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Everything posted by Pinboy

  1. ( I really enjoy reading your posts ). LOL--- Can't ya learn nothin ?? This site is Cruise Critic !! Geez, in order to be a member in good standing ( probably 183,000 Judges(?) ) ya gotta criticize " stuff ". The more criticisms the better. I know a guy that on his first post he criticized sooooo much stuff and was automatically given a lifetime Cruise Critics Achievement award ( Guidelines of Cruise Critic).
  2. LOL-- You sound like me---LOL Don't get nervous--- only 6 pages so far. I came to realize a long time ago that Cruise Critics means---Ya gotta criticize " stuff "--- Let's say " someone " sets up a topic " Who's the Captain on our cruise in November 2031"? Someone ( me ) will say " Who the xxxx cares ", while others will care , and twist ya like a prettzle . Are you the one that brings fruit cakes or key chains from your local bagel shop for gifts for your favorite Butler, Cruise Director, or Captain ??
  3. 1---Just book it-- You won't be disappointed-- Great food, excellent service, clean ships. ( LOL--- My only complaint after XX Celebrity cruises was the time our Waiter forgot to bring my 3 shrimp cocktails at the same time. I was going to " complain " to GR , but, didn't need the plate of chocolate strawberries with the standard " Sorry for your inconvenience ,etc " form letter they would send to our stateroom). 2--- No worries about being out of place--- Sure, there will be passengers older than you, but, no big deal. Some of the older generation are more fun ( interesting ) to be with anyway. ( LOL--- Make sure you cheer loudly at the Welcome to Celebrity show when the Captain introduces " Whomever " ( gotta be careful with that politically correct stuff) who are celebrating their 12,000 Celebrity cruise ). It's guaranteed they will be older than you.
  4. Too late-- If you have a complaint about anything-- don't wait---- do it while on board, and only to the person that can help you ( Hotel Manager ). Otherwise, you will receive the standard form letter ---"Sorry for the inconvenience blah, blah blah "--- Meaning : It will go nowhere. ( I'm not speaking from experience from any cruise we have taken -- just know how the Service Industry works)
  5. LOL--- You haven't even met me--- I'm flattered. Can you expand on: "A few different thoughts come to mind when I read this comment" " I'm just gonna smile and nod and leave my arguments at the door".
  6. Absolutely--That's the way it should be, however, some people ( not only suite passengers ) do feel " entitled". I "assume" the same people act in the same manner whether on a cruise or not. We have always received excellent service and made to feel " special " -- just treat the Staff with the respect they deserve. (And we don't stay in a suite).
  7. Yikes-- That reminds me of, holy cow----- and, more than once ---Use your imagination. No, they weren't discussing : Dress code-- Silent disco-- Removing gratuities-- Buffet selections---- or, why HE spent $357 at the Spa !!
  8. Trust me-- She would not only have you comfortable in about 3 minutes and 60 seconds, she would also scare the xxxx out of you when she " asks ", oops, tells you about your back, legs, neck, etc. IF you are as " lucky " (?) as I was , she will sell (!!!) you a bag full of Exclusive to Celebrity products-------at a reduced price. Here's a hint----- Don't fall for the " You will look 30 yrs younger " line.
  9. " Shore Shopper " ?? Isn't that the " Cruise Director or Guest Relations Manager ?? (To achieve sales targets ----To provide presentations on the port and its facilities ).
  10. LOL-- So true--- Reminds me: We were on a cruise a few years ago and went into one of those stores selling all kinds of " junk ". Ok, ok---- 5 Lacoste tshirts for $20 isn't " junk ". ( The Rolex (??) watches were hidden under the counter ). Note: We were never at that store. A salesman approached --- I looked at him and said -- " Hi, how are YOU---remember me ?? You told me a few months ago that you would have a " special discount " for us next time we come to the Island". " Of course I remember YOU-- You got it-- What Ya lookin for "? Moral of the " story "---- A con ( Pinboy ) will always be out-conned by another con ( the salesman ).
  11. Can we agree , it’s “ Buyer Beware “ regarding whatever you buy or service you buy whether on land or a cruise? It’s not the fault of the Shopping Center or the Cruise Company if things go “south “. From what I’ve heard— Celebrity gets a “referral fee” from stores they “ promote “ throughout the cruise during port talks. Again— Buyer Beware.
  12. Respectfully--- I don't agree. Every Company, whether on land or at sea, has their own policies --- Examples--- 1---You get " brain dead " at the Art Auction and pay $$$(US) for a painting only later to find out that there were " shrills " in the audience bidding high to increase the ( your ) price. Is that the " responsibility " of Celebrity to make sure that doesn't happen? 2--- You take a 5 minute Free message --- turns into a 73 minute , $357(US) "***** happened " to ME session--- Is that the "responsibility " of Celebrity to make sure Pinboy doesn't get taken to the " Cleaner's" by a pretty , young , Spa Attendant , er, ( Sales Specialist) ? That must have been around 1956--- Today you could have sold it for $300---- (to someone like me). As mentioned, a few times--- I know a fake Rolex when I see one---- If Rolex is spelled correctly, it's no fake.
