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Everything posted by Adawn47

  1. Beautiful and uplifting photos. Mother Nature at her finest. Thank you. Avril
  2. Goodness me Jane, you were lucky to get off so lightly under the circumstances, and I hope you're feeling a little better today. Please take care, we oldies don't bounce as well as we used to.😉 Give Ted an extra cuddle too, I'm sure he was as upset as you at the time. Avril x
  3. Tuna and red pepper risotto with asparagus for us😋 Avril
  4. @kalos We've just had a late lunch of fish fingers and salad wrapped in a Lebonese flatbread😋 Thank you for the recommendation, they were tasty and very filling👍 Avril
  5. I've noticed that you use an O2 monitor and wondered if it would be a good idea to buy one for Frank. We haven't be advised to have one, and we do keep a regular check on his BP and wondered if it might be wise to check his O2 levels too. Any advice would be most welcome. Worrywart Avril 😊
  6. Happy Easter or Happy Sunday everyone.😊 Politically correct Avril😁
  7. Sitting around and waiting is the worst thing, but all good things come to those who wait, and a cruise is one of the best. Not much longer now😊 Have a lovely cruise. Avril
  8. Now on my order for Wednesday, as well as some fish fingers.😊 Thank you Mrs K👍 Avril
  9. 'Those that shall not be named' will eat the ants for you. I know they are despised by many but they do help to rid homes of all types of creepy crawlies. Avril
  10. Shopping List 4 shelves, 1tin of lubricant, 1 very large shoe horn. Well done bro, you've earned a 🥃 or 3😉 Sis
  11. Try refreshing the page, that should do it. If not sign out and back in again🤞 Avril
  12. That's right LL it is, as well as time of day, meal times etc. Getting an accurate reading at home is not as simple as putting on the monitor and pressing a button. With a wrist monitor the arm is also held in a different position than when using the arm cuff, and I was shown the correct way by the GP. I've had BP problems since I was 32, it's hereditary(thanks mum) and as I've got older it's got steadily worse. Tablets can only do so much, so it's important that I keep a close eye on my weekly readings. And salt intake😇 Avril
  13. While at the doctors we compared my wrist monitor reading against the arm cuff reading and the difference was so minimal that they we're happy to accept my monthly readings without having to visit the surgery. As I have 'white coat hypertension' both readings at the surgery were high, so they accept my wrist monitor readings from home. When Frank was on the cardiac ward they also used the arm cuff as all NHS do, and when I when I asked about the wrist monitor we were told that a good wrist monitor when used correctly is as accurate as the arm cuff. The Omron monitor was recommened by my GP as the best monitor to use at home, because I was uncomfotable trying to use the arm cuff. I can only say that I have been using Omron since 1995 and both my GP and myself are very happy with it. Avril
  14. I was advised by my GP to use an Omron BP monitor and have done so for years. They are the most reliable and I am using the same one that I bought 12 years ago. They have a good selection on Amazon at reasonable prices. I prefer the wrist monitor as they are easy and comfortable to use and they give an accurate BP and heart rate reading. I've recommeded them to one or two on here and I'm sure they will also tell you how good they are. Avril
  15. And as usual I should remember to read all the posts before commenting.🙄 Will I ever learn?🤫 Nope🥴 Sis
  16. We're all waiting for kalos. Watch this space😁 Sis
  17. Lightly bake the pastry case blind first. Beat the eggs well with a fork, together with sugar and nutmeg and still beating pour over the hot, not boiling milk, pour into the baked case and bake centre oven 30 - 35mins @ 170 fan oven. I use a deep 8'' dia dish. 4 eggs, 1/2pt milk, 2oz sugar and nutmeg to your own taste, I use a lot😉. One big tip is leave the dish on the oven shelf. Pull out the shelf and pour in the hot custard, then very gently slide the shelf back in the oven, that way you won't spill it all over the place while trying to carry it to the oven. Happy baking. Avril
  18. Good afternoon all. I've only just managed to catch up on here today. It's been a nice warm day here, and we've spent the day in the garden catching up on jobs that should have been done a few weeks ago. Frank's been busy weeding the perennials and around all the rose bushes, while I've been sowing tomatoes, cucumbers, courgettes, bell peppers and 3 trays of annuals. All done now and sitting cosily in their propagators. We're now sitting cosily in our own propagator, a.k.a the house😉,with a nice hot coffee and a generous slice of home made egg custard tart😋 Hope everyone has had a lovely day and welcome home bro. Avril/Sis
  19. Your post is very true and made me smile😊 Your way with words never fails to amaze me. When I read through your interesting and incredibly written posts I often wonder if you were a journalist or something similar. 🤫 Kalos with his wonderful jokes and @Selbourne with his fascinating travel blogs are two others who have a way with words. Avril
  20. I'm glad you're both safely back home, I hated Woodhead even at the best of times, and if we had to use it I kept my eyes firmly closed. Not when I was driving I hasten to add😉 That was very nice of your neighbour kalos. Kind and helpful neighbours are becoming scarce. Avril
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