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Everything posted by TLCOhio

  1. Here is another interesting travel trend spotlighted that might fit with Silversea and their future offerings. From the Washington Post and MSN News yesterday, they had this headline: “Adventure travel is a growth industry thanks to women over 40” with these highlights: “Women comprise 57 percent of travelers who book through global travel companies, according to the Adventure Travel Trade Association. When the travel company is women-led, such as Wild Women Expeditions (WWE), Adventure Women or Sisters Traveling Solo, that number jumps to 64 percent. Estimated to be worth $2 trillion by 2032, the global adventure tourism industry is expanding rapidly, and women are a big part of that growth. They are not afraid to travel alone or to great heights.” Here is more background cited: "Older women, defined as over 65, represent the greatest recent increase in solo travel, going from 4 percent in 2019 to 18 percent in 2022. 'During the pandemic there was so much loss; now there’s this underlying current of ‘Go do things now,’' says Kristi Marsh, marketing director of Adventure Women, a company founded in 1982 to help women explore the outdoors." Silversea is well positioned to ride this "wave" of added interest for adventure-related offerings. Right? Full story at: https://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/news/adventure-travel-is-a-growth-industry-thanks-to-women-over-40/ar-AA1n38c9 THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Venice: Loving It & Why??!! Is one of your future desires or past favorites? See these many visual samples for its great history and architecture. This posting is now at 110,467 views. http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1278226
  2. As to future trends affecting the cruise lines and travelers, from the Wall Street Journal late yesterday, they had this headline: “These Travelers Have a Secret: They Love Cheap Cruises on Old Ships" with this sub-headline: "Passengers find better deals and blissfully smaller crowds far from the world’s largest cruise ships.” Here are some of their reporting highlights: “Picking an older, smaller cruise might make for less fancy travel, but it comes with obvious advantages. Lower demand for the aged vessels in cruise lines’ fleets can prompt some big-deal savings. Some of these ships sail more exotic itineraries, and passengers enjoy greater attention from crew members without feeling so crowded. A cruise ship can start to show its age at around 15 years.” Silversea has BOTH . . . newer ships and older ones. How do they adjust for the future? Here is more from this fascinating WSJ reporting: "Keeping older ships in a fleet enables cruise lines to serve a wider array of destinations. Newer megaships can be too big to dock in certain harbors, including Tahiti. 'We intentionally place our smaller ships in more exotic destinations with longer, port-intensive itineraries that offer a more immersive experience that our guests love,' says David Herrera, president of Norwegian Cruise Line." Personally, we love more exotic destination that offer port-intensive itineraries. Silversea offers many great options fitting those categories. Full story at: https://www.wsj.com/lifestyle/travel/royal-caribbean-icon-of-the-seas-cruise-ship-0999d6f4?mod=wknd_pos1 THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Sydney to NZ/Auckland Adventure, live/blog 2014 sampling/details with many exciting visuals and key highlights. On page 23, post #571, see a complete index for all of the pictures, postings. Now at 248,212 views. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/1896175-solstice-live-australianzhawaii-many-pix’s-jan-20-feb-3/
  3. Super appreciate the excellent sail-away picture and follow-up from savvy UK travel expert Fletcher. Hopefully for us, the Silver Moon will connect with our food for our 18-day cruise to Singapore in Mumbai. Maybe, if and if, depending cruising speeds that will be the routing used by the Captain of the Silver Moon. Cute comment as to our ship needing to take a "LONG DRINK" in Cape Town. Yes, lots of fuel will be needed to be loaded in Cape Town for that long journey across the Indian Ocean. From www.cruisemapper.com below (circled in red) is a visual capture for the current position in the Med for the Silver Moon as it sails west-bound: And, here is the current, colorful view in Malta with the Silver Moon having departed this am. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Early 2020, many visuals and details from New Zealand/South Pacific in going from Auckland to French Polynesia. This includes Bora Bora, Fiji, NZ experiences, etc: Live/blog: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2735732-live-terryohio-“new”-regatta-south-pacificnz-pix’s/
