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Everything posted by KenzSailing

  1. An anecdote: a few years ago we celebrated my birthday at a rather fancy restaurant in DC. We had a wonderful time, full of laughter, levity and innocence. They left a small stationery card at my place setting(I'm looking at it right now.) It read "Happy Birthday! May this be your best year yet!" It was dated February 15, 2020. Two, maybe three weeks later the bottom fell out of the world.
  2. Well shoot. Going to have to hang the Closed sign on the Chez's front door for a bit, as, after almost three years of run and hide, the evil 'Rona has caught the proprietor. OLoPP remains in the clear. Symptoms are thankfully mild. Congestion, runny nose, mild headache, occasional light chills. Consulted with my doc and he recommends not starting Paxlovid unless my symptoms worsen. Hope to be right as rain in three-four days. Will admit our masking regimen has gotten pretty relaxed, however we are max vaxed and boosted, and glad for that. Heard at the Chez this morning: OLoPP to Chef: "Do you think you have brain fog?" Chef: "No more than usual."
  3. Oh my, that's a rather harsh judgment of that fine product of Prince Edward Island. Our neighbors to the north would like a word. A polite word mind you, but still...
  4. It was sometime in July of '22. We did the $500/pp deposit to improve our chances. Talking to my TA about this last week, she told me her Regent contact said there are "100 names" on the WL. Don't know if that means 50 cabins or 100, but I assume the latter.
  5. Welp, the fishmonger's scallop delivery did not come in. So I'm steaming some mussels tonight. Have never done it, but it doesn't look like it could be any easier. Just wish I had a baguette to accompany.
  6. I have some Celebrity questions. Am I in the right place?
  7. Well hi there. Yeah, I'm hanging up the apron for the holidays. Someone else can do the cooking. We're excited about this cruise, first time we'll be on a holiday cruise spanning both Christmas and New Year's. Should be quite the do.
  8. Small world and exciting development! Interesting development today: my TA contacted me and told me Regent is able to assign us a cabin on deck 9, so no more pool deck concerns. Interesting how Regent keeps finding availability on this WLed cruise. And yes, we'll stay on the WL for a Concierge cabin.
  9. Hello all. We are potential first time Regent cruisers(Crystal refugees.) MY TA contacted me today to tell me that, much to my surprise, we have cleared the waitlist for the Grandeur Panama Canal cruise this December 21. Really excited about this as it spans both Christmas and New Years. Here comes the hitch: I am a late riser(9-9:30ish) and we have been assigned F1 Superior 1018, below what appears to be the Pool Grill area of the pool deck. I've checked the cabin spreadsheets(thank you UUNetBill) for Explorer and Splendor and any remarked on cabins in that area seem to get the expected comments about furniture arrangement noises in the early AM. I'm torn on how to proceed, any guidance anyone would care to provide is appreciated. A separate but related question: I'm working with my TA to understand how the Regent WL works if we decline this cabin. It seems we could stay on the WL, but would move to the back of the line(we've done the $500/pp WL deposit). Does anyone have experience with the specific scenario of declining a WL cabin, but staying on the WL hoping to improve your hand?
  10. Yo @BWIVince, if you've got HBO, I've got a movie recommendation: "The Menu." Call it a biting satire, definitely a black comedy, it's a critical look at class(the social construct, not manners), wealth, but mostly, foodie culture. And wow does it hit its mark(with a sledgehammer, not a rapier.) You'll recognize many of the characters who populate it. I know I did and yes, I may, on occasion, have been one of them. Also, it stars Ralph Fiennes, who's always a fun watch. And, as you're watching, think about this: https://www.bonappetit.com/story/noma-restaurant-closing
  11. Great question. I've been tempted to but have never gotten around to it. However, just today I'm in the home stretch of finally making my big winter batch of french onion soup, and man does the Chez smell good. Also, when looking at the recipe for Prego mushroom soup, it's a little insight into one reason their cuisine was as good as it was. Even buying commercially and in quantity, it's not an inexpensive shopping list. Would have been way easier and cheaper to trim the ingredient list.
