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Posts posted by OceanZena

  1. 5 minutes ago, Tom-n-Cheryl said:

    They had a skit on SNL a few weeks back on this very topic - funny (and scary) as hell!


    Untested - what universe do you reside in. Statistically, people would be foolhardy not to go the "untested/unapproved" route - given the downside of actually contracting COVID. That's the devil I DON'T WANT TO KNOW ! 

    It is untested. I don't know why you're denying that. Look, if this were a tried and tested drug that had long term testing before release, I would take it in a heartbeat. Do you really think us who are hesitant to take the shot are hoping this pandemic lasts forever? We're not. 


    I simply choose to wait and see what's going to happen with the vaccinated population down the road and I think it's a very logical choice to make. I just can't understand why some are coming down so hard on us for being cautious, especially where our health is concerned. 


    If in a few years there's no TV commercials with lawyers saying "If you or a loved one experienced adverse effects, disability or death from the Covid-19 vaccination, you may be entitled to significant compensation" then i'll think more about getting the shot. But until then, it's a no go. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, Tom-n-Cheryl said:

    I was impressed to see West Virginia (talk about red) discussing encouraging vaccine hold outs with $100 savings bonds. Not sure how many that would actually sway, but every little bit helps. Perhaps they could bump it up to $500 for the hold outs in the next push - sort of like a game show. There would be people waiting for the BIG prize... "Alex, I'll take (the) VACCINE for $1,000"!

    This is terrifying. $100 bucks in exchange to take an untested, unapproved shot into your body that are already shown to cause blood clots, paralysis and death and may cause cancer or other various aliments and diseases later in life. Even for $20,000 I wouldn't do it. No amount of money in the world is worth my health. 

  3. 57 minutes ago, jfunk138 said:

    It is truly amazing how science evolves around Covid. 


    100 years of research after the 1918 Spanish Flu and not a single study was able to find community level masking of healthy individuals was useful.  But mere weeks into this pandemic, we strapped a piece of cloth to a mannequin and sprayed mists out of the mouth and concluded they worked.  I wonder why nobody thought of this in 100 years?  All these years of flu, and we could have just strapped a piece of cloth to mannequin and solved it!

    Years of development on vaccines for horrible diseases like chikungunya, dengue, and ebola and they are only starting to near approval.  But Covid vaccine in mere months:  "Fully tested"¹.  Only a troll or bot would be suspicious of these miracle timeframes.  Name calling is clearly the best outreach to those that might be concerned.


    ¹ "The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine is an unapproved vaccine that may prevent COVID-19. There is no FDA-approved vaccine to prevent COVID-19."




    They way they call us trolls and bots is the same way I wonder if some of these posters work for big pharma and are purposely here to promote the experimental drugs. And thank you for providing that factual link about the experimental Covid drug. 

  4. 9 hours ago, Pizzasteve said:

    Why do you keep feeling the need to call this vaccine experimental. 

    Because it is and that is a fact you can't deny. I'm not here to tell anyone not to take it, and I honestly don't care if you do. And if sailing starts up this year for only vaccinated people, that's ok with me as well. 

    I don't plan on sailing until the end of '22 anyway and by that time it won't matter if one is vaccinated or not. I'm just astounded by how many are accepting this experimental drug with absolutely no questioning of possible long term side effects. Almost ALL drugs have them and this was rushed out way too soon for anyone to factually state there will be none years down the road. It's a gamble with your long term health. 


    I love cruising and can't wait to get back on the ships, but not at the long term expense of my health. But call me a "troll" or "bot" if that gets you through the day. 🙄

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  5. 1 minute ago, tallnthensome said:

    Did I put you in an uncomfortable spot where you're having a hard time understanding? The Cruise Lines, The staff, fellow passengers, the CDC, the cruise  ports and their people don't want unvaccinated conspiracy theorists on board. Is it that hard to understand? 

    Show me the quote where the cruise lines stated they "don't want unvaccinated conspiracy theorists on board". I will pay for your next cruise if you can supply it. 

