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Kay S

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Everything posted by Kay S

  1. Maybe you should edit a little bit more next time. Calling people "trailer trash" based on their choice of cruise line is not only unkind, it's also way beyond rude and doesn't even make sense.
  2. Oh dear, my friend, you may have insulted somebody. YouTube is not representative of real life. People are not going to post videos of passengers behaving nicely. That would not get those clicks necessary to generate income on YouTube. I have been on several Carnival cruises and never once saw a fist fight. I would not consider myself "trailer trash" though I did once live in a mobile home when I was putting myself through graduate school. I would also suggest that you are not in a position to judge a Carnival cruise since you have never been on one.
  3. I have just seen a YouTube video of the breakfast buffet on Discovery. They had the little individual cereal boxes. For awhile, they were serving cereal loose in a bowl. I will be thrilled if I find Tony the Tiger on a little box on my Discovery cruise next month. Is this fleet wide now?
  4. I imagine some boy genius somewhere thinks old people drink wine (Vines) and martinis (Crooner's) and that young people drink beer (Salty Dog) so why not kill two birds with one stone?
  5. Sterling Steakhouse is part of the buffet, so it's not hard for some rando to walk in. That's one reason I've never eaten there. A corner of the buffet wasn't worth the upcharge. I think Princess should have comped you the whole meal.
  6. Me too. I love Loreto. It's historic and not touristic. But it can be brutally hot sometimes.
  7. Oh no! People complaining about Princess! The cheerleaders won't be happy.
  8. Very much like Carnival. The rule about formal wear elsewhere on the ship is Cunard, I believe.
  9. Because the place to discuss the line is on the forum dedicated to it. Necessary? No. But allowed? Yes. As I have suggested before, anyone who does not want to read anything less than favorable about Princess has the option of ignoring the offensive (to him or her) member. Ignore button is available by clicking the profile picture.
  10. Yes, the terrifying "form ladies" at San Pedro who wouldn't let you near the escalator or elevator until you filled out the form. I liked the tag team of "form lady" and the bottom of the escalator and her partner at the top whom she could signal if a malefactor slipped through. Good times.
  11. That is a valid point, but there are occasionally posters who come here and ask about the differences between lines (often Princess vs. Carnival.) However, if someone has a bad experience on a Princess cruise, is it against the rules of Cruise Critic to post that on this forum? My point is that both good and bad experiences are useful knowledge for readers. BTW, we all know this is a not-so-veiled jab at one particular poster who decided to leave Princess and hasn't been back in awhile. Continuing to call attention to him prolongs his message here on this forum, no?
  12. "Escape Completely" does not jive with "Best Wifi at Sea." Although from some recent reports, it sound like what you completely escape is the internet. 🙂
  13. The one poster you seem to have in mind hasn't been here in awhile. I think he's too busy having fun elsewhere. Is Cruise Critic a place for open discussion or is it only for singing the praises of a given line?
  14. It was a different time. I was an adult when it premiered, and though sometimes cheesy, the show did not seem risque to me. Today, Doc would be hauled up on harassment charges. 🙂 My adult children have no interest in watching it, so I understand your point. However, in the 1970s it did do a lot to get people wanting to cruise. (I didn't catch the reality show, but I'm guessing it wasn't totally family friendly either.)
  15. DH once gave away all the little bottles to our tablemates. Ordinarily, we bring them home for the home bar. Trade them out for water. I've done that.
  16. The UK (where John is from) has different laws about this.
  17. I haven't checked the Virgin board. Anyone over there promising to switch to Princess? This really is a silly conversation, isn't it?
  18. Those short ones are iffy. I'm surprised by the marijuana smoke. I thought the Texas ports were strict about that (ships, planes, trains.)
  19. Emmett is a cutie. We had a cat who made it to 21. He used to get in the suitcase when we tried to pack for a cruise.
  20. I guess to make it truly balanced, someone needs to do a thread on the Virgin board praising Princess.
  21. So why is it necessary to criticize Virgin on a Princess forum? I have a couple of bookings on HAL. Will I see an unflattering video of that on this board, too? How about an unfavorable video of the Mouse line? Since there are more than a dozen alternative cruise lines available, can we look forward to "anti" videos of those, too? Is there perhaps some personal grudge hidden under all this Virgin hate? It's not a crime to dislike Princess.
  22. Right there under the OP's name it says Norway. Under yours is says US. Under mine it says California (which some people think is its own country. 😁)
  23. I have done a couple of TAs on Princess. The activities are pretty much the same as on any other cruise. Bingo, Piazza games, trivia. If there is a lecturer on board, there might be some programs in the theater. Sometimes there are movies during the day in the theater. MUTS at night. Once when we had an astronomer on board who did star gazing. The television will have a good selection of movies. Walk for the Cure once. We were never bored.
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