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Everything posted by Pinboy

  1. LOL--- So, one day we were chatting with a couple after lunch at the Spa Café .Never met them before . After a bit of " small talk ", the lady asked what room we were staying in ( Verandah -- 8th floor ). I'm thinking " What's the difference ? Just tell me if you like the food, how many cruises ya been on, yes we do get a lot of snow, and it's very nice that your granddaughter graduated 1st in her class, etc etc". Purposely, we did not ask where their room is , yet , immediately she " pipped up " that they were in a suite ( can't remember what level ) and would we like to see it ? " No thanks---maybe another time ". What the hell do I care where their room is ? Then, I started to think ----- Maybe they----NO---she can't mean that !!
  2. "The fibble has never flexed better" --- " She went right to work "??? ---- WHAT ??? Are you bragging about ---- oops -- not nice ?? And, she even bought you some gelato ???? Well, isn't that nice !! Let me tell you, by the time she was finished with me , I couldn't eat no gelato-- My biggest mistake was telling " you know who " what it cost.
  3. LOL--You can get 23 scoops------IF you pay for 'em !! I see you like a deal -- ( same here ). Here's a tip -----next time you are on a ship ----- stay the hell away from the Free 5 minute message--- It's gonna cost ya " big time " ---- and in $US as well. LOL--- It's hard to say " No " when the pretty , young, well trained , Attendant asks (?? ) -- " Are you aware that your fibble flexile muscles are, and the stress I feel in your , etc etc ---- followed by " for only $XXX we have " Special " XYZ package of Exclusive to Celebrity products that are guaranteed to etc etc ". Let me tell ya----the " stuff " don't make ya look 27 yrs younger and it don't make ya lose weight. You will gain weight and look 7 yrs older from "stressing" over the $ 347 you spent !!
  4. Apparently it is to some ( post #22) ---- Just like other " serious " matters: " Who is going to be our Captain on X in 2025 ?" !! " What should we do with the $17 OBC we have left "? " I'm done with Celebrity --my Waiter, the bum, forgot to bring my 3 shrimp cocktails at the same time" ! " On our last cruise in 2003 they charged $X in the Specialty restaurant for Tilapia -- now Celebrity is charging $XX and the size is smaller " !! " I want a refund !! Our cruise was supposed to tender at XYZ but the Captain said the weather was too rough and too dangerous and "someone" might fall into the sea ( well, things happen !! ) ---- so, we missed our favorite shop ( Lacoste golf shirts --- 5 for $20 US ---- Rolex watches for $125 US ) ". " When we booked our cruise in 2015 Gelato was a perk in Elite-- It has since been removed and only Zenith includes it ---- I'm seriously considering , etc etc " .
  5. I always write a note of praise regarding our Room Steward, Waiter , Asst Waiter ,and any other Staff member (public washroom Attendant as an example )that we want to recognize for their excellent service --- and hand it in at Guest Relations a day or two before the end of the cruise. By the next day most will have been informed , thank us , and tell us how important it is for their career advancement. We always tip these employees over and above the Daily Gratuities ---- it makes for a nice ending to our cruise. IMO-- This is a better way to recognize ( praise ) an employee than the survey ( too general and thousands to read ).
  6. " who cares ?" --- Pinboy , and perhaps 1 other CCer doesn't care who the Captain is ?? Met many Captains, all extremely polite , excellent with customer relations, --- until, I suppose , you pull out your iphone with 368 pictures of grandchildren. "happy leader makes for a happy crew"--- How d'ya figure that ? Just because the leader is happy, doesn't mean the crew is. In business , Leaders have to make decisions that the Crew ( Employees ) might not be " happy " with, but are for the betterment of the Company -- including customer relations
  7. ( A little humor ) " We're so excited " ---" an industry first". LOL-- What's " so exciting " -- " an industry first "? They have been planning this for months !!
  8. LOL-----Next time try Option #2 ($$ = Thank You = See you at 8:30 )??
  9. I recently received an email notifying me that ( won't mention name ) quoted one of my posts. ( basically that we never had a bad cruise on Celebrity ). When I went to view it on CC and politely (!! ) reply it was not there. Now I understand why -- I assume the Moderator removed it ??
  10. LOL--- YOU are correct !! Pinboy gotta poligize --- 3.4K posts since 2005---- You've seen it, read it, done it (??), and sure don't need Pinboy to tell you what the "right" thing to do is. Question : If Celebrity cancelled the Silent Disco, the Newlywed Game, Zumba at the pool with JR Guest Relation Trainees , or even the Putting Tournament , do you think it would get the same reactions ?
  11. Sounds very reasonable--- There is another reason why they hold back reservations in Specialty restaurants which I explained a few times in the past which resulted in negative comments and accusations of " bribing ". Saying " Thanks for your help ($$) " where I come from isn't a bribe--- it's the right thing to do. ( Here they come-- the " Who are you to tell me what the right thing to do is " ).
  12. Perfect !! What I would suggest Celebrity do: Stop listing daily menus in advance--- period. Look what a few changes created on CC--- many angry, unhappy customers --- Yes, the food is a very important part of the ( I didn't say " my " for being challenged-- again ) cruise " experience. But, will " anyone " not book a cruise because there is no XX on the menu? LOL---- We never had a ---oops, forget it.
