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Everything posted by IkonIke

  1. While in Israel we visited Jerusalem and Bethlehem, then Nazareth and the Sea of Galilee, then Caesarea.
  2. Almost all of our excursions were the additional fee Viking sponsored tours but we saw many folks using private tours. We really wanted to see and do as much as possible while on this trip so we invested more than the included tours unless it allowed us to explore on our own such as in Rhodes, Mykonos and in Athens. We absolutely loved LivTours while in Italy and highly recommend them. Wishing you all the best experiences!
  3. I absolutely loved this cruise, we sailed in November-December 2023 and experienced beautiful weather. The pace was wonderful since we had two sea days and a mix of shorter and longer stops. We stayed in Rome before embarking which I highly recommend, allowing margin pre-cruise so there is time for delays and for a stress free start to your journey.
  4. If this has been addressed previously, I apologize in advance...should we anticipate a tip for the Viking staff that greets us at the airport since they transfer our luggage?
  5. How many people can we expect to tour with on most Viking shore excursions?
  6. Curious to hear why Israel was your least favorite stop? This will help me to have a realistic expectation for our trip! We also contacted https://www.guidedtoursisrael.com/ but so far not enough interest from our ship to organize a group tour. We are on the November 25 Holy Lands cruise from Rome to Athens. Thank you in advance 🙂
  7. Sounds absolutely fabulous, thank you for the tips! This is just what we were hoping for. Now we get to start making some concrete plans...So excited, but wary of airline woes and the risk of disappointment again. Chin up and keep dreaming is my motto these days!
  8. Thank you very much for the replies, we realize that an extra few days of margin are wise and will take into account your advice! We found LivTours for the Vatican to be reasonable, any other suggestions for tour guides? We will probably only have two days to explore, with some time needed for travel recovery and some relaxation, so I am grateful for referrals.
  9. We are considering an extension in Rome, but are unsure what level room is normal for the hotel that is provided? Is there a way to upgrade? Currently either the Marriott Flora or Villa Agrippina Gran Melea are available, but no feedback was available when we asked about the room level. Any advice regarding rewards programs and working with Viking extension while staying in Rome?
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