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Posts posted by southwestie

  1. In the US one can formally contest and not pay erroneous credit card charges until the matter is resolved. So one would be obligated to pay the legitimate first deposit charged but not obligated to pay the duplicate charges.


    The OP's screen name however indicates the he/she is in Canada, so I'm not sure if this also works north of the border.



    That for us here in the UK

  2. And I am afraid I disagree with you. Face to face retail and distance selling are covered by different acts of law.


    I do firmly believe that some know british law better than others, Im sure

    missfrankiecat knows .


    imagine going into a shop and paying cash an the refund took 30 days, you would tolerate it


    BTW I think everyone is being calm, I see no panic on the thread

  3. And I am afraid I disagree with you. Face to face retail and distance selling are covered by different acts of law.


    I do firmly believe that some some british better than others, I sure

    missfrankiecat knows .


    imagine going into a shop and paying cash an the fefund took 30 days, you would tolerate it

  4. Our payment was due within a few weeks of our return. In Canada our credit card company(BMO Mastercard) allowed the items to remain on our bill and treated it as disputed, so we were allowed to pay only what the shipboard account showed while our Mastercard contacted Cunard.



    Thats a big help if they have this , I think many credit card companies will help all they can

  5. It's just sloppy work, nothing more or nothing less.


    A few years ago our credit card was charged 3 times for our shipboard account. After calling our credit card company and then calling Cunard's offices the matter was resolved within the month. It wasn't the end of the world, mistakes happen and I'm certianly not making excuses for Cunard, sometimes I think Cunard couldn't organize a one man parade!!!!


    If you do not like the service provided, find another company instead of whine about it, (there are so many cruise lines to choose from).



    But how would you feel if you card was due for payment just at that time ?, if you had no money in the bank to cover the 3 times payents and were then charged for going over your limit etc, not everyone can afford that.


    Its fine if the payments and refunds connect

  6. I hardly think that it is disgraceful, it is poor administration certainly and as it was their mistake, they should try to resolve the matter. No-one died so I don't believe that we need to overreact.



    It most certainly is disgraceful, we dont know the persons details, they may be booking the cruise of a life time and just paid the depost, for all we know this may make them overdrawn on the card and may incur charges.


    I know for a fact that most refunds take a few days to process, yes , many will say up to 30 days, but this is Cunards fault and should sorted right away.

  7. No, you are not alone. Maybe it's my science training, but a conclusion without facts doesn't convince me of anything. Or maybe it's my writing training. The best English teacher I had in high school taught us that a general statement should be backed up by facts. If a student made a statement that he/she had not supported, Miss B would write "Tell us WHY you think that!" Her favorite comment to make on a paper was "Be Specific!" (with the B and the S in very large caps)


    However, the OP isn't "obligated" to support any opinions. That's the thing about a message board. People can post pretty much anything as long as it isn't profane or libelous. That said, we are not obligated to believe an unsupported opinion. And we are certainly entitled to ask "Tell us why you think that."


    Yes, I agree with that, and a "tell us why " is good, if only happened, I think had the OP peaised the ship to the hilt for those who backlash and a few negatived that may have happened

  8. Oh, you not alone for sure.


    I rather like the expression "if you cant stand the heat" sadly I have been in kitchen for too long:D I am now immune


    But you know everyone is allowed an opinion, if the OP didnt like the cruise and what happened on it she must be allowed to say so, how different it would have been had she loved the ship and all that goes with it.


    But we must remember that QM2 is not for everyone, and clearly not for her, I can pick fault with the ship, the beds, bedding etc are some of the worst I have ever come across on a ship or indeed hotel and have said so , as have others, now rather than a backlash I was told what to ask for to fix it and now every time I go on QM2 or indeed any Cunard ship I have a quick word with the room steward and that evening "Bliss"


    So we should backlash but find out what and how she can be helped to make her next cruise better

  9. You are welcome Tracey. I do understand your point of view as l am very open minded and not Cunardified.....now there's a new word to digest. or not!


    Most folk on here are very happy to help and discuss matters in an intelligent manner, others however appear to want to battle, be sarcastic and pull one down. I would suggest you ignore this type of behaviour and leave them to it because they really aren't worth responding to.


    I'm sure you have very happy memories of your voyage on QM2....please don't allow folk on here to mar those moments you enjoyed on board.


    Judy[/QUOTwell said

  10. I am on QV this Sunday, If I can find time from enjoying myself on the Cruise I may try and take a few photos of the TV, the back of the TV and the safe:D


    if anyone would like me to post them I will, I may take orders for photos .


