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Everything posted by KU1and2

  1. I understand that. I have been following Pete's blog.
  2. The Suez Canal again.? Third year in a row……….
  3. I also travel with a Type I diabetic -- the deserts are not "sugar free" they are "no sugar added" which is much different as we found out. There are plenty of choices however and my husband has never gone hungry on a HAL cruise. But you do need to be very careful and ask questions.
  4. Our last cruise we did tell them it was for insulin but they did not waive the cost. Still very inexpensive. True they are only "coolers", but we take a thermometer for the cooler, and we keep the ice bucket full of ice uncovered in the cooler which keeps the temperature about 39-47 degree F. and the room stewards fill the ice twice a day. Keeping the insulin at the medical center did not work for us -- as their hours are so short and inconsistent! We found a way to make it work!
  5. We love the Volendam. If you want a mini fridge, you just need to contact Ship's services -- either before your cruise or on-board and they will have one delivered. HOWEVER, they used to charge $2.50 per day -- but for us it is well worth it to keep my husband's insulin cold.
  6. We are on the same cruise on 3 December and live in Boynton Beach. Send me an email at bnbmoore1 at gmail dot com and we can discuss some options. Barbara
  7. They have adhesive strips included -- but we found command strips or tacky putty work to hold them in place longer. https://www.amazon.com/Plasti-Tak-Original-Re-usable-Adhesive-Putty/dp/B075KQ9KYV/ref=sr_1_63?crid=ZFYMVN0OLFE6&keywords=tacky+putty&qid=1688740479&sprefix=tacky%2Caps%2C129&sr=8-63
  8. For #3 we found these lights at Amazon -- work really well -- stick on wall and they are motion sensors. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07PB9Z1ZZ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  9. We were locked out of booking airfare on FlightEase last year for over a month. After several calls, it was finally resolved -- HAL had to delete our incorrect airport of record - don't know where they got it from -- and put in our correct airport preference.
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