  12. Grandpa wasn't named Zeno, by any chance? https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeno's_paradoxes#:~:text=Suppose someone wishes to get,would never actually be reached.
  13. RE itineraries: I just can't believe that neither Patty nor Keith has said that "we're fixin' to find out." I mean, do either of you really live in Texas?
  14. Now, had you added "and there was a very tiny man driving a very tiny zamboni polishing the ice" that would have been an Oh! Canada story for the ages.
  15. Oh that's a memory Dickens would have cribbed, One question: when you refer to Yorkshire Pudding are you referring to the one made with beef tallow?
  16. So, I'm staying out of OLoPPs way as the stroganoff symphony gets underway. This has me reminiscing about NYEs of yore(boring alert, Vince will like this, everyone else...) Back in the day, we were smitten by Alinea in Chicago(still are.) Way back in 2014, we got the wild hare to go to Alinea for NYE(yes, fly into Chicago in the winter on SWA). We were younger and less wise(now not younger, still less wise.) Odd thing was, we could only get a 9 PM(maybe 9:30) reservation. Later than we'd like, but we booked it. We get there, place is humming(quietly, everything at Alinea is done quietly) and we go thru our progression of dishes that one by one make it a glorious evening. It's getting on toward midnight. We're about to ask for the check, server stalls us. They usher EVERYONE in the restaurant into the kitchen where BOH staff awaits. Chef is there is and says a few words of thanks for the support. Then they sabre open a huge bottle(Jeroboam?) of champagne, pour it out, and we all toast the new year. In Alinea's freaking kitchen. It's reasonable to find this either silly, wonderful, or both. Put us in the wonderful camp. Oh yeah, we went back the next year and did it again. Difference was, the next day they started knocking out walls to make way for Alinea 2.0(remind you of anything.) These days, they do two NYE seatings like every other joint. I am not given much to this sentimentality but some things are not what they used to be. Also, we got into and out of Chicago on NYE on SWA both time with nary a hitch. Lucky duckies.
  17. Yes, Happy New Year all(I mean, they've already worked off their hangovers in eastern Australia.) Over here at the Chez, the fun is about to get underway. Mrs Chef will soon start on her famous NYE stroganoff, followed by her NYD brisket. I do love the greatest hits portion of the program.
  18. I can deal with a couple hundred bucks in admin fees to discourage multiple ghost bookings, but that one is a bridge too far for me too. It comes across like a scene out of a US prohibition era movie where the muscle is saying to the shop owner "now are you sure you don't want to book the door to door fare?"
  19. Thanks, now I understand your perspective. Without criticizing your strategy in any way, I'll just point out that old Crystal implemented the admin fee as a deterrent to exactly this behavior. Guess it's working.
  20. Sincere question: who do you cruise on that doesn't have some type of fee upon booking? I've looked at Celebrity recently only to discover they quote two cruise fares, the teaser one with a nonrefundable deposit, and the considerably higher one with deposit refundability for a substantially higher amount. That's a bigger bite than any admin fee, and my TA tells me it's pretty common in the premium/MM segments.
  21. I caught "saplings" too, but let it go. Lesson learned, the typo gloves are off. So I'll point out Keith "leaned" his lesson from the saplings, which I guess refers to a trip to the fitness center. En garde!
  22. Talk about being thankful at this holiday season, yesterday I picked my car up after 109(!) days in the shop. That was fun(and it's not doing our cruise budget any favors.)
  23. Well, I'll have you know I walked all the way down the stairs to the kitchen, because that's where the goodness was. Mrs Chef at the Chez was cooking away, a turkey breast with the rest of the gravy food group going. It was a wonderful mid-day repast, followed by some football(watching, I'm not talking activity here) and there may have been a nap in there somewhere. Now, we're off to OLoPP's favorite part of the day: an evening snack of cold turkey sandwiches. As Khan Noonien Singh famously observed "turkey is a dish that is best served cold." Or something like that. OK, I was off just a little:
  24. Vince, We had a great good time at the new Caruso's Grocery in Pike and Rose(man, has that development been a success.) Very good food, large portions(share with someone else or be prepared to take home a lot of food.) And they mix a very good Manhattan. My kind of joint.
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