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Posts posted by OceanZena

  1. 1 minute ago, BlerkOne said:

    I'm not sure there was an intention to deceive.


    Get vaccinated or else



    With that particular poster, i'm not so sure. When I was on the NCL website today I was shocked to see it was only temporary because from their post it appeared that it was permanent. 


    I don't mind the pictures lol....I actually enjoy seeing them. Sure it makes me miss cruising more, but it's also good therapy too. I was looking at tons of cruise and cabin pics earlier today and it helps me to get through these non sailing times. 


    And as I stated earlier, if I were in my 60's I would be leaning more to take the vaccine since i'd be in high risk category by then but not now. 

  2. 1 minute ago, BlerkOne said:


    I don't care if you get jabbed or not as long as you aren't on the same cruise ship.


    That assumes they actually start cruising somewhere and avoid bankruptcy. And that the CDC doesn't extend the CSO. and more. I think your example of an example is less than perfect.



    Actually it's a perfect example because it's an important bit of information that was conveniently left out to support their argument and lead one to believe the vaccine requirement was permanent on NCL which it is not. Therefore, it's "misinformation". 

  3. 23 minutes ago, BlerkOne said:


    Future vaccines and treatments

    Malaria. Tuberculosis. Hepatitis B. Cystic fibrosis. Those are just some of the diseases that researchers say could be the next focus of mRNA vaccines and treatments, aside from those already in human trials (HIV, rabies, and influenza). Scientists continue to explore mRNA treatments for several types of cancer. As explained by researchers at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, mRNA instructs a patient’s cells to produce protein fragments based on a tumor’s genetic mutations, prompting the immune system to find other cells with the mutated proteins and attack the tumor cells that remain.


    Here is a waterslide on Vista



    At the risk of going too off topic, I thought there already was a cure for hepatitis? In any case, if these vaccines work for all those aliments, that's wonderful news....and i'm glad they're taking their time with testing them and not rushing them out like Covid and using the world's population as guinea pigs. 


    And that picture makes me want to cruise SO BAD!! I spent half the day today browsing Carnival, NCL and MSC websites for dates and prices, but won't book anything until we know where everything stands. 

  4. 40 minutes ago, BlerkOne said:


    How many of that 98% have been tested? Not very many. One day before the first covid case it was 100% and has been dropping every day since.



    One is in clinical trials in the US but has been available outside of the US for a while. Future cancer vaccines will likely be mRNA vaccines - just like two of the covid vaccines are.

    That's good news in regard to cancer and even better that they're not rushing it like they did with Covid. 


    Back to the point---Until every single person in the whole world has been tested, the fact remains that since 98% of the entire world's population has managed to avoid contracting Covid, it's logical to conclude that it's an easily avoidable virus to contract by taking recommended precautionary measures. And that is not "misinformation" that someone up thread was accusing me of, but basic logic and common sense. 


    You gloom and doom people will surely come back with more twisty posts to continue pushing the fear campaign and have at it. It still won't convince me to take the "jab". 


    Oh and someone else up thread was spouting how NCL was having only vaccinated passengers when they resume sailing....but per their website, that is only until Oct. 31 of this year, after which they will reassess if theyI can't  should continue that or not. This was conveniently left out of that person's post----and that right there is a perfect example of "misinformation". 

    • Like 2
  5. 12 minutes ago, skridge said:

    Have you seen the numbers coming out of India.  They are doing there best to catch up and that is a billion people. I will never understand how people can try and argue 500k deaths is no big deal just because it is a small percentage.  500k deaths is 500k deaths no matter how small a percentage you throw out.

    First of all, do not put words in my mouth. Nowhere did I say that ANY death was "no big deal". You people seem to love twisting things when faced with facts. And your spouting of death numbers still doesn't negate the fact that over 98% of the world's population has not gotten Covid. 

    And since you apparently have a thing for death numbers, in 2019 there were 599,601 cancer deaths in the U.S. per CDC. Where's the experimental cancer vaccine?!

    • Like 1
  6. 17 minutes ago, Radiioman46 said:

    Well, I guess it depends on your definition "easily avoidable" means, since around 300 million ppl found a way to not get it. Using your numbers, I didn't fact check the numbers. 

    As of 4/24/21 the current worldwide Covid numbers stands at 146 million who have been infected. (124 million of those people have recovered). In a world of 8 billion people, that's less than 2% of the population. Therefore, 98% of the world still hasn't got Covid


    After over a year since Covid began, it's logical to conclude by those numbers that Covid is easily avoidable since 98% of the population has avoided getting it. 

