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Everything posted by karatemom2

  1. Please join our roll call if you do decide to book it. We have a great group and for a lot of us, like you, this is a bucket list cruise, especially with the impending changes in a couple of years with large ships being allowed in the fjords. I can tell you that there is still a lot of availability with Princess tours and some really great private tours that you can access should you book it.
  2. Thank you, I do enjoy my cruises. We don't do inside cabins anymore, although we did for many years when our children were younger and that was what we could afford. And they were wonderful - some of the best memories ever and I would never, ever disparage anyone for choosing to cruise inside, outside or upside down. I do enjoy a balcony nowadays, but if cruising in an inside was the option that best suited my budget, I would certainly not complain. I consider myself and DH very fortunate indeed and am so very grateful for all the opportunities we have to enjoy wonderful vacations over many, many years that have provided me with such joy. Not sure where the $85.50 figure arises, but I did forget that for our 14 day cruise I ordered two packs of water to start with - still worked out to a $1 per day which is what I was estimating in my model of a typical sea day expense for us. Perhaps you find our approach to cruising rather sad by your standards, but like some others here have expressed we just don't drink very much. I do enjoy an occasional glass of wine with my dinner, and I'm certainly no connoisseur, however the $10 to $12 dollar per glass wine on the menu suits me fine. And I'm a particular fan of the Deep Sea cocktail I enjoy in the Platinum, Elite lounge pre dinner. More than that I do not need or want. Would give me a terrible headache, not to mention the distress to my waistline. : ) Perhaps I am in the minority, but I think there are more like me than you might imagine who prefer to prioritize other expenses, particularly in the ports we visit. And while you may think Princess does not appreciate me, I would say that they are in fact quite lucky to have me and other loyal, long time cruisers, whether we opt to invest in a package or not. It hardly means I am not spending money on board, or supporting their product with two to three cruises per year. And I'm quite certain the casino department appreciates my husband! One of the reasons I feel so strongly about the way packages are often promoted to new or starting cruisers as a "must have" is because I understand what it is to travel on a budget. I feel for those families, like mine once upon a time, who are probably investing as much as they can afford just to cruise and seeing the added expense might be a tipping point when they don't realize that they can make it work without buying into that extra - especially paying upfront and far in advance of even receiving the benefit. So, I offer a counterpoint to that and it appears to really hit a nerve with many people, which I really do not understand. I have said time and again that if you find the package suits your needs and budget, and it offers a good value, that is a great thing. But it isn't a necessity for many people and it doesn't always offer the "savings" that some might imagine that it does if you end up finding you really don't use it to the extent you might have imagined. I find it odd that some people seem to take it as a personal affront when someone has a different point of view - like it is a criticism of their choice when in fact it is just pointing out that we all have options. I'm not sure why that raises so much consternation and why I'm subjected to these somewhat judgmental posts, but be that as it may, I will continue to provide an alternate opinion for those that would like to cruise without purchasing a package and are happy and comfortable with that choice.
  3. Yes, the deposit transitioning to onboard credit is only a benefit if you can use it up and it is a really smart decision to wait and apply it to your package purchase since once you have that, your onboard expenses will likely be very minimal. If you paid for the package in advance, you might have a hard time using up your credit onboard, especially if your host provides you with some additional perks which I'm betting they will. Of course, you can always cash it in and gamble it! Maybe turn it into even bigger bucks! (Spoken as the wife of a dedicated gambler who very much enjoys the cruising perks it offers!)
  4. No definitely not always, especially along the coast even in the middle of summer. But you can pretty much count on no rain in May so it will generally be pleasant even it it's a little cool in the mornings and evenings, and the ports you are visiting are beautiful and have a lot to offer. Enjoy!!
  5. It depends on the cruise and types of excursions, but at this point you should still find capacity on all but perhaps the most in demand excursions for your particular cruise. We have a Land of the Midnight Sun in Norway booked for June of this year, and a few excursions are filled, but most still have availability. Additionally, if you are open to independent tours there are usually lots of options from which to choose. On our roll call for our cruise, we have a number of private excursions that different groups are taking so that is another avenue you might want to explore by taking a look at the roll call for the cruise you are considering. Princess shore excursions tend to be highly overpriced, so if you can find similar options you like through an independent tour you are usually better off and sometimes get a better experience in a smaller group. We usually reserve booking through Princess shore excursions for those tours we absolutely can't get on our own for some reason, or for tours that might be pressing the edge of our time in port. At least with Princess, we know if it's a late tour they won't leave without us.