  4. Great updating and visuals from our friend down under in Australia. Yes, super agree as to your wise insight of "Wouldn't like to be a SS logistics planner at the moment .... they would be stressed to the max." Am still of the view that after Cape Town, the Silver Moon will be heading to Mumbai. The timing for WHEN this ship arrives in India is still a major, serious question. With Mumbai, versus starting in Sri Lanka, it will be easier to arrange hotels and flights for those hundreds of paid-up Silver Moon passengers who might need to re-arrange schedules. Just speculating and guessing?? Just completed yesterday doing our on-line India Visa "process" last night. That's a whole another amazing journey of a "roller-coast" ride to detail later. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio
  5. Appreciate this update from Marc. I just saw and posted on the earlier thread that on the www.cruisemapper.com website that the Silver Moon is still, now in Malta. They have, however, listed that this ship's next destination is Cape Town and due there February 2 at 10 am. Progress? Here is the graphic from this website: Tonight's key question: From my earlier checking, to do Cape Town to Mumbai, it means sailing 4599 nautical miles. That would require 10 days 16 hours to accomplish at 18 knots speed as per sea-distances.org. How will that work out for reaching Mumbai on February 11 or 12? Can they speed up the schedule for arriving in Cape Town? Or, sail at a higher speed than 18 knots? THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio
  6. Comparing Aussie versus U.S. tort law is much, much beyond my mental and/or legal skill levels. But, more important, I just saw on the www.cruisemapper.com website that the Silver Moon is still, now in Malta. They have, however, listed that this ship's next destination is Cape Town and due there February 2 at 10 am. Progress? Here is the graphic from this website: Tonight's key question: From my earlier checking, to do Cape Town to Mumbai, it means sailing 4599 nautical miles. That would require 10 days 16 hours to accomplish at 18 knots speed as per sea-distances.org. How will that work out for reaching Mumbai on February 11 or 12? Can they speed up the schedule for arriving in Cape Town? Or, sail at a higher speed than 18 knots? THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Canada 2022/2023: Scenic visuals, details from Canada Maritimes (Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Cape Breton Island). Plus, new from Aug. 2023, exploring historic/charming Quebec City. Visual/Info Summaries: www.flickr.com/photos/196555480@N08/albums
  7. Agree 100% with the wisdom by Downunder55. What did the Silver Moon cost to build and equip? $400-500 million? More? Less? No Royal Caribbean CFO would allow that kind of risk to happen for one of their ships. And, there would still be a significant number crew members on the ship. No passengers, but these types of human risks would hard to image. Love to read the back-up info that cruise ships without passengers would be OK under these current, war-like conditions. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio
  8. Appreciate this great link. Below is a quick screen shot to share with others who do not want to take the time to click on this site. Will check back as to how soon the Silver Moon will be departing and heading westbound to the Atlantic Ocean. Agree with fdnycruiser as to it being sad that passengers will not be along to enjoy this unique "adventure" to Africa and India. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio
  9. Appreciate this follow-up and news link. From that story, the most important part for me is: "Silversea writes in a statement to The Maritime Executive. 'The voyage between Mumbai and Singapore, scheduled between Feb 11 and Feb 29, is currently scheduled to proceed as planned.' " Right now on www.cruisemapper.com, it does not show the current position of the Silver Moon on this reliable website. Maybe Silversea has not yet posted as to their next port, arrival time, etc. Assume "our ship" is in Malta preparing to sail west to circumnavigate Africa. Will keep monitoring to check for more updates and details. Liked also the information provided by southend from the UK. Keep up the great sharing. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio
  10. Appreciate this added follow-up from Sue in London. Sorry about the confusion as to refund versus also getting the added 20% 2024 discount. All is very frustrating and confusing. Hopefully the various SS offices can clarify and provide the maximum benefit to its customers. YES to highplanesdrivters in having our "FINGERS CROSSED" in hoping that the Feb. 11 sailing will happen as currently scheduled and promised. Having SS officials quoted in print helps a little. BUT, as happens with politicians, "things can change". What is said, claimed and/or hope for on one day, can be changed the next day or week. Per my calculations and estimates, Feb. 11 in Mumbai is still possible, if and if. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio
