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Posts posted by bamaone

  1. Just now, embarkation75 said:

    No, that's where your speaking from an "I'm" perspective again as I (and many others) will NEVER thank people that violate laws/policies by acting like arrogant, entitled brats. Those people should be given citations or even arrested if they push too far.

    Yes you will. When you figure out you've been had. They all do

  2. 1 minute ago, embarkation75 said:

    Ummm, there is a time and place for questioning or debating a policy but when somebody just skips straight to forcing past that law/policy, then most see them as entitled brats. Any momentum they might have had to get the policy changed is lost by their selfish attitude. Specifically, so what you're proposing is to just brute force past a policy but what about the people that only entered a business with the understanding of say mask wearing as a requirement as apparently you don't care about giving them a chance to go elsewhere if the policy is changed? It is blatant selfish behavior as it's all about "me" and apparently screw anything that gets in "my" road but flip the script and now it's all about hauling them to jail. Whatever bud.

    Whatever. You'll thank the ones who took a stand one day

  3. 1 minute ago, embarkation75 said:

    What? Did you actually read what I posted as that's not what I said? I'd prefer to NOT mask-up now that I'm vaccinated BUT I'm also not some egomaniac that thinks I can violate my office or business policies just because I don't like it. If you choose not to wear a mask on your property or in businesses that don't have a policy, then I support that as I largely don't wear one either in those places since being vaccinated. However, you are actually proving my point that you are speaking in "I'm" instead of "we're". Sadly too many people think it's their constitutional right to violate a business policy just because they don't like the rule. No, people should go elsewhere if they don't like the policy instead of acting like entitled brats that can do whatever, wherever they desire. It's all about freedom supposedly until a businesses freedom to make a policy irritates people, then the 2 year old tantrums begin.

    If people don't take a stand against what even you yourself said is absurd, they may as well enjoy living in  the corral just as sheep do. 

  4. 46 minutes ago, embarkation75 said:

    You keep saying "we're" when you really mean "I'm". Suspect similar to many that in your orbit of daily life "we're" seems relevant (probably not much different from what I see daily among some folks). However, not all businesses, state/local/federal ordinances, individuals, etc.. match your orbit of life as saying "we're" infers a level of consistency that flat-out doesn't exist. Listen, I'm fully vaccinated and find it absurd I still have to wear a mask at work and stores but it's not my choice to violate office and private business policy.  So I know that my views on having to mask after vaccination are a "I'm" issue and not a "we're" issue and don't act as though that is the entire orbit of people let alone the entire country as that is making an assumption that is false. Many people on here would be surprised if they moved out of their orbit for a day as they'd be surprised to see less "everybody thinks just like me" moments.

    What are you even typing? You want to mask up after being vaccinated, go ahead. Nobody has a problem with that. Just get over your problem with those that do not. 

    • Like 7
  5. 1 minute ago, skridge said:

    Unfortunately the same crowd that caused the virus to spread more rapidly than it should have because they wouldn't wear a mask and distance because it was taking away their liberty are now keeping us from getting to herd immunity because they think Bill Gates has put a microchip in the vaccine.  At the end of the day it seems the takeaway is we are not dealing with rocket scientists.

    We're done with restrictions.

    • Like 4
  6. 2 minutes ago, skridge said:

    It wasn't anything against liberty when we were asking people to wear masks.  Just trying to slow the spread of a virus that killed over half a million Americans.  I will be happy to stand up to anyone who thinks wearing a mask and social distancing was somehow asking to much of them.  

    Not disagreeing with you at all. But those days are over now. We're done with the restrictions. Everybody knows how to protect themselves if they choose. It's our decision.

    • Like 6
  7. 2 hours ago, BoozinCroozin said:

    May 12th may put an end to the CDC's Reign of Terror on the cruise lines. I believe there is far more at work here than the public knows. The CDC is on grounds that have legal and criminal implications. These people are "doctors" , not lawyers. One false move, one false use of facts and their castle of cards comes tumbling down. The Judge hearing the case is more in line with FL and Alaska than on the CDC.


    It's not an end all, be all for this issue. But it is definitely something that could have massive repercussions for the CDC and/or the people that work there. We are not talking about an industry that lost $1M, $10M, $100M. We are talking about an industry that lost over $50B. If there is any sliver of evidence of misrepresentation of data, trading of securities in the hospitality industry, or anything else, it becomes criminal and any piece of credibility that they have left is gone. IMO the cruising data over the last 6+ months proves the point of the case. Infection rate on cruise ships is only 0.02%. That is some odd 1000x less likely than land based. 

    What case are you referring to? 