  6. Just now, tallnthensome said:

    Hahahahah!!!!!  Yeah, sure  .... the vaccinated people who were soon to be sailing have been dropping dead like flies from the vaccines ....... said no one ever. Keep believing in your conspiracy theories. I can tell you one true theory . You won't be cruising. 

    Wow. That actually makes you laugh?! I wonder if you'd laugh in the faces of those people who experiences horrible side effects? Your smugness is unbelievable----and yes. I will be cruising. See you on board! 😊

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  7. 6 minutes ago, tallnthensome said:

    Funny, most everyone who got covid was healthy and unvaccinated the minute before they caught it and got sick or even died ..... So , yeah ........ Disney Land is another possibility. 

    So were the ones who got an experimental jab and experienced blood clots, paralysis and death...no Disney for them. But as I said, when we're on the ships, you won't be so smug. 🙂 

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  8. 1 hour ago, embarkation75 said:

    The earliest I see these restrictions going away is late spring 2022/early summer 2022.

    That's fine with me. The sailing i'm looking at isn't until Dec of '22 and besides, I have absolutely no desire to be on one of the first few sailings, and would rather sit back and see how things go for the first 6 months at least. 

    If all the crazy vaccine requirements will be lifted by end of '22, i'm good. But I will never, EVER get that vaccine. My long term health later on is much more important than a few days on a ship now. 

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  9. 1 minute ago, jfunk138 said:

    I think there are a few posters that think of the unvaccinated as lepers.  Some of these folks also think that a person's choice of whether to be vaccinated also reveals who they voted for and look at the "other side" with disgust:  deplorables and neanderthals.  "I'm not cruising with THOSE people!"

    That's because it's been what the lying media has been force feeding them to continue dividing us and they swallow it. I despise politics and do not like discussing it, but all I will say is that the above couldn't be further from the truth as far as i'm concerned and it's really sad if there are people who actually think this about those of us who are hesitant of the vaccine. In fact it's downright ignorant. 

  10. 13 minutes ago, Tom-n-Cheryl said:


    I'm pretty sure if the cruise lines hold off until the pandemic is "officially" declared over, whatever is left of the cruise industry won't look very familiar. On the bright side, some vultures will be able to come in after the fact and feed on the carcass, picking up the pieces for a song!

    I'm hoping sometime next year an end will officially be declared. I have my eye on a December 2022 sailing that I hope to be on. I do think the cruise industry as a whole will survive, but yes definitely changed. 

  11. 2 minutes ago, Tom-n-Cheryl said:


    Because it adds potential complications to your cruise plans. Sure, the vaccinated individuals are probably not at direct risk, but the more who are not vaccinated, the more potential (higher than from the vaccinated group) for an "outbreak". Who knows what defines an outbreak... could be one/two people or a small cluster. They probably will not have even caught it onboard (shorter sailings especially), but rather didn't show as positive from a pre-cruise test - either too soon after exposure, or a false negative. I can see the powers that be being overly cautious - in terms of ending the voyage as planned and doing who knows what (quarantine, etc). 


    It's going to be a mine field out there - and the CDC has already shown they are not going to play nicely (or allow a lot of rope at least) with the cruise lines.




    I can understand that aspect and I too wouldn't want my cruise interrupted by an outbreak. I read that's currently the protocols if there is one on the ship, that it would immediately end and ship brought back to port. And that would suck for everyone. 


    But I think that's just the risks one takes to sail while a pandemic is still going on in the world. Personally, I won't sail anyway until the pandemic is officially declared over. I do want to book so badly and am so tempted, but am holding back. 


    Yet when a poster says things like "I hope they don't let you on the ship" or "I won't sail if you people are on board" it implies insult and makes it sound like we're lepers lol. Had the poster clarified their statement with what you explained, above I would have understood their reasoning better. 


    In any case, I still fail to see why they're going to cruise anyway with all these risks involved and not just wait until the pandemic is officially declared over if they're that afraid of disruption. 

    • Like 3
  12. 32 minutes ago, Pizzasteve said:

    This is fearful rhetoric and gets to the heart of the matter.  You dont understand the vaccine and feel it must be unsafe because they were developed and tested relatively quickly.