    • Like 2
  7. 14 minutes ago, skridge said:

    "This is a virus that is pretty easy to avoid just by doing very simple things"  It wasn't very hard to find misinformation.  This quote is completely absurd.  There have been 32 million confirmed cases of Covid in the US.  The number is more than likely well north of that figure.  We are a population of 331 million people.  That number is 500k less because of the virus..  To say that it is easily avoidable is spreading misinformation.  

    That is not "misinformation" but a fact. I have no idea why you're spouting all those numbers---another try at deflection? Covid IS easily avoidable by taking very simple precautions. Your saying that it's "misinformation" actually is misinformation! 


    I've been following the precautions for 14 months now and....no Covid. 

  8. 1 minute ago, harkinmr said:

    It is not untested.  It has been tested in clinical trials and evidence has been established that it is both safe and effective.  Both Moderna and Pfizer will be submitting further data for final FDA approval within a few months.  What will be the challenge then when folks can't say it only has emergency use approval? 


    How many years do we wait to see if there are going to be long term side effects: 2 years, 5 years, 15 years, 25 years?  There are not too many vaccines or medical drugs or treatments out there that have an absolute iron-clad 100% guarantee that there may not be side effects years down the road, but we take them anyway.  Good lord, we take them now when there's a multi-page, small print disclosure of every possible side effect known to man, including death.  We take them because the benefit outweighs the risk.  And the approved vaccines for COVID have established just that.


    Taking the vaccine is important because it will allow us to achieve herd immunity and maybe, just maybe, get out of this mess before we have more dangerous variants pop up.  I believe that it is our obligation as citizens of this country to do what is best for the common good.  That's an obligation that comes with the freedom and liberty we have been granted.  Not on a soapbox, just my opinion.

    All in less than one year from testing to release. Look, IF say 10 years down the line there's no news of horrible side effects from these drugs and Covid is still ravaging the world, then yes, i'll most likely take the shot then. I will be in my 60's at that point and in the higher risk category as well---but for now I have zero intention of taking it and I don't think it's our "obligation" to do so. However, I do respect your opinion even though I disagree with it. 

    • Like 2
  9. Just now, SNJCruisers said:


    In your first post, you say that you don't know what Don't tread on me is and then in your subsequent post you do.  I'll make it simple for you...it means no government intervention.  It was a rallying cry during the Revolutionary War versus Great Britain and it's just as appropriate today with those that do not wish to take the vaccine.  Whether some believe that the vaccine contains Covid, or it contains an implant or you're scared because of possible unforeseen side effects years from now.

    Maybe now you'll see the correlation.

    You really are a piece of work. It was quite obvious that I was asking what your mention of that popular saying was in relation to the topic of conversation. I have noticed in many of your posts that you play these games with other posters with either deflecting to other topics or attempting to bait them away from the discussion with sayings like the "tread" one. 


    And I again reiterate for you, "Don't tread on me" has absolutely no correlation with someone being hesitant to have an untested drug injected into their bodies that no ones knows the ramifications that will come about from it years from now. The fact that you're trying so hard to lump me into this box that you've been force fed by media's narrative tells me all I need to know about you. 


    And as I stated in a post above, I am so far removed from that particular group of people you are trying do desperately to lump me in with that it's comical. If only you knew lol....but I won't reveal personal information on this board---and nor is it the place to do so. 


    That all said, I don't think you and I have anything further to discuss but I really hope in a few years you and everyone else who got the "jab" doesn't regret taking it and I sincerely do mean that. 

    • Like 3
  10. 18 minutes ago, SNJCruisers said:

    Many have brought up variants that are indeed staying on topic and I guess since they are slightly outside the myopic view that you have you don't realize it.

    Here is a link that will educate you as to what "Don't thread on me" means and how the meaning is still true today just like it was 250 years ago.  You obviously were absent the day your American History teacher taught it.  https://www.dictionary.com/e/pop-culture/dont-tread-on-me/





    There's no need to be condescending. I know what the saying means. However, I fail to see the correlation between "Don't tread on me" and being hesitant to have an untested shot injected into one's body that no one knows what side effects will come about from it years from now. The two things have absolutely nothing to do with one another.

    • Like 3
  11. 42 minutes ago, jetsfan58 said:

    This Florida Governor is really starting to do and act out some outlandish things. He is so extremely radical (the wrong way) with his thoughts and applications. We all know that these are not his "Insane" ideas but a "Close Mentor" that also resides in Florida. 