  6. karatemom2

    Ward Cove

    All aboard for a 1:15 p.m. departure will be 12:45 p.m. so you would want to be in line for the bus back by no later than 11:45 a.m. so you allow yourself time to get back. The lines can be pretty long for people returning from town, so it's smart to give yourself an hour window.
  7. The souffles on Princess used to be our absolute favorite desserts. But I must say on our cruises since COVID they have generally been a bit disappointing - tending to be overcooked and dry. The last one I got on our New Year's cruise was literally a hollow shell. If it weren't for the delicious sauce they pour in them, I think I would give up altogether, but I will keep hoping for improvement!
  8. We have always received notification when they are sent along with a tracking number. If you ordered them, you should receive them before your cruise, but if something happened and for some reason you didn't get them, Princess could always replace them for you. That is very unlikely to be necessary though as if you ordered them I'm sure you will receive them without a problem.
  9. Obviously I can't speak to the Sun, but I'm sure it will be amazing. I can say the Enchanted Princess is a beautiful ship and you would definitely not be disappointed. In terms of purchasing in advance, the only things we have noted get more expensive if you wait are shore excursions. The other prices for things like WiFi or packages are the same whether you purchase in advance or wait until you are onboard, assuming there is no overall price increase between now and when you sail which seems unlikely given they just raised the WiFi prices so doubtful they will do it again any time soon. Who knows on the packages? It seems the prices have remained consistent. But, there isn't a penalty you pay for waiting to purchase once you are onboard.
  10. Your mileage may vary on free drinks in the casino. It really depends on the host so there is almost no way of predicting. My DH does get free drinks, but he is a heavy duty Craps player and also makes a point to ask the host for them and has yet to be told no. You don't have to buy the Plus package in advance - you can even wait and purchase it onboard which is smart if you have onboard casino credit. That might give you the opportunity to assess whether you will get free drinks in the casino. Be sure and get to know your host right away. He or she can really add to the quality of the cruise if you are a player, which I'm guessing you are given that you got this offer. Often the host can arrange one or more free meals at one of the specialty restaurants for you during your cruise, as well as other perks like champagne, chocolates, chocolate covered strawberries, etc. delivered to your cabin. Enjoy!!
  11. Is the Fall cruise you are referencing October 8? If so, it’s likely more expensive because it’s a special wine and food cruise. See link: https://www.princess.com/news/news_releases/2023/09/sip-and-sail-with-two-specially-themed-pacific-coast-wine-and-food-experience-cruises-onboard-discovery-princess-and-sapphire-princess.html If the May date works for you and is a better deal it’s a lovely time of year to cruise the coast.
  12. My favorite part of afternoon tea - especially when the scones are warm.
  13. Not misinformation - I state emphatically that my scenario applies to an Elite cruiser. How is that me giving misinformation? People can figure out for themselves what is cost effective for them. But maybe even some new cruisers don’t drink much, maybe they don’t like coffee, maybe they prefer to pay as they go because as a new cruiser they don’t know yet how much they will consume. Is it not ok for me to point that out? Is it not ok for me to say to a new cruiser - maybe you don’t need the package? That’s not misinformation - that’s what we might call a second opinion. Maybe it’s ok for me to say to a new cruiser who is overwhelmed by the cost of these packages on top of their cruise investment that it’s perfectly fine to enjoy your cruise without a package and you can still have a very wonderful vacation. I think I have that right without being told I’m providing misinformation.
  14. Actually many, many Princess cruisers have the Shareholder benefit - it is discussed here all the time. This as well as numerous other OBC benefits through future cruise deposits, casino, and travel agents. We generally have significant OBC for our cruises.
  15. Did you read my post??? I said right at the beginning of my post it applied to 2 Elite cruisers. Contrary to popular belief there are actually thousands of us - and everyone is allowed to make their own assessment despite the constant cheerleading here that actually potentially scares off new cruisers who truly believe they “have” to buy a package or their cruise will be some sort of dismal failure. Hence the entire reason for this particular thread.
  16. Oh yes, my mistake. I was remembering 24 since we ordered 2 last time for our 14 day cruise. And yes, still a good deal.
