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Everything posted by Adawn47

  1. We're like Pringles. When we start we can't stop😁 I hope everything goes well for you, and that you can finally get your pain issues sorted. Wishing you all the best for tomorrow. Avril
  2. I was a little sceptical about Virgin at first, but have been more than satisfied with them. Better than Yorkshire imo. I recall the email saying x number of years, but I can't remember how many. We'll simply have to go with the flow. Nationwide seems to be on their way to becoming one of the largest banks, swallowing up the smaller ones. Avril
  3. I'd not thought about Virgin, but then again I've always used travel insurance companies. so that was where I was looking. Habit I suppose. I could look at a few days away here and search cruises for 2025. I can then look into Nationwide after their move. We'll see. After the last couple of years we just need something to look forward to. Avril
  4. Yes that's right. It was dads pet name for my mum. She was part Irish with a temper. Avril
  5. Good morning and welcome. I'm tempted to say welcome back, because I think you may have posted before. I seem to recognise the name or maybe I'm imagining it. I'm easily confused😊 Avril
  6. We bank with Virgin now, who took over/merged with our bank Yorkshire. Virgin are now in the process of being taken over/merging with Nationwide by the end of this year, and will become our bank. Maybe I should wait until then🤫 Avril
  7. I'm afraid I may falling into that category. I've been spending a little time each day with a cup of coffee and my laptop searching through this minefield only to end up with cold coffee and a frayed temper. I've been sorting out our travel insurance for over 50 years and it has never been this complicated. I'm begining to feel like an old uneducated numpty🤪 I know our ages, illnesses and now Frank's HF increases the cost of travel insurance, but the whole thing is so complicated now, and while I could always read between the lines and understand the small print, it now seems to be written in Sanskrit. As Dad always said that if something looks too good to be true, it usually is. Frustrated Avril
  8. Hello Julie. You shouldn't have waited so long to join in. Welcome to the CC family.😊 Avril
  9. You are correct Kalos. A good travel insurance with cruise cover is all we need, no bells and whistles. You know me so well😁 Avril
  10. He is thank you Graham. He's obviously not 100%, but he's getting there. Probably because he's doing as he's told😉😁 Avril
  11. Good news Graham,👍 that's what we like😊 Avril
  12. Much more of this rain Graham and you'll think were.😬 Avril
  13. I hope all goes well at the hospital today Graham' Avril
  14. Thank you Sandra. Goodnight and sleep well. Avril
  15. I went to bed at 11.15 and last heard the clock chime at 12.30 before I fell asleep. I shall be like a limp rag for the rest of the day, but I'll be having an early night that's for sure. It's a liitle damp here after some rain during the night, but high winds and more rain forecast for today. Avril
  16. Good morning. It's been a while since I last visited the Wide Awake Club. I've been tossing and tuning since 2.30 and finally gave in and got up. I hate nights like these, they throw my whole day off. Avril
  17. Tread's fine Kalos, it's the little legs😁 Avril
  18. Are you sure? I used to be 5ft 2in, but on my last health check I was 5ft 1in. Just had a scary thought. That was 4 years ago, I could be 5ft by now😁 Avril
  19. Sorry to read that Jane, but as you say, every cloud......... Also good news that it's benign, and hopefully that if treatment is needed it will be done soon. Take care x Avril
  20. Thank you ttL. Another amusing anecdote to read with my morning coffee. I love them.😊 Avril
  21. Actually the best thing to dip in curry is Naan. If she doesn't object that is😁 Avril
  22. 'Yorkshire Airways' powered by green energy😇 Avril
  23. I was thinking the same. I think it might be better to lower my stress levels and look next year. We could probably take a warners break, but it's not like an ocean cruise Avril
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