    My concern is that we all are majority Florida cruisers and/or will be in the near future. I am really concerned for the Citizens and the visitors to that State. This guy acts as if Covid has "Magically Disappeared". It hasn't and as a matter of fact did we not just see where India had the highest number of new cases in a long time? 


    Maybe some of you Florida Cruise Nuts can help convince your Governor that he needs to be compassionate about all Floridians and also Visitors; not just those who he is counting on for future votes. It's really a sad situation that we all could be risking our health coming to cruise.    

    As a Floridian I LOVE my Governor!! ❤️

    • Like 6
  12. Just now, Pizzasteve said:

    A reasonable stance and we all hope for others to achieve happiness.


    That said, those who refuse vaccination for reasons other than medical necessity are freeloading on the efforts of others to control this deadly disease.  I pity them, but do not respect them.  They are this era's draft dodgers, so to speak.  My opinion only.

    Sigh---you just had to toss an insult in there? 🙄

    • Like 3
  13. 3 minutes ago, Pizzasteve said:

    Again, the problem with negative testing is that you are basically an open field to plant virus seeds in.  Shore exursions would need to be forbidden and a sort of quarentine enforced.  People do test negative and then shed the virus (for example, you were  exposed on the flight to the cruise, it incubates a few days, then you are shedding to whole ship).  Then you are a high risk source for any unvaccinated crew and passengers).


    The math just doesnt work on a ship (as opposed to more controllable travel with brief interactions, like a flight where air is recirculated much more effectively than ships).


    The fact you mentioned washing hands often as your sure fire prevention method just seals the deal for me. The newer dominant strains of the current virus is nearly completely airborn as it's spread method. I wont sail with lines that allow unvaccinated people to take shore excursions until the disease is fully controlled, which will be several years out (we all hope).  Not because I will be exposed, but because of the risk of outbreak and disruption.

    I can understand your points even if I don't agree with them. Hopefully there will be sailing options for all of us to choose from until we're past this. And I believe that's the one thing we can all fully agree on, which is to reach the point where it won't even be an issue anymore. 

    • Like 4
  14. 9 minutes ago, d12j28 said:

    You won't see them step foot near a cruise ship that isn't fully vaccinated. 😂


    Once I see what Carnival decides on I will make my decision then on whether to cruise or not. We have a B2B booked for March 2022 so hoping things will be worked out by then. 

    It's the only thing keeping me from booking at the moment. I'm getting emails from them daily with such great sales making it so tempting to book---but I want to wait until what their definite plans are and I hope it's released soon. I've always wanted to do a B2B but with pets it's hard to stay away too long---but it's on my bucket list. 

    • Like 1
  15. 5 minutes ago, d12j28 said:

    There are a few on here that constantly get away with name calling when they don't agree. 

    The important thing is to not drop down to that level and try to stay on topic. In any case, i'm curious if they will still sail Carnival if those of us who choose not to take the shots are free to sail with negative testing upon boarding. As soon as Carnival can confirm that, I will be booking asap. 

  16. 1 hour ago, mredandchis said:

    there are many unforeseen side effects including the actual virus.  Covid infected people may have respiratory  issues in their latter years.  It is all a toss up.  

    The key word there is "may". Cases of this virus have only been known for less than 16 months so it's a bit of a stretch to assume people will have issues in their latter years from this virus. It's just too early to tell. Just like me having hesitation of possible side effects of the shot which is speculation, issues with Covid years down the line is speculation also. 


    • Like 2
  17. 2 hours ago, skridge said:

    My wife is going through the effects of long term Covid as we speak.  It is not only the 500k dead but the untold number of people who are going through the long term effects from this virus.  Unfortunately people like you are out there spreading misinformation about the Vaccine.  Keep waving your don't tread on me flag.

    What does that mean? "Don't tread on me flag?" And what does that have to do with the conversation? Why do those who disagree continue seem to deflect away from the topic with crazy stuff like this? 


    And where did I spread "misinformation?"Since you're directly quoting me with this reply please quote exactly where I spread this "misinformation"? Thanks. 

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  18. 2 minutes ago, Pizzasteve said:

    Please explain what those are if on a ship with unvaccinated passengers.  I am curious and sincere.

    You're changing scenarios. Just to clarify for you, when sailing resumes, ships will be filled with vaccinated passengers and negative tested passengers. I doubt anyone is going to be let on board untested as well they shouldn't. 


    Wash hands often and don't touch face. It's kept Covid away from me for 14 months. 

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