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Everything posted by Adawn47

  1. I have some pictures, they were taken by a Frank's brother, we couldn't afford a photographer. The photo sizes then were about 4''x5'' I think, and the quality isn't very good. I'll have a word with my grandson and see if he can do something with them. 🀞 Avril
  2. I understand this feeling old. It's our 58th wedding anniversary tomorrow, and we've been reminiscing today over lunch. January 28th 1965 ankle deep in snow and freezing cold. A Registry Office wedding was all we could afford, the marriage licence was the princely sum of 7s - 6p. We were very young, I was 17 and Frank was 19, and his mum said we wouldn't last 6 month😏. To be honest we've had some rough moments, but I think it made the marriage stronger. Fast forward 58 years and we're still here, financially secure and just as much in love as ever. I do regret one thing though.........not finding cruising sooner.😁 Avril
  3. Lovely 🀭. Caramel and dark chocolate that lasts forever, my kind of sweet😁 Avril
  4. A nice first post to read this morning Jane. You're a lovely lady. I'm pleased the vaping is going well, and you're allowed to give yourself a little pat on the back for every day that passes. You can tell after the first day if you're going to take to it, so the signs are good. I'll report back to Frank, he asks if we've heard from you.😊 Happy 'tooting'. xx Avril
  5. A Very Happy Birthday PamπŸ’, and welcome to the Life of Leisure ClubπŸ₯‚. I hope both you and your hubby are feeling better. Avril
  6. So would I, about 30 years ago. Absolut was my absolutely favourite brand, neat over ice with a slice. I can't drink any vodka now, it upsets my stomach. Not to worry, there's always JD Honey. He still likes meπŸ˜‰ Avril
  7. We love basil too, the smell and aniseedy flavour are lovely. The little jars are useless for me, they're gone after two uses, so I buy it in large 160g jars. Our daughter can't stand it. Sis
  8. Are you sure John? That one's my favouite. I don't have a problem buying it from Asda, it could be your supermarket that's not stocking it anymore. Avril
  9. Heinz tomato ketchup for us. It's actually made with tomatoes and not tomato puree. You can get low salt, low sugar version too. HP sauce is ok, but we much prefer Branston pickle, the original, not the tiny pieces. Anyone remember Pan Yan pickle? Avril
  10. Once you get the correct strength Jane you'll be fine. If you're getting on well with the throwaway then it seems you will take to vaping quickly. Take your throwaway with you so they can see the strength you're comfortable with. Onwards and upwards Jane. x Avril
  11. I've noticed the large rises in my weekly Asda shop too. Not so much per item, although I do notice the odd 20p to sometimes over a pound increase on some items, but it's more noticable on my total weekly shop. I make a monthly menu and follow that, it stops me overspending on unnecessary things and prevents a lot of food waste. My Gran taught me that way, and I've always done it, it works too. Having said that though, I still buy the same food that I normally do, I won't compromise on the quality of food I buy, and buy British wherever possible. Avril
  12. Yes, it does come as a bit of a shock doesn't It?🀯 On the plus side though, I find it gives me the much needed occasional boost and keeps me young at heart. Have funπŸ˜‰ Avril
  13. Much better Bro. Hyacinth would be proud to serve that at her candlelight supper.😁 I like tinned spaghetti on toast too. We sometimes have it for lunch though, not breakfast. That's always weetabix and blueberries. Sis
  14. Kalos is right Jane, tomorrow you will be classed as an ex-smoker. Message to you from Frank. 'Vaping is the best decision I've ever made. Except to marry Av that is' (He has to say that as I'm typing this for him) 'I've been smoking since I was 14, and I never thought I would ever stop smoking cigarettes, but it was so easy that I never felt the need to have another, ever. I was getting the nicotine I needed from the vape, but non of the bad stuff that was making me ill. I honestly began to feel a difference within the first week, and could get upstairs without being out of breath. Yes I was that bad. I felt more relaxed knowing that I could have a 'toot' as I call it, as and when without having to worry about my health, the cost, and Av nagging me about it, that I found I didn't need it as often as I did. As a result the nicotine strength of the juice has naturally reduced and I dont feel the need to 'toot' as often. Good luck to you Jane. He doesn't smell like an old ashtray, and he can't stand the smell of cigarettes anymore either. Good luck from me too.x Avril
  15. My maths teacher always called me Avril Angers, and it did too. Avril
  16. I remember seeing the name Randy Thom, sound director I think he was, on the credits of a film we had watched. Avril
  17. The answer should have been skiing. She was very good and surprisingly the commentators said her name regularly without a titter. It's our unique British sense of humour I suppose. We have Bottom's and the German's have Chmelar's.😁 Avril
  18. Probably not Ray, and it isn't something that I or many others on here would ever do. There will always be those who are never, nor ever will be satisfied, and love nothing more than complain and whinge just for the sake of it. On the forums they are entitled to air their grievances regardless, and I simply ignore them and scroll past. Avril
  19. I'm slow this morning Phil, that's only just registered.🀣 Avril
  20. Groundhog day here in my small corner of Sth Yorks. A heavy frost clear skies, sunshine and a very nippy -3c. No snow thank heavens, I hate the stuff. Take care. Avril
  21. I do, but I'd completely forgotten about that. Bernard Cribbens was so funny. Charlie Drake was another. Hello my darlings.πŸ˜„ Sis
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