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Posts posted by tncap

  1. Most (all?) of the nightclubs on the ships have an Electric White Night theme one evening. Our roll call dressed in all white and had glow sticks, etc. It is supposedly $1/off drinks if you're dressed in white but in reality it is $1/off drinks for everyone.

  2. The Freedom does have the new 6J and 6K cabins. #9196 is the only 6J designed for two people, the others are all for four occupants.


    The 6K cabins are only available (at least for now) for booking on the Freedom over the phone (and even then you will have to convince them that the Freedom got these rooms upgraded during dry dock). #9201 is designed for 2 occupants and the port cabin is designed for 4.

  3. I believe it were me I would tell the loyalty rep on the ship what your desires are and they can advise..I believe what you want will work, other than switching to ES..


    It has been my experience that the loyalty reps aren't very knowledgeable about bookings. I have had to convince more than one about the no solo supplement and other OBC issues.

  4. They are normally $2,000 over the price of a grand suite so that is an EXCELLENT deal.


    I just booked a 6K (grand scenic OV) on the Freedom but it took them about 4 hours to do it since it was a new room. I suspect you got the pricing on what was the old 4J rate (interior with walkway view) since those room numbers were those 2 rooms before the drydock.

  5. Huh? We've always had balcony cabins on port side anywhere from deck 6-8. Never saw people when we looked down, just water. Now if you lean over the railing you can see other pax above, below or next door if they're standing at the railing.


    That isn't the case for the Dream-class balconies on those decks (with the exception of the coves) which is what the OP was inquiring about.

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