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Kay S

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Everything posted by Kay S

  1. Did I miss something? Where did OP mention taxi fare? I have walked from the hotel to the ship, but that was several years ago.
  2. This is scary. I just double-checked my EZAir reservations, and everything is good, but the fact that one little typo can derail the whole cruise is not good. I'm glad you have found a way around this, and if I were you, I would just ignore the nay-sayers who always have an opinion about other people's problems.
  3. You should enjoy this cabin. We did club class in November, and the dining was such an improvement over DMW. I know you always do CC, and I took your advice.
  4. My last Princess cruise, there were supply chain issues, and the liquor selection was slim. Repeats of a few things. Have things improved there?
  5. A good rum will help you forget a bad steak? 🙂
  6. This is how they treat their Elite members, too. You will probably be blasted by the cheerleaders (welcome to the club) but thanks for pointing out this glitch.
  7. Halibut looks good. I think this menu is an improvement over Sur La Mer.
  8. I'm sorry you are having a bad cruise.
  9. I guess you haven't been following my adventure. I am using up FCC and then telling Princess bye bye. But thanks for pointing out the obvious.
  10. We have been doing HAL and Carnival lately. We haven't given up cruising. I'm very happy with HAL, and we have done some Carnival when we take the grandkids. Carnival is not as bad as its reputation makes it out to be, and I'm seeing so many Princess changes trying to become another Carnival, I'll take the original, knowing full well what to expect.
  11. I thought I was immune to shock over what nonsense Princess will pull, but I have to say, this is a new one. It makes no sense that a company would deliberately alienate customers so they could go out of business, but Princess is sure making it look like that's what they want to do.
  12. I'm still using up the FCC. The problem with Princess, as I see it, is the drastic change they made after covid, in dining, check-in, loyalty perks, etc. The new guy in charge just wiped out traditions and made it clear he's after a new, younger clientele. My post-covid cruises have ranged from horrible to tolerable. I am not giving up the money I gave Princess to tide them over the covid crisis, even if it means tolerable is the best I get. We were dedicated Princess fans with a bunch of cruises lined up when covid hit. If I had known the suits planned to gut the experience, I would have taken the refunds and not the FCC. I feel betrayed by Princess, and I don't think I'm alone.
  13. My SIL served on the USS Kittyhawk and I learned that quote from him. 🙂
  14. I'll take your eggplant! Would it be easy to do vegan in the buffet? I haven't tried it, but I think being able to pick out your ingredients from the salad bar would work. I guess non-stop salads would get boring, but you wouldn't have to guess is there's secret dairy or meat ingredients in a dish. (My vegan cousin says sneaky things like chicken broth sometimes show up without being identified.)
  15. "You can put a boat on a ship, but you can't put a ship on a boat." I guess you could say "I love this tender."
  16. I see there have been some changes on the Princess menus since my last cruise in November. Are there changes to the kids' menu, too?
  17. Well, there is a guideline about "inappropriate" language, so better safe than sorry, I guess.
  18. My thoughts are that there is nothing in the MDR that will be better than some lamb chops in Crown Grill, so any day would work. 🙂
  19. There are a few sneaky border crossings from Canada into the US. I have a few relatives who have been known to use those routes. 🙂
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