  13. Exactly correct-- Years ago our Marketing Professor taught: " Only complain to someone ( Department ) that can / will do something about it, in a manner that they will want to ". Was that you ???
  14. Just a " thought " or two: 1. As posted many times---- We like Celebrity, never had a bad cruise--- service, food , cleanliness of the ships, etc , never a complaint----- so, why are so many CCers nit-picking over nonsense ? 2. Why are so many CCers who are not happy with Celebrity even looking at this site ? Why would they care about anything posted if they don't like Celebrity ? 3. Now I " get it "---The " bad publicity '' X is getting is in keeping with the main purpose of this site -- Cruise Critic--- Ya gotta criticize -- the more " stuff " ya complain about ( doesn't even have to be true ) , the higher your " Standing " is in the " Cruise Critic Person of the Year Award ". If anyone answers " YES " to : "Is ANYTHING ok ?" , they are eliminated from consideration. (Trolls are only eligible to win this prestigious award ( ?? ) on 3 cruise line sites).
  15. LOL-- So you worked for the Toronto Maple Leafs ????
  16. Thank you-- After noticing that you have been on CC since 2010, 3.9K posts I assumed that you were " pulling my leg " about the GR question , so I had a little " fun" with it.
  17. LOL-----I get it--- I'm "seriously considering" cancelling my Golf membership because last time my hamburger was overdone, the fries were cold, and I lost $ 2.50 that day after missing a 2 ft putt on the 18th hole------- but in the end---- won't. Looking forward to what you decide---- I'll give 200/1 that you -------won't cancel your upcoming cruise.. ( No offence intended --- No " Don't decide or tell me what to do " post necessary--- It's all in fun )
  18. Guest Relations-- It's where you get change for tips, borrow a pen because there are none in the room anymore, make " nonsense " complaints ( food in the buffet ), and stand in a long line on the last day of the cruise behind the people that remove the Gratuities.
  19. This thread is "way over the top "--- absolutely gone " crazy "!! ( Please , I get it, you don't have to tell me " So, stop reading , etc "-- ) Is ANYONE " really "going to cancel or stop cruising with any specific Cruise line because of the friggin food in the Buffet ? ( Getting " taken to the cleaners " in the Spa for $347 (US) is another thing )!! Here's what Pinboy would say if he were working in GR and someone complained about the selection or food quality in the Buffet: " Sorry 'bout that--- I'll mention it to the F&B Manager--- No, he/she is not available at the moment ( they are always in a meeting)---No, I am not able to provide a complimentary dinner in Murano and refund $1000 due to your disappointment---- Yes, I agree that they used to have etc, etc and you were looking forward to it------ But , Did you book this F'KEN cruise because of THAT "?? The next day--- Pinboy would be on a flight back to Canada.
  20. If we ever meet, you can charge 4, —,oops, 2 room service charges to our account. 4 ? Nope. Pinboy isn’t that generous and besides it’s $US —
  21. No disrespect-- I think you misinterpreted my comment : All I'm saying is---- "I don't believe for one minute that a CEO, CFO or any other top 500 Fortune Company or any high level Executive in any Company has time for posting on CC during working hours about Gratuities, Buffets, Lounge Hogs, or Who the hell the Captain is on our cruise in 2025". LOL---If people are at work doing what they are being paid for , what the hell are they doing posting " important stuff "(??) like this on CC ? ( Gov't of Canada employees are exempt ).
  22. " Surprised " ??? About what ?? Why would I be surprised at what a poster on CC's job is? I don't know anyone personally. I respect everyone, no matter what their job is. LOL--- When I'm hungry, being "friends" with the man making my hot smoked meat sandwich ( etc ) is more important to me than the CEO of XYZ Company sitting at the table beside me. But , I don't believe for one minute that a CEO, CFO or any other top 500 Fortune Company or any high level Executive in any Company has time for posting on CC during working hours about Gratuities, Buffets, Lounge Hogs, or Who the hell the Captain is on our cruise in 2025.
  23. About 2 yrs ago---- I just can't believe things have changed as much as posted on CC. ( food quality, cut backs, additional charges , menu selections , service ). We will see for ourselves very soon.
  24. I haven't read much on this thread, but, to mention: There's way tooooo many of them on CC--- but, in keeping with the " theme(s)" of this site ( Cruise Critic ) they are doing an excellent job. Pick a subject--- they will find something to criticize. The OVC, better known to us, as the " Slugfest on 14 "---too many rude, pushy, food wasting, loud slobs.( Pas pour moi-- not for me ). Dining is a very important part of our cruises--- Been there, done that, no more tours, seen the Newlywed game xx times, cheered like crazy at the Welcome to Celebrity show xx times when the CD shouted " Any Canadians on board ", etc, etc. We enjoy the spa café, Specialty restaurants ( on occasion ), Tuscan Grill breakfast #2, and always seem to find something to enjoy at dinner in the MDR. If we want room service--- no big deal--- I'll gladly pay the $9.95--- I don't give a hoot whether the Daily Gratuities include it or not--- We're lucky to be able to go on a cruise and just go with the flow.
  25. Remember that old fart with the 32 yr old ( I gotta stop thinking about them already )--- The AI that it cost him was more than the $9.95 " Room Service " charge that some of our CC friends are complaining about. I'll bet she still has the pre-loved Rolex and all he's left with are memories and a phone number--- that's been disconnected.
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