    The fact that the methods and techniques are well understood and over 3 decades old wont change your mind, nor the fact that the ideas on how to make a vaccine, once you isolate unique gene fragments that are 'usefull' for training our immune systems, wont either.  But that doesnt justify calling those of us who use our brains to understand the facts and agree to do our part `pigs.'


    Your fear is driving your decision and I understand.  You dont trust the science or government authorities and dont want either of them making decisions for you. 


    By way of comparison, my MIL with early signs of dementia and many other medial conditions is living with us because we must care for her and occasionally throws tantrums because she is not in control of her decisions anymore, and it really drives her nuts.  She wants to go back home and literally was trying to call an uber the other day to fly home, when she cant even climb a stair without a risk of a serious fall (she cant stand back up on her own).  She sees us like the evil goverment, forcing her to do things she is afraid of (like a recent life saving surgery).


    I wish you well, but dont want unvaccinated people on any ship I sail on, or I wont buy a passage.

    First of all, here's yet another example of twisting words. I don't understand why you people do this, especially when you quote what was actually stated when you do it. You know very well I did not call you "pigs" in my statement. I will not even defend my words since it's easily seen in your quote, but you make leaps to twist it to make it seem i'm calling you derogatory names. It's childish. 


    And please don't put words in my mouth. You're the second person here that has done it. (Why do you people keep doing this?!) My reasons for not taking the shots is not because I "don't trust science or government authorities." My reason is very simple----I don't want to put something in my body that MAY cause ill side effects down the road like cancer or other diseases. I want to remain healthy and once this shot is inside my body, it cannot be reversed


    And we just don't know if dangerous and harmful side effects will or will not appear years down the line from these drugs, and i'm not willing to take that chance. It's called basic self preservation and is a natural human instinct so please stop making false assumptions about me for having my beliefs as I don't do that to those who choose to vaccinate, nor do I make assumptions of why you were vaccinated or put words in your mouths, but you people do it to us. Why?! I seriously would like to know why you cannot give the same respect to us that we give to you? 


    The bottom line here is that if Carnival bans the unvaccinated, then we just won't cruise anymore and if Carnival allows us to cruise then the vaccinated won't. There are other methods of vacations that both sides can happily find. At least I will. 


    And I believe that once we get past herd immunity, vaccinated/unvaccinated will then be a moot point---but i'm sure the vaccinated will jump on that comment and say Covid will be a danger to the world forever until the end of time. 🙄



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  13. 9 minutes ago, firefly333 said:

    I agree with him about throwing around death numbers as if they werent important can feel belittling. And to keep attacking someone who has stated in spite of being careful his wife got covid and is battling long term side effects I can understand why he is bristling. Find someone else to pick on please. Sometimes we forget the human side of covid. 



    I don't see anyone "picking on" anyone else here. If the other poster may be a bit too sensitive due to personal reasons regarding Covid, then perhaps they shouldn't be participating in this specific conversation. Nothing said by me may be construed as "picking on" and certainly not "attacking". Far from it. 


    And since you quoted my last post with your reply, i'm assuming that's what you construed as "picking on". And I have to ask, why is it apparently ok when a vaccinated person says to an unvaccinated person here that they will have to find another way to vacation, yet when it's reversed it's "picking on" them?

  14. 1 hour ago, skridge said:

    Cancer is apples covid is oranges.  When you throw around your percentages it belittles the half a million dead.  Who exactly is "you people."  Enquiring minds want to know.

    I threw around percentages the same way you throw around death numbers. And since you need clarification, I was specifically asked why I was saying Covid was easily avoidable and provided factual percentages to back up my words. 


    If 98% of a population has managed to not get Covid after over a year then that logically concludes it must be easily avoidable, which it is, but to you people that's "misinformation". And I will not clarify who "you people" are because that's quite obvious from my words---but since you didn't like the facts I provided to back up my words, it's just another feeble attempt to deflect and veer away from the point which is always what "you people" enjoy doing. 

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