  11. Great to hear from wyocruiser that Silversea appears to be acting reasonable for doing such reimbursements as for the costs of the Saudi Visa, etc. As to the bigger questions for the circumnavigation of Africa and when the ship arrives in Asia, Silversea must figure out its "logistics" for getting down to Cape Town and then going to India or Sri Lanka. On another thread some have suggested it would be more reasonable to move the start of this Mumbai-Singapore cruise to a boarding in Columbo, Sri Lanka, on Feb. 16. Maybe? Maybe not? From the website sea-distances.org, the Cape Town to Mumbai journey is 4599 nautical miles, requiring 10 days 16 hours if using a sailing speed of 18 knots per hour. By contrast, at the same speed, going to the capital of Sri Lanka is 4362 nautical miles, taking 10 days 2 hours. Going to Columbo would save 16 hours, but would add huge additional costs to Silversea as roughly 600 passengers would need to spend (and be reimbursed) thousands of more dollars for flights, hotels, etc., in getting from Mumbai down to Sri Lanka, etc. For the Silver Moon, 17 knots is the normal "service speed" with 21 knots as its highest speed. I figured as using 18 knots speed for my estimates/calculations. A higher ship speed burns more fuel, but it could be very much worth it in order to lessen the additional costs in shifting the Mumbai sail-away time too much from Feb. 12. To complete my "speculations", from Malta assuming a midnight departure later today: it is Malta to Gibraltar, 984 nautical miles, 2 days 7 hour. Gibraltar to Cape Town, 5094 nautical miles, 11 days 19 hours Cape Town to Mumbai, 4599 nautical miles, 10 days 16 hours. That would total to Mumbai about 11k nautical miles, and require around 25 days using the 18 knots estimate. Maybe, if and if, realistic to board on Feb. 11? It all depends on sailing speed, where and how many re-fueling stops, etc. What am I missing and/or failing to consider? Look forward to learning more, but agree that it might not be till Friday that Silversea is able to finalize all of these calculations and re-supply details. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Sydney to NZ/Auckland Adventure, live/blog 2014 sampling/details with many exciting visuals and key highlights. On page 23, post #571, see a complete index for all of the pictures, postings. Now at 248,212 views. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/1896175-solstice-live-australianzhawaii-many-pix’s-jan-20-feb-3/
  12. We are booked on the Silver Moon starting Feb. 11 from Mumbai. Since mid-October on the "Silver Moon: Late Dec., Jan. Sailing Challenges/Questions??" thread on this SS board, I have been posting as to these various questions. Earlier, I had suggested and speculated that in late December, Silversea should have started to adjust schedules and commence the circumnavigation of Africa in order to reach either the Dubai, etc., cruises or to make the India/SE Asia sailings work. In fairness, I originally thought that the Suez Canal would be the major, most at-risk navigation point. But, then it ends up being the southern part of the Red Sea with the Yemen rebels and needing to sail into the Gulf of Aden. Now, Silversea must figure out its "logistics" for getting down to Cape Town and then going to India or Sri Lanka. From the website sea-distances.org, the Cape Town to Mumbai journey is 4599 nautical miles, requiring 10 days 16 hours if using a sailing speed of 18 knots per hour. By contrast, at the same speed, going to the capital of Sri Lanka is 4362 nautical miles, taking 10 days 2 hours. Going to Columbo would save 16 hours, but would add huge additional costs to Silversea as roughly 600 passengers would need to spend thousands of more dollars for flights, hotels, etc., in getting from Mumbai down to Sri Lanka. For the Silver Moon, 17 knots is the normal "service speed" with 21 knots as its highest speed. I figured as using 18 knots speed for my calculations. A higher ship speed burns more fuel, but it could be worth it in order to lessen the additional costs in shifting the Mumbai sail-away time too much from Feb. 12. Look forward to learning more, but agree that it might not be till Friday that Silversea is able to finalize all of these calculations and re-supply details. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Sydney to NZ/Auckland Adventure, live/blog 2014 sampling/details with many exciting visuals and key highlights. On page 23, post #571, see a complete index for all of the pictures, postings. Now at 248,212 views. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/1896175-solstice-live-australianzhawaii-many-pix’s-jan-20-feb-3/