  13. LOL--- Ya mean she "let you go " without "Fixin" your back, your shoulders, your legs, your left foot, your neck and didn't tell you " I WILL make you look 30 yrs younger and we have a " Special " for this cruise on our Exclusive to Celebrity spa products "??? Sorry to hear that-- Look what you missed-----er, saved !! Are you Sid Crosby ??
  14. LOL--How was I supposed to know my back muscles were xxx , and my shoulders felt xxx---etc, etc. She said I was lucky ( ??? ) she noticed it and was " permitted " to give me a discount--- (I have a " feeling " that 38 other people had the same " symptoms " as I on the cruise----- and, received the same " discount ").
  15. LOL-- THE best tip IMO--- (From Experience--- NO exaggerations) Be Ware of the 5 minute FREE massage at the Spa--- Trust me--- It's NOT going to be FREE-- By the time she is "finished" with you your onboard account will have grown by $357 ( that was the ''Special" she was " permitted " to offer me). ( I explained the whole " process " in another post a few days ago ). The worst part for me was when " You Know Who " found out about the $ 357, and the Exclusive to Celebrity crap she sold me ---and, bye the way--- even I don't think I look 30 yrs younger.
  16. OR-- If ya see feet first-- it's going down OR-- If ya see heads first-- it's going up Or-- If ya don't see nothin -- it means " your choice" -- unless the last person on pushed all the buttons to take you for a ride.
  17. Respectfully---- I'm with your husband. The OVC ( Slugfest on 14 ) IS for eating--- no time limits , no limit on the amount one eats and/or wastes. Taking up a table during lunch to play cards while other folks can't find a place to dine is just rude--- There are other places to play cards--
  18. All excellent--- I'm not being a " Smart A-- " ( It's been discussed so many times ), But, please also observe All the rules, including Dress Code, don't leave " something " on a lounge chair at the pool for hours, and most important---- show respect to Staff and fellow passengers.
  19. Sounds like the " real " Rolex watches they sell on the Islands-- Ya can't fool me----I knew it was " real " because Rolex was spelled correctly, the gold band was very shiny, and besides, the Salesman said so-- Holy cow, we were " best " friends within minutes---regular price- $125--- because we were " friends"---$75. Unfortunately, after a while ---- The time got stuck on 1.18 and my wrist turned green. I must have developed an allergy to gold.
  20. Guaranteed Bruno would have visited your table on the last night of the cruise for a good-bye hug and a handshake( $$ ). IMO--- I think he was just being a little " humorous " --- perhaps at that point you were a bit " sensitive" due to previous experiences? She was not the right person to ask --- You should have "asked" for Bruno, and, 5 minutes later when he didn't show up, " told " her to get Bruno immediately. Discussing with other Staff means nothing--- As mentioned above only complain to someone that can help you. The most " important " on the ship to complain to is the Hotel Manager-- He/She will always be "in a meeting" if you ask for them at GR, but, will be made aware of your complaint. ( Not speaking from personal experience-- but, overheard while waiting for change at GR counter )
  21. LOL--- Correct--- ( That's the 4th time I've been " corrected " today---since " You Know Who " woke up ) " Tone " ?? What " Tone " ?? Up here, we say it as we feel--- Except, I ain't gettin in no fight with no Texan.
  22. LOL-- Now I have another thing I could care less about-- " What's on the dessert menu on my cruise in 2024 "? For "S---" sake-- 4 pages, 98 posts--- menus can change from cruise to cruise depending on product availability, cost, etc-- so, Why so much attention ? Now, how can I find out who the etc,etc, is going to be on our next cruise in 2026???
  23. I don't want to carry vouchers around with me all day. " Years " ago, when we were given 3 vouchers per day ( I believe they were dated for each day of the cruise ?? ) I used to give them to a Waiter who told me he was able to redeem them for tips. (Whether it was true or not, I didn't know). Perhaps Celebrity was aware of this and changed the system ??
  24. "a lot of people are booking sail only option"---- That's us. Why you ask ?? We are non-drinkers, don't require more than the 90 minutes of free wifi ( Elite perk ), and the gratuities are added on to our account daily. We do enjoy the HH appetizers in the Sky Lounge ( another Elite perk ) with a diet coke or non-alcoholic beverage and meeting some fellow passengers. ( We all know the " routine " questions-- it's all good ).
  25. Of course-- it's " Sell, Sell, and then Sell 'em more "! Holy cow, a few years ago on the Reflection : She ( a gorgeous young lady ) turned a Free 5 minute message into a $357 sale-- First, she twisted me into a pretzel , then, around the 4 minute 60 second mark, stepped back and asked me if I was aware etc,etc, then explained something about X,Yand Z and that she would be able to " fix " it. Luckily for me, she was able (?) to offer a 15% discount IF, etc etc. ( I know a good deal when I see one ). Long story short---- By the time I got back to our cabin I had a bag full of " Exclusive to Celebrity" products ( 15% off ) and -----when " You Know Who " heard about it----Watch out!! LOL--- All I remember was " HOW COULD YOU BE SO DUMB-- DON'T YOU KNOW , ETC ,ETC" ?? ( I didn't have such a good appetite that night at dinner )
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