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Posts posted by bamaone

  1. 3 minutes ago, BlerkOne said:

    On masks, Carnival still has in the ticket contract

    (4) mandatory use by each Guest (except for children under the age of 2 years) of face masks in most locations outside of the Guest’s stateroom while on board, during embarkation, disembarkation and shore excursions;

    As we get closer to actual sailing dates these restrictions will just disappear. The CDC will soon lift all all restrictions on cruises. We're back to normal and it feels good

    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, ontheweb said:

    How can you say that? What will happen if there are multiple cases on a ship? Haven't some of the cruises in Europe been cut short?

    Same way some poster keep saying cruises will be cut short. I just push the right keys and it appears on the screen. Plus I follow the science and I refuse to live in fear. The same science everybody was screaming we had to follow when it said lock everything down, now says you are safe if you are vaccinated. You won't be affected by the virus. Enjoy being able to do things unrestricted.

    • Like 1
  3. 15 hours ago, ontheweb said:

    The unvaccinated could come in contact with each other and spread the virus among them. If this causes the cruise to be cut short or ports not to allow the ship to dock, that would negatively affect every passenger including those who have been vaccinated.

    Not going to happen. Cruises will not be cut short. That was in the beginning. We know how to deal with this now. Happy cruising for everybody!

    • Like 3
  4. 1 minute ago, tallnthensome said:



    First you say that what happens to an unvaccinated passenger has no affect on those who are . Then you say I was wrong. Now you say you see where I am coming from . You know why? Because I am right . I am not worried about Covid. Many are worried that those who were too scared to get vaccinated will become ill thus requiring a rerouted ship or cancelled cruise ruining it for so many who did get vaccinated and waited a long time for a restart . You can’t make any claim I am wrong because it can happen. Your claims were simply false .... period. 

    Like I already posted, wait until a few cruises are over and you will see that I am correct. 

    • Like 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, tallnthensome said:

     Before a vaccine? Where did you read that Carnival can’t or won’t cancel or reroute a cruise because of severely ill unvaccinated passengers who may contract Covid on a cruise? You didn’t .... It can affect everyone’s cruise even TV use who are vaccinated  ..... Comprehension is obviously not your strong suit .... you have no idea what you’re talking about. Weak response .

    I understand where you’re coming from. You’re scared. But everything’s going to be ok. Wait until a few cruises are over and you’ll feel safer. Then you’ll see that l am right. 

    • Like 4
    • Haha 2
  6. 25 minutes ago, tallnthensome said:

    Wrong ..... it won’t affect anyone else’s vacation in any way you say? Says who, you? What happens to an entire cruise ship full of people when there’s a Covid outbreak among non-vaccinated guests and they get really sick? Does Carnival just keep sailing along and say oh well or is there a point where the ship has to reroute or cancel and turn back thus affecting everyone? Cruise over? So yeah, saying what happens to unvaccinated passengers and how it can affect those who are is plain wrong. 

    That was before a vaccine. Nice try though. 

    • Like 2
  7. 2 minutes ago, IntrepidFromDC said:

    I'm vaccinated and I hate wearing a mask.  If I have to wear a mask in the casino on a cruise ship I'll be pissed (ok, even more pissed than I already will be for donating to Carnival's balance sheet rescue)...  But I think common sense is to see it as the vaccine stops me from getting deathly sick if I contract the virus, but the mask prevents me from transmitting the virus if I have it to someone who might be cruising with or going home to someone high-risk.  Vaccination protects me.  Me wearing a mask protects others.

    You won’t. Next 2 week it’ll change from the CDC. They just think doing it this way will make them look less stupid because of previous stupid decisions.

    • Like 5
  8. 14 minutes ago, TNcruising02 said:

    If there is a paper to be signed, it should include "under penalty of perjury" so that the cruise line can prosecute someone if they develop a severe case and lied about their vaccination status.  Then they can be held criminally liable.  Insurance companies have had people sign forms like that when enrolling.