  13. Appreciate these additional comments and follow-ups. From our TA who has close contact with SS key people, it is still "SILENCE" as to any specifics to confirm exactly when the Silver Moon will arrive in Mumbai. From www.cruisemapper.com, the Silver Moon is getting very close to arriving in Malta. Per this website, the ship is sailing at a speed of 17 kn / 31 km/ and is still due to arrive there at 6 pm today. Last night from the sea-distances.org website, I was doing some rough estimating as to ship travel distances and speeds, etc. Will share more later today. Would love to hear from those who departed the Silver Moon in Athens as to if all of the staff was staying on the ship or if a large number departed there. It could be that Malta will be the major re-supply and staff changing point. More to come?? When from Silversea?? THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio
  14. This makes sense as it gives them more time to get ALL of the food and supplies pulled together for that long journey down the western coast of Africa. Also, in Malta, they can shift various staff on and off of the ship. Hopefully, we will hear more details from those passengers who were forced off in Athens as to what details the staff shared before their disembarkation. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio
  15. YES, as the below graphic shows, it was a quick turn-around in the Athens port and now per www.cruisemapper.com the Silver Moon has set sail . . . QUICKLY!!! Destination shows as Valletta, Malta, arriving Jan. 17 at 6 p.m. It shows their current speed as 17 kn / 31 km/h. Nothing yet from Silversea and/or on our Feb. 11 cruise "My Silversea" website to indicated as to when and if the Silver Moon does its sail-away from Mumbai. Given that most of the Asian Silver Moon cruises are fully booked, I doubt that they are going to scrub all of those cruises. Hopefully, Silversea will update in the next few days. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio
  16. Great above analysis from our UK friend. Keep it coming with your insights. The Silver Moon has arrived in Athens' nearby port. See below. Good luck and safe travels for all involved. Look forward to hearing any and all updates and details from those who are soon departing the Silver Moon. Plus, we await official announcements from Silversea as to where and how the Silver Moon catches up for its upcoming, scheduled sailings. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio From www.cruisemapper.com
  17. Appreciate this excellent research and follow-up from our friends in the UK. Agree that it is tight and questionable as to how this circumnavigation of Africa can be accomplished in limited time. Earlier, my very rough guess is that it would take 25 days to accomplish such a sailing. That estimate of "Total distance 13250. 13250nm in 610 hours requires an average speed of 21.7kts" could be correct. Clearly the "logistics" for re-fueling, crew arrangements, etc., require some serious planning and preparations. Our TA has been bugging Silversea folks for more information and I expect to hear and learn more by the middle of this week. Excellent point by Kauaijim as to: "A lot of fuel burned with no revenue. Airlines can swap planes can SS swap ships?" Clearly, cruise lines cannot "flip" and/or move ships as to how the airlines can do that . . . QUICKLY and easily!! THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio AFRICA?!!?: Fun, interesting visuals, plus travel details from this early 2016 live/blog. At 55,586 views. Featuring Cape Town, South Africa’s coast, Mozambique, Victoria Falls/Zambia and Botswana's famed Okavango Delta. www.boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=2310337
  18. You asked. Here goes. As of this morning, the Silver Moon is headed to Athens and due to arrive there in seventeen hours. Due there per www.cruisemapper.com at 2 am tomorrow morning. Below is the graphic for the ship's current position. Getting close to Athens and seems on schedule. In just checking the Silversea website this morning, all of the previous Silver Moon cruises have been scrubbed off of their website for Dubai, Doha, Muscat, etc. The first available cruise showing now is Mumbai to Singapore, February 11-29. Sounds good, maybe?? BUT, Silversea has not yet officially announced that they are sailing westbound without passengers from Athens in the Med, going down the west coast of Africa, circling South Africa and heading directly to Mumbai. That probable plan seems highly likely, but nothing official has been confirmed by Silversea. Our February 11-29 cruise is all solid-out and wait-listed except for one remaining Silver Suite. We have booked and paid for a February 5-11 private tour of the India Golden Triangle of Delhi, Agre and Jaipur. All flights are booked and confirmed. BUT, we have considered some options as to if and how Silversea makes timing changes for this scheduled cruise. Does this help? Look forward to hearing from those currently on the Silver Moon as to what ship officers there are saying or sharing. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio Athens & Greece: Visuals, details from two visits in a city and nearby with great history, culture and architecture. Now at 61,775 views. http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1101008
