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Posts posted by bamaone

  1. 12 minutes ago, coevan said:



    I believe the board of directors vote in July. There is no way they will renew the OBC, especially at $5 a share. they are not going to give a 20% OBC.  When the market rebounds, they will take a second look at reinstating. 

    Doesn’t matter what the prices are now. Carnival has already collected their money on the Stock sale. It’s the investors that sell low that are losing value. Carnival may suspend dividends payments for a short time.

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  2. 55 minutes ago, twodaywonder said:

    This is the email address. guestadmin@carnival.com I do not think they accept the request for OBC. it must be faxed or snail mail. I send it in the mail and it takes about a week to get the reply.

    I faxed mine. Luckily I had access to one at thee office. (who uses those things anymore?)  Got the credit e-main from Carnival 4 hrs later. Download and follow the instructions from the link.            



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  3. On 8/15/2019 at 1:42 PM, bamaone said:

    Bought 100 shares at $44.10 today ($4415 after fees).

    Will get $100 on board credit and dividend payout of $50 on 9/13/19.

    OK, I know I'm quoting my post but I just wanted to give an up date since I've heard from Carnival. 

    Bought my stock yesterday. Sent my purchase confirmation from Schwab this morning at 0800 and got an e-mail from Carnival at noon stating the following:


    Thank you for providing us with the required documentation in order to process your shareholder on board credit. The credit has been applied to your reservation and will be posted on your sail and sign account. 
    We value your business and hope that you will enjoy a fun and memorable cruise with us. Best Regards, 
    Austin Blake 
    Guest Admin 
    Carnival Cruise Line 


    Takes a day and I have an extra $100 to spend plus Carnival stock at a 5 year low! 

  4. 6 minutes ago, Retired_to_Cruise said:

    Buy the stock in your 401K account & it & your dividends remain tax free until you sell it. And there are no taxes on your stockholder OBC as well. Always sail 7 day cruises, or do like we do and sail on 2 B2B cruises a year which gives you $400.00. You do not have to spend it with Carnival. Go to the Casino and draw it out of your S&S account to your S&S card. Take your S&S card to the Casino cage and cash it out. Voila, you have $100 free dollars in your pocket to spend any place. Or leave it in your S&S account and use it to pay some of your gratuities.

    Just put in the order with a $44 limit from my 401K. I know I'm a bottom feeder trying to get the lowest buy price but I'll watch the prices and adjust up if necessary. Good ideal on the Casino cash out!   

  5. It's not the greatest deal but it's not bad either. At $45 a share you get a 1% return in on board credit (1 - 7 day trip) plus 4.5% dividend annually. If you cruise more often you can add 1% per cruise. Now keep in mind you have to spend that 1% with Carnival but odds are you'll probably spend way more than that anyway while on board.  At the current stock price you have think it will increase in the future and you're getting 5.5% return at this time. That's as good as common utility stocks are paying today. The past 5 year average shows Carnival and utility stocks are pretty close in price changes. The down side is CCL dividends (4.5%) may take a turn down if the market dips. Luxury and service type stocks usually do. Over all I think I'm making the purchase tomorrow and will enjoy my on board credit while I go for the long term investment. Of course every time I say long term I wind up selling after I see a 20-25% price increase. There's also the elections that could come into play if the "green new deal" was to force Carnival out of the fossil fuel usage. But if that were to some how occur the entire US economy and every working human would be completely bankrupt. 

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  6. We were on the Dolphin Sept 21,1987. It was our first cruise as well as our honeymoon. We met some wonderful people who lived in Miami and got on as last minute passengers. I'm sorry to say we lost touch shortly afterwards. But I do remember most of the group worked for the telephone company at the time. They made our cruise wonderful. The ship and cabins were small. The dining experience was really nice. We also spend most nights in the tiny cramped but fun disco.

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