    Why does anybody care if someone is not vaccinated? It has nothing to do with those that are vaccinated. If you’re vaccinated you’re good. You’re safe. You’re protected. You won’t get sick and die. Those who choose not to get vaccinated know the possible consequences and accept those consequences. It should not even be a discussion. It won’t affect anyone else’s  vacation in any way. This thing is ending. Let’s complain chair hogs. 

    • Like 13
  9. 16 minutes ago, Dakrew said:

    Could you elaborate on the "Not legally" comment? Is there somewhere on Carnivals website that addresses this?

    This is from the Carnival site

    On embarkation day, a small quantity of non-alcoholic beverages (i.e., sparkling water, sodas, energy drinks, juice, and milk), packaged in cans or cartons, may be brought on board and must be in the guest's carry-on luggage. A small quantity is considered a maximum of 12 sealed, unopened cans/cartons of 12 ounces each or less, per person.

    Hope this helps.




    • Thanks 1
  10. 44 minutes ago, crewsweeper said:

    But it still begs the question who has had the vaccine and who has not.  Without some record or required physican's note, who's going to know.  My word versus your sneezing.

    Doesn’t matter. The CDC pretty much said so. If you don’t get vaccinated it’s on you. Those that are vaccinated don’t have to worry about getting the virus. Everybody is responsible for themselves. If someone on a cruise gets it they can be isolated to their room. 

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Sinbadssailors said:

    I agree, but that poster?


    That's what the CDC wants us to believe and stay fearful, but still get the shot

    Well, after todays news that the CDC was misleading the public about outdoor exposure, it’s just a matter of time before this citizens of this country ends this mess whether the CDC likes it or not.



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  12. 5 minutes ago, embarkation75 said:

    Wearing a mask is not discrimination. People might not like it which I get, but that is not a descrimanatory act. Nothing in the bible that says that either. Oh the level of ignorance is amazing. Unless you have some major physical disability, businesses have every right to enforce a mask wearing policy on patrons and/or workers.

    What do you mean by "Nothing in the bible that says that either"?


  13. 12 minutes ago, kirtihk said:

    Because on a cruise ship you are surrounded by ocean air which is an additional danger. I can create a few more dozens of reasoning if anyone wishes.

    I'm seeing good potential here. I'm game for more reasons.👍

    • Haha 1
  14. 1 minute ago, embarkation75 said:

    Some will say my state doesn't have any policies on things like mask wearing but conveniently omit that several businesses do including retail giants that many just arrogantly violate that companies policy.

    Companies must up hold state and federal laws but if there are no laws they can't enforce policies that discriminate against individuals. These companies can encourage mask wearing if they choose.

  15. 5 minutes ago, embarkation75 said:

    You conveniently left off that I refuse to "break laws/policies" even if I don't like them. Go protest or send a letter but your version to violate laws/policy first doesn't mean I or anyone else is refusing to stand up as that's insulting.  

    I apologize for making you feel insulted for not standing up for what you believe. 

    And you keep saying  "violate laws/policy". Where I live in the great state of Alabama we don't have mask or social distance laws. 

  16. 2 minutes ago, embarkation75 said:

     Given your approach I guess one of my neighbors that broke out the windows on his other neighbors truck because it blocked his view, was justified. Fortunately, he was arrested, spent some time in jail, and is getting kicked out of the neighborhood as arrogant, entitled attitudes rarely win.

    Now you lust babbling silly stuff. No correlation at all 

  17. 9 minutes ago, embarkation75 said:

    Nope, you are flat-out wrong as you don't know how I operate. 

    And I do know how you operate. You post it earlier. You think the restrictions are absurd. That's what you typed. But you refuse to stand up for what you believe and you ridicule anyone who does even though you say they are right. 

    • Thanks 1
  18. 1 minute ago, embarkation75 said:

    Nope, you are flat-out wrong as you don't know how I operate. Until you move away from your "I'm" perspective, then you'll never see how your approach is perceived in a negative fashion until months/years go by with people largely ignoring those taking that approach. Entitled attitudes rarely win in the big picture.

    Actually it's grown to a "we're perspective". 

    And "we" will accept you thanks, gracefully.

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