    I have to admit I have not had the time to look behind the TV let know about the workings, but it is good info

  11. These are OPINIONS not condemnations.


    But because I don't agree with the general public on this forum, anything I say will be picked apart. :rolleyes:


    I find it funny that this is what you chose to respond to......how classy of you.



    I have to disagree, you find some who agree, you find some willing to chat and you will find a few who just want to start a witch hunt, and thats that the sad part, for the most I think 99% will be happy to discuss :)

  12. I think we should respect the views of the OP as that was her personal experience and should indeed be admired for taking the time to share.


    We don't all place the QM2 on a pedestal even though she is a magnificent ship....sadly things change and sometimes not for the better.

    The true Cunard experience went away with the QE2....but this is only my personal opinion.

    Like most things in life....some are good and some not so good. I have cruised and crossed on QM2 and again, personally prefer the crossings.


    I hate KC with a passion, l also hate the location of the Grill Restaurants and the fact that the grill decks are not that exclusive these days because they are not policed....for want of a better word. This would never be an issue on QE2...in the days of John Duffy and Andrew Nelder and indeed the Warwick era. That ship reeked class...whichever accommodation was chosen.


    We all have our own take on Cunard and cruising in general, one pays their money and takes their choice.




    very well said , I dont why people just cant read the opinions and either agree or disagree, discuss maybe help , but why all the feud.


    I love Cunard, I like QM2 im not in love with her though, many things arent the same today as they were 10 years, I have have been on other ships where the food and service has been much better, the shows much better and for sure the beds and bed linen have been better, but I still return to Cunard.


    we have now started to pay the extra for grills and it is so worth the extra

  13. Sometimes people do not arrive, depart earlier than expected or sadly pass away. Sometimes rooms are not ready to be let for any smaller defects (every hotel reports this daily in the revenue report). A hotel will find a room at another hotel. If you are a regular guest they may send another guest away and give this room to you.


    This will for obviuos reasons not be possible on a cruise ship. So I do assume that some rooms are not let due to repairs or refurbishment or whatever as on a ship there is always some work to be done. Others may be given to partners of crew members and thsy will switch rooms if necessary. Another case was discussed earlier here whe a lady reported that she was asked to move into a smaller room "because she was in her own and would not need that space".


    Such situations are always a serious task for the management. Fortunately cruise ships do not overbook. I always overbooked the London hotels in my responsibility by 20% and I do apologize to all who happened to be turned away and sent to another place - but the pressure to fill up by 100% every night was really high.





    We did get moved once after a late arrival, they did move us to a 5 star hotel which was nice

  14. No, this is definitely not the case. If it were so the shareholders would react against the management - anywhere in the hospitality industry.


    Ok, you maybe right.


    but if you stayed on QM2 and its fully booked out , not a cabin left anywhere and the cabin your are is damaged badly by a fire , (god forbid) where would you stay and sleep, or would they find you a room somehow ?


    Hotels often will find you another room or even hotel, but on a ship ? i dont know


    a good discussion here maybe

    I am a shareholder, so i may ask this question:)

  15. Hi Pepperrn,


    My room was 10013. Next door to your room!!

    Why did you get a new room (without asking) and I got a flooded room??

    They MUST like you!

    I also heard a rumour (from other passengers) that they had 100 empty

    rooms. When I checked online the ship only had 1600 passengers.

    Why give me a flooded room that had a horrific smell when they could

    have easily moved me?? Why did I have to complain 3 times!!


    Best regards.



    Well you have something to show cunard when you phone and complain, id go for big compensation for that


    and your right thats not good service at all

  16. The ship is never 100% sold out, there are always cabins held back, thats just good hotel management, if there was a problem in any cabin on day 2 of a crossing , say flooded toilets etc then they have to have some place to for the passenger to stay for the rest of the voyage.


    how many they keep back I dont know


    I know of several who had cabin changes mid voyage different reasons

  17. The voice of common sense doesn't make a cruise critic

    We need the good and the bad , non fiction , to improve

    The services

    We don't need a "dreamy novel " here

    It's all about the QM2!



    Well said, we do need the good and the bad, you have people who


    Make up a story to get a reaction


    had a wonderful time on the ship


    who had a bad time for what ever reason


    The sad part is a lot on here just wade in and in a word "Defend" the ship as if the whip was the be all and end off all of all that matters, when what should happen is conversation that way cunard and anyone who wants to sail on cunard ship can learn, changes could be made, in stead there are comments like, were we both on the same ship, yes you were on the same ship BUT one person didnt see it the same way,


    I have to say it is so much better than it used to be when peopled were flayed alive on the forum, it has to worth a look back if just for fun.


    so, we dont need a novel, we dont comon sense what we need is the good and bad, accept both and discuss it in a good way, that my inout, these days I just watch the forum :cool:

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