have addressed this and other issues. @Flatbush Flyer Double Dipping is a universal issue that most brands stay away from. Yet, on occasion, it can happen. Very rare but it can happen. I booked my "O" cruise on the Sept 1, 2022 labor day promotion that gave a Four-Category-Upgrade. I was thrilled. Then on this current sale, I asked my TA to check. I was blown away that my fare went down another $900.00 a person. I had to lose my American Express Platinum perk of $150 per person OBC but netted $750.00 a person. My point is, this for me was a double dip. Again, I did not think it could happen. I almost did not ask my TA even to look. This and other streams motivated me. The moral of the story is it does not cost to ask. Thank you again. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  11. @Psoque I know I sound like a broken record, but here goes. I am a "Newbie" on Oceania but not on cruising. 44 years of cruise vacations on other brands. The issue you had with your TA for ME was not uncommon. I did trial and error on TA. I found a good one now. As my current agent told me every time I ask for a change, or inquiry; Oceania take some time on hold to handle it. She has learned to call at specific hours to get a quicker response. The issue as she describe it to me was, "Travel Agents make a commission. It is nice but not over the top. When making to many changes or inquiries, the time invested makes the commission less then great. The GREAT agents understand that and know, once they fully understand the clients needs, most of the questions or adjustment can be handled on the initial reservation. Another words, great agents play the long game." Another experience I have had is some folk love their agents and when I used them, I did not. So like Oceania Agents online, it is hit or miss on TA as well. Again, this is ONLY my perspective. My experience. Not meant to be anyone else. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  12. @Fairwinds789 In my first dealings with Oceania, I have found the same thing. My TA was so impressed with the person from Oceania she spoke with, she asked for a direct line to her. This is not just an Oceania thing. The "Right Person" approach works for all airlines and cruise brands. Some times it is simply the luck of the draw. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  13. @ashkay16 Allow me to share some wonderful experiences. First of all, the Haven Horizon Observation area is off the charts. Now I have been on the Joy in the Haven and non-Haven suites. Below the Horizon is the full ships Observation area with a Starbucks. The Haven Horizon had a Starbuck Machine that was also wonderful. On the 18th deck, in the front of the ship is the Haven Library. I loved this area and when I wanted privacy and quiet, I would go there. The Beatles Review from the main theatre to the cavern club were some favorites. The Chocolate Cake in Cagney's is awesome (Not have but great). The "Smoking Drink" at the Haven Bar was a show and drink all in itself. Nice experience. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  14. @latebloomer56 You did the right thing because you got great service. If I was choosing your next trip in the Haven, it would be the NCL JOY, without question. I was in the JOY Haven and the Breakaway Haven. I like the JOY much better. Glad you had a good time. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  15. @LHT28 I have a suggestion. The YWC Discount is one of the many things that you taught me about Oceania. That topic, with many of the other hints should be pinned on the very beginning of this Oceania Blog. Other topics could be "Oceania Air" with deviation and other fees. The drink package would be another one. I am only suggesting this because of the many questions that are asked over and over again especially right now with so many new guest booking Oceania like myself. One of the biggest complaints of Oceania is it is complicated. The normal response is it is only complicated at first. This pinned article could share some strategy on navigating when new to Oceania. Just a thought. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  16. My wife and I are available. LOL Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  17. @SATaxman It is my first trip on Oceania as well. This sale for me came out of the blue and I learned about the sale and how to access it here on this blog on CruiseCritic.com. Seems to be unusual. For me, I booked using a promotion in September 2022. The four category upgrade promotion. I had no idea we could also use this sale. I simply called my TA and it was done. The key for anytime you are cruising on a new brand is the CruiseCritic.com blog for that brand. Ask any questions here as I have been. It all becomes clear after a while. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  18. @TimCruise23 You have been heard. Thank you. This is a thread on the secrets of the Haven. Thank you for participating. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  19. @DCGuy64 I know how you feel and have gotten frustrated in the past. The nature of Social Media is often about helpful education on topics the poster feels they have a wealth of knowledge about. Sometimes a line in a post catches a response and a small interaction happens. As frustrating as it might seem, it always comes back to the topic the Author wrote about. I too hope this topic comes back because it is important to me. It is also important to all the first time "O" guests. The more feed back on "First Impressions on Oceania", the more we newbies and adjust and control our realistic expectations. I do hope we get lost more feed back on First Impressions. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  20. @TimCruise23 Welcome to CruiseCritic.com. I see you just joined about one hour ago. You must have had a less than positive time on the Gem from your posting. Many of the issues you bring on, on your first and only post, could have been in some ways less of an issue if you would have reviewed some aspects of this thread. Which ships have the best Haven, best times to go, how to communicate with your butler. I am not saying your cruise would have be all you hoped, it was obviously disappointing. I am saying, it might have been a much better experience. Hope your next cruises on which ever cruise line you choose meets and exceeds your expectation. There are brands, itineraries, price points and ship to excite everyone. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  21. @DCGuy64 Again, I understand what you are saying. This is why, spending some time on a specific brands blog allows all of us to establish realistic expectations. For me, I read about the food on "O" in blogs. I note what I hear that I like and what to avoid. I know I must have a piece of Pizza, crazy named ice cream and great coffee every morning. I learned careful what temp you order your steak at the Polo. The king cut of prime rib is like Flintstone's cut. A good call, have the sea bass in the fusion restaurant. So many other hints i have on a separate document. It has been a gas to learn from everyone. Allows you to know things that you would never had known without reading others comments. My only problem is my cruise is in November 2023. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  22. @Sailing12Away This is a great idea. Please tell me how the beef ribs were if you tasted them. I am a fan of those from a restaurant in my past called Darrell's. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  23. I never claim to be an expert on "O". However I am very familiar with NCL, and the NCL Haven. I can fully understand the Author's point of view. If what you are used too is a NCL ship and cruise, you kind of look for the the same thing. Very few people really drill down deeply at what makes one brand different from another. If you are new to "O" and want to learn the difference, you come to this blog. No one is shy, everyone has different likes and dislikes. The author was transparent. Some likes and some dislikes. They compared it to the brand they knew best, NCL. A very normal thing to do. They noticed things they had not seen before and were disappointed. It happens. Cruise by nature are always a little bit different even sometimes on the same ship, heck, even on back-to-back cruises on the same ship. When I reads a review, I log in my head what the person says. You read enough reviews, you get a general consensus. Different opinions allow for much more realistic expectations. If the review was everything was perfect, or nothing was right; they are not really internalized. It is the other 80% where you learn the real deal. So thank you to the author. You encouraged me to do write a very transparent review when it is my turn. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  24. @Psoque The long waits are a real thing. That said, sometimes the selection of a Travel Agent is as important as the brand, ship and stateroom. If your situation happened to me, it would sell me on the fact that when booking Oceania in the future, I will do it direct. In the past it was about being cancelled because of covid. Now it is about gaining a better deal on selected sales. It is really about having options and being able to communicate to change what we want. I do hope it all works out for you. All TA are not made the same. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
  25. @bookbabe as I have said so many time, you and @CDR Benson are going to have a fantastic time. Allow me to give a reason. For a moment, thing about the NCL Haven. Now make the entire ship the NCL Haven. The food and service are truly an enhancement. Still, if I were both of you, I would read the Regent Blog for hints. Still strategy like the Haven. I am jealous of the memory you both will have. Cruise well and enjoy every moment.
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