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Everything posted by Adawn47

  1. Welcome home. I enjoyed reading all about your holiday and seeing all the photos. Thank you. We all have our own tricks to try and combat jet lag on long haul flights. We would set our watches to UK time after take off when the seat belt signs were turned off, and then only used UK time to try to gradually adjust. It didn't work 100% of the time, but worked more often than not. Avril
  2. Many congratulations to you both on the safe arrival of your beautiful grandson.πŸ’ Avril
  3. I use a laptop and haven't seen any ads either.🀫 I hope I've not spoken too soon🀞 Avril
  4. Frank says 'thanks for asking' kalos, and thanks from me too. Everything's still looking well according to his doctor so we continue going forward. The change in him since he was admitted into hospital 28th December is quite honestly incredible. Working out interesting and tasty salt restricted meals are getting much easier to do now too, so it will soon become second nature. He loves his coffee so I still have to keep a close eye on his fluid intake. He's gradually getting used to it, but I suppose I could always hide the coffee😁 I hope everything is still going well for you too kalos. Avril
  5. In rubber wellies that left a circle around your legs😬 Avril. ps Why has the blue quote colour changed🀫???
  6. Maybe he's too embarassed to put his photo on the board for fear of retaliation. 😁 Avril
  7. Your best write up yet Selbourne, hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing at your tour recollections.🀣 Your writing skills are impressive and I felt as though I was there. Avril
  8. @Peanut006 I'm pleased your Mum is back home and settling in well. It's amazing how much better we feel in our own familiar surroundings and to be able to look after ourselves a little. I'm sure she'll come on in leaps and bounds now and ready for her holiday in June.......and Wimbledon of courseπŸ˜‰ Avril
  9. Oh how common bro.πŸ™„ We had the Times on a hook😁 The ink was better🀣 Sis
  10. Smaller galley space I agree Pete, but less passengers, so less meals to prepare surely? We last cruised in 2019 and never encountered any of the cutbacks and problems with food that I'm reading about now. It seems to me to stem from the restart of cruising. I may be wrong but imo it is a cost cutting move. Avril
  11. Really? I thought you were Scottish. πŸ˜‰ I looked that up too😁 Avril
  12. @Eglesbrech I'd never heard of momento mori, so looked it up. Very interesting. You're never too old to learn, every day is a school day. Avril
  13. The meds Frank took when he had a migraine stopped working after a while so the doctor prescribed him Pizotifen(? spelling) to take each night and his migraine attacks have lessened. When he does get one just two ibuprofen and a lie down works. He used to get them about once or twice a month, now maybe only two or three a year. Avril
  14. @Eddie99 At a loose end tonight I was scrolling through the threads and came across yours about your recent Canaries cruise on Iona. I have just spent an enjoyable couple of hours reading your interesting and humourous posts. Thank you for taking the time to entertain us. I'm still travelling with @Selbourne and have also enjoyed my travels with @mrsgoggins too. Avril
  15. @Peanut006 Sorry to hear your Mum had to be re-admitted Michelle, but you know she is being well looked after. Try and relax a little over the weekend, I know that's easier said than done, but worrying won't help, it simply makes it harder to cope with the situation, as I found out for myself recently. Please take care Michele and best wishes to your Mum for a speedy return home. Avril
  16. Our hospital will provide a walking aid for patients while in hospital. You can only ask. I hope your Mum is home with you soon. x Avril
  17. What a lovely surprise Michelle. Hopefully your mum will be home tomorrow. Avril p.s Hide the dancing shoesπŸ˜‰
  18. Admittedly they were short of beds on the ward so that could have been the reason for his being discharged that evening instead of the next morning after the doctor's rounds. The bed was already occupied again later that evening. Avril
  19. When Frank was in hospital the chap in the next bed, 82 years old, was waiting for a pacemaker fitted. He couldn't walk about too much and was often breathless. After it was fitted he was totally different and even walked back into the ward under his own steam. He was discharged that evening. I hope your Mum is on the list for tomorrow and responds just as quickly.x Avril
  20. They add significantly more to their carbon footprint tooπŸ˜·πŸ˜‡ Avril
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