  17. Well for every scenario there is another scenario! Take my calculation for 2 Elite cruisers - not big drinkers, don’t like coffee. 24 pack of water delivered to room ordered prior to cruise. $7 (let’s just call it $1 day for 7 day cruise) 20 Diet Cokes to replace Elite mini bar - free 1 device WiFi w/ Elite discount $12.50 Glass of wine with dinner - $11 (yes, I’m basic) Two cocktails at Elite lounge (2 x 8) - $16 Couple of sodas or water in addition to what we already have - $6 Gratuities for 2 - $32 Total actually spent for two - $78.50 Package price for two - $120 This would be a sea day. Likely less on a port day as we prefer to dine and drink in port to fully experience our time there. But apparently I’m “dumb” and “cheap” and “tiresome” for pointing out that the magical Princess packages don’t add up for everyone. Silly me. I can’t believe I’m so ridiculous as to not want to hand Princess an extra $300 per week of our cruise for all the fabulous benefits I’m not using. Really, I need my head examined!
  18. You will get a new medallion and lanyard each cruise. I purchased the bracelet for mine and reuse that as I like the convenience of wearing it in my wrist.
  19. Really? Because I replied to a post just today on this very forum that basically said anyone not purchasing a package is only not doing so as they plan to stiff the crew by not paying gratuities. So yeah, people opting out do get kicked around as well. I think people get too precious about these topics when it is just a discussion of why some like it and some don’t. I do agree that it is completely ingenuous and a knee jerk response to claim packages aren’t very cost effective for many people. They certainly are. But it’s equally as ridiculous to infer that they are so cost effective that one must be daft not to invest, or incredibly cheap, or must not want enjoy a relaxed cruise without worrying about what your purchasing, etc. Trust me I have seen all of that as well. I’m not insulted but I will sure as heck rebut that train of thought. For those that really find the packages a great benefit that’s awesome. I say hip hooray! Everyone should choose what’s best for them. But what some of us who find them not worth our investment may find frustrating is the incessant push from Princess to make people feel they are necessary. Not true for many and if people come here and ask I will share my opinion and personal experience. There is no ill will intended to those who absolutely love them, even if they imply I’m cheap and plan to spiff the crew because I know better and will happily point that out at any opportunity and whenever I choose regardless of how tired anyone is of talking about the subject.
  20. I'm afraid you might be confusing the fact that they don't list specific days with thinking it is an everyday schedule. It is not. Afternoon tea in the dining room is only served on sea days now. Just one of the things that has changed with Princess over time, probably because there was just not enough demand on port days when most people are out and about, so they couldn't continue to justify the food and staffing. Lunch in the main dining room is no longer offered on port days either.
  21. We did it a couple of times. I think it was only offered on the Royal Class ships and I believe we paid $25 per person. You did get the higher end loose tea selection which was nice, but I haven't seen it offered on any ship recently. I'm still a big fan of the regular afternoon tea - best I've every had on the Sky this past summer sailing out of Southampton. It felt like they stepped it up a bit, maybe because of all of the Brits onboard!
  22. I'm not really sure what you are talking about, but it is not San Francisco in June. Just take a peak at the averages for June in 2023. The highest temp on any day for the entire month was 68 with 18 cloudy days and 12 sunny days. And once you get out of the Bay heading up the Pacific Coast in open waters, it can be quite cool and windy. I've done the San Fran to Alaska cruise 6 times, and I can assure you it was never in the 90's to 100's at any point along the way going or coming back.
  23. Where are you seeing listed differently? Is it on a Princess site? On the Enchanted Princess information page on the Princess web site, it just lists Afternoon Tea as one of the dining options but does not specify the days it is offered so just curious if you could be looking at something that is dated? Afternoon tea was served daily once upon a time, but that has not been the case for awhile now as the ships have transitioned to just serving it on sea days.
  24. I don't think it works like that. When the price goes up, it's across the board and any subsequent changes are subject to the new pricing structure. Same thing when the price goes down and people benefit from that. If the cabin was suddenly $1000 less, you would want the full lower price, not just the difference in category pricing. Your best bet is probably to stick with what you have and perhaps bid on an upgrade when you have that opportunity.
  25. Exactly. People can be very understanding when they are given the unvarnished truth, treated with consideration and respect, and accorded the minimal notification time that one would reasonably expect given how far in advance Princess MUST have known that the ship would not be ready to host these initial voyages. It is the abject lack of concern, consideration and honest communication that is truly the biggest issue here. It is poor form and shows a real lack of leadership.
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