  8. 7 minutes ago, embarkation75 said:

    Better aim for late 2022 or 2023 as these rules aren't going away for at least a full year after resumption of cruises. Now maybe people understand why the cruiselines have said they won't return to normal until 2023!

    We scheduled for September 2022. But I don’t see these stupid requirements lasting anywhere near that long. As a country,  we’re getting tired of all the bs. If the powers that be don’t wise up, they’ll soon be looking for new careers. Why did we bother taking a vaccine if nothing changes? 

    • Like 6
  9. 5 minutes ago, BlerkOne said:


    The vaccines are performing well. There are almost no valid reasons for not getting vaccinated. Most of the people opting out of the vaccine are doing so for invalid reasons.

    I’ll add this from Wikipedia with the understanding they aren’t the most reliable. But most of these pulled medicines do seem accurate. 

  10. 1 hour ago, cscurlock said:

    I think at the end of the day the cruise lines will require vaccinations because of the cost.  Its just a no brainer.  Vaccinated people could get Covid but it won't put them in a hospital and it wont stop a cruise.  At the end of the day this is the bottom line.  They wont take a chance on having to turn around and quarantine the entire ship.  They just cant afford that headline. So they are going to throw out the simulated voyages and just require vaccinations because it costs very little.  People who want to wait for full approval for the vaccine or herd immunity, they can wait.  I wouldn't worry about the counterfeit cards, states have databases they can check those when you do your check in.

    It will be interesting to see this play out. Both Florida and Texas have said no vaccine requirements in their states. I can see Louisiana and Alabama following their lead.  

    • Like 1
  11. 8 minutes ago, ProgRockCruiser said:

    There are a few folks who are indeed, um, aggressive about their stance that everyone should get the vaccine.  I think everyone should too, but I generally just shrug and smile when someone says they won't be getting it.


    The main concern I have is that if enough people don't get vaccinated, the disease will linger with higher prevalence in the general population, and that threatens the health of people who legitimately can't get vaccinated for health reasons.


    I also suspect it also means that eventually a large portion of the unvaccinated population will get COVID anyway.  Which will have long-term impacts not just on them, potentially, but drives up health care costs.  And everyone ends up paying more in insurance or co-pays.


    IMHO, enough people are vaccinated in the US (including me and those close to me) that I do not feel personally threatened by the virus.  And it looks like eventually I'll be able to travel normally to the rest of the world for business and pleasure, like I used to.

    While I agree with everything you posted, I can’t ignore the the possibility that there may be negative consequences from the vaccine. With that in mind I don’t judge or try to influence in any way. Those of us that have the vaccine will deal with anything that may happen just like those that are not vaccinated will deal with their choice.

    • Like 1
  12. 1 minute ago, bitemyfly said:

    Me I’m buying doge at the next dip.. ccl , I will wait on ..

    I went with real long shots

    23 mil Safemoon

    1.7 bil  moonshot. 
    (no that’s not dollars)

    It’s like owning lottery tickets but more fun.

    • Haha 1
  13. 11 minutes ago, DarthGrady said:

    I bought in at under $9, so anything above that is good news for me. 

    I picked up a hundred shares at $8.50. Unfortunately, I already owned a hundred at $44 so that puts my share cost at $26.25. 

    • Like 1
  14. The good news is this whole issue will all be coming to an end in the near future. Initial cruises will probably be somewhat restricted at first but soon after, all the crazy stuff will fade away just as it is in many parts of the USA. Welcome back cruising. Welcome back life and liberty in America. Welcome back a Cruise Critic forum where we complain about muster drills, chair hogs, long lines at the comedy club and smoke in the casino.

    • Like 2
  15. 5 hours ago, Pizzasteve said:

    Exactly.  Its pretty clear the majority of cruise lines will pursue strategies to mothball the majority of their fleets, leave most lower income crew staff hanging, wait it out, posture to blame 'big old nasty government' for the health issues on ships, try to hold onto as much cash as possible, try to preserve some customer goodwill with a few sailings to keep brand active, appoligise over cancelled cruises, restart when pandemic is considerd 'managed' so they can operate with same old same old model.  Its rational.

    I apologize up front if I misunderstood your post.  My sarcasm meter isn’t what it used to be. I can’t imagine any cruise line not doing everything they can to revive their product ASAP if they get the ok to go. 

  16. 23 hours ago, BlerkOne said:

    Speaking of political statements, which President said it was a hoax and later suggested ingesting bleach, and continues to make racist statements?

    You are a liar. Your post is false. He never suggested ingesting bleach. Your false post leaves you with no credibility. And your racist narrative shows you want racial discontent. You must think keeping everybody at each other’s throat will keep your party in power.

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