  19. Good luck in your efforts to get things worked out. Legitimately, Silversea could have handled this much, much better, improved their communications, been more open and shown a higher level of responsiveness. BUT, in fairness, this is a very unique and totally difficult circumstance that no one could have accurately predicted. Just like with Covid, the cruise lines were sailing into uncharted waters with heavy winds blowing both ways. As noted earlier, I thought that the Suez Canal would be the highest danger zone for the Silver Moon. Things changed!!!! My guessing and speculations were wrong at that point for the high-risk territory . Be patience and reasonable. Be hopeful!! Silversea has lots and lots to adjust and fix for several thousand people, passengers and staff. Plus, re-routing logistics and suppliers, etc. Ideally, they will improve their offering, options and communications in the next few days. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio From late 2018, see “Holy Lands, Egypt, Jordan, Oman, Dubai, Greece, etc.”, with many visuals, details and ideas for the historic and scenic Middle East. Now at 22,363 views. Connect at: www.boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2607054-livenautica-greece-holy-lands-egypt-dubai-terrypix’s/
  20. Agree that the 20% might not be best, fair and/or appropriate, depending on each traveler's circumstances and challenges. As to places to follow-up, here are two initial options: GuestRelations@silversea.com GuestRelationsUK@silversea.com It might depends as to where in the world you are located. What's your home/nation location? You also try to reach the Silversea CEO who is based in Monaco. I think one of her email is: BarbaraM@silversea.com BMuckerman@silversea.com BMuckermann@silversea.com From www.cruisemapper.com late this afternoon, here is what they are showing as to the Silver Moon's current location (with this SS ship circled below in red): From this website, they have Piraeus-Athens as the destination with an ETA of January 16, 02:00 and a current speed of 19 kn / 35 km/h. Any other updates and/or added information? THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio
  21. YES!! Super wise to avoid spending that extra $6K for such a cruise ship offering. Enjoyed lincslady's wisdom for liking a smaller, more personal ship environment versus the BIG, BIG ships. Lots to love with a 'village/small town' atmosphere. Great sharing and comments!! THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio
  22. Yes, our fingers need to be crossed for all involved. It was nearly three months ago when I first started this thread and was raising serious questions as to how the Silver Moon managed to make safe transitions in late January 2024. Initially, I was more worried about the Suez Canal. Fortunately, that has not been as big of an issue or question BUT, the southern part of the Red Sea has literally "blown up"!! Sadly!! As of this morning, the Silversea website shows this cruise being open for booking: However, when you click on the golden button to book, this message pops up: Hopefully in the next few days, maybe longer given that Monday is the MLK holiday here in the US, Silversea will be updating and communicating their plans and schedules during the next few weeks. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio
  23. Great question as to this surprising news. We have been looking at and considering the Silver Wind for Antarctica in early 2025 on this ship. The "rumors" for what it might be worth (or not), is that Silversea might be narrowing down its fleet and would be selling off the Silver Wind. Look forward to learning more. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio
  24. YES, it is very unfortunate that you have had the originally-promised stop for Luxor scrubbed out TWICE. We feel so fortunate during our late 2018 Middle East cruise that we had two days and an overnight stay in Luxor. It is such a world-class historic site there on the amazing Nile River. Appreciate so much your follow-ups and postings. Refresh my memory as to roughly how many are sailing on the Silver Moon now and what Silversea is saying, handling future adjusted flight schedules, etc. Good luck in dealing with these challenges. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio
  25. Great that you are "Alive and Well". Super enjoying all of the pictures and updates. Keep 'em comin'!! Lots of fun and excitement for us, especially with the cold and snow hitting much of the USA right now. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio
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