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Everything posted by StLouisCruisers

  1. Bruce and Sue @aliaschief and @DWAliaschief Happy 31st wedding anniversary!! Thanks to everybody who posts here and for your wonderful support.🤗
  2. Good morning friends! It's 68F with cloudy skies. We expect a high of 85 and rain chances starting after lunch. I am going to my hair appointment this morning and perhaps I'll be home before the rain begins. Thank you to our leader Rich @richwmn for starting us up today. 👍 Our days to celebrate are varied, aren't they? I love a tree except when they're blocking my view. 😉 Never owned a sea monkey. Mom probably said no. I will try to wear something purple today for peace. Jerry Seinfeld really got it right about keep moving. I think several of my aches and pains are because of slowing down during Covid. The menu suggestion today (Crunchy Chili Lime Shrimp) sounds interesting but if it's spicy I can't eat it. The Bay Breeze sounds refreshing and I have no idea what type of wine we have this morning but will wait for our F&B Dept. reports. Thanks to all our ladies, Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope, and Ann @cat shepard. The day in history is a big one. Prayers for the Care list people and we send our support for you all. Hoping the pain is less and recovery soon.🙏 Special thoughts going out to @1ANGELCAT and her Fluff. Hope she is responding to treatment. A salute to all on the Celebration list!🥂 Hoping Annie has a great visit to Sitka today! Sharon @Sharon in AZ hope you two have smooth sailing to Vancouver. Port of the day is La Goulette, Tunis, Tunisia. That is a port that was cancelled for us on a cruise once. It was listed here once before on Oct. 25, 2021 and July 11, 2022. Below are the links for your convenience in retrieving photos. None from me today! Hope all of you have a great day. Stay safe!
  3. That's the best news you could get! More proof that Tasmania is a unique and beautiful place. Thanks for your great photos. Your continuing headache and the nosebleeds worry me. It might be a good idea to see your doctor.
  4. Just scanning the Daily I see many things I'd like to comment on but chose these three for right now. I will try to finish up reading afterwards. Maureen, you asked where Ren's team goes next. Saturday (May 20) is Indianapolis, the following weekend is Memorial Day weekend and nothing on the schedule except for Ren's older brother is graduating from high school on Friday May 26, and then to Chicago area on Sunday, June 4. DH and I are heading to Michigan for the graduation for Kai of course. Good news about your DH! Thanks Joy! I think the defense needs some work. Former Tiger player Lucas is the best player on defense, but he can't do it all either! Yes, here is a screenshot of a 2 page spread for Alter do Chao for you to see. I actually did 5 pages today which helps with my average. Yesterday was terrible but I was busy on Mother's Day! This is very distressing news. I really hope Fluff can be helped so you don't have to say goodbye too soon. Prayers for you and your precious Fluff.🙏
  5. Let me be the one and only bad news bearer of the day. The Jags lost a while ago 3 to 2. Everytime the Jags scored the other side did shortly afterwards. It's like they forgot to play the game and let up on the pressure for a few minutes. Then there was about one minute left in the game and the other side scored a third time, leaving no time to come back. I suppose they deserved to lose if they didn't put 100% into it. Hopefully they will learn something from today and that is to play full force the entire game. That can be the moral of the day. In better news, I've just about finished the third page (of my new photo book) since I started this morning. Feeling better about it because I only got one finished yesterday!
  6. Thanks for that special good luck wish, and also to everyone's wishes for Ren. So nice of you all. Debbie @dfish any of those recipes look good. When do we eat? lol I bet your yard is looking so much nicer. All the neighbors must be relieved to have Debbie and Sue as their neighbors now.
  7. Love the memes again today! And as to ports, so far about 200 no's but 400 yes's. Good luck getting through one more day, then home for a "rest". Prayers for Jim's Mohs surgery this morning. Hope it all goes smoothly for him. Great news on getting those snow tires off. And thank you for good wishes to Ren. Congrats on the new cruise booking! Welcome back! We've missed you. Everyone will be happy to see you posting again. Hurray, the ship names are back! Great job Eva. Thank you so much for posting the lists.
  8. Good morning friends! It's a calm morning and 68F. The weather today will be mostly cloudy and 83. I can't think of anything on our calendar for today so I will try to make progress on the Amazon River photo book. I said Try. Thanks to Rich @richwmn for compiling all the information for the Daily for us. The days we have to celebrate are National Chocolate Chip Day which I wholeheartedly endorse. Anything chocolate except chocolate covered insects. Also there is National Slider Day so if you have a White Castle near you go get a free one. Police Officers Memorial Day is a somber day as we honor those who have died in the law enforcement field. There are new officers added to that list nearly every day and I am saddened for them and their families who give so much.👮‍♂️ The quote is interesting and true in so many ways. I have no idea what Tzatziki Chicken is but hope Debbie @dfish has the answer. Thanks Debbie! The cocktail is Pina Punch and once again have no clue about it.🍹 And the wine sounds like it's Brazilian. 🍷 Thanks to Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard for your reports on them today. Our day in history concerns the Suffrage movement back in 1869. I have a feeling that Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton were not the most popular women in town because change is hard for people to accept. Prayers for our Care list. Hoping every day that there is improvement and quick healing for all involved. Also for the Ukrainians who continue to fight for their freedom. And for all the tornado victims lately in the U.S. and the wildfire sufferers in Canada.🙏 Three cheers for everyone cruising, and those with happy events in their families. Thank you Eva @superoma for taking care of the Care and Celebration lists while Vanessa @JazzyV and Roy @rafinmd are away from duties.🥂🎉 Our port of the day is Port Arthur, Tasmania, Australia and it's my favorite port in Tasmania. I have lucked out and gotten into that port two times because the weather was sunny one day and overcast the second. Not always the case there. It's a former penal colony and has lots to see. We had this port back on May 3, 2022 and I will get the link for you to retrieve photos. Mine are below too. We first visited Port Arthur on Dec. 9, 2013 on the Diamond Princess. The second time was Nov. 8, 2017 on the Sun Princess. Both times we tendered over and visited the site of a 19th century convict settlement. All of the buildings are open for you to explore. This is what one of the cells looked like. The guard tower In the distance a church which I'll show you photos of later. Next we saw a separate prison for the insane called the Asylum. It was later used as a town hall. A cell for an inmate. A chapel for them. We headed towards the church and an extensive garden area. I loved the two columns here near the entrance to the gardens. The old Convict Church ruins. It was built by the convicts in 1836. It was devastated by fire in 1884 so all that stands is the stone outer walls. walking through the nearby gardens I have photos of dozens of different flowers, too many to post them all here. As we left in 2017 we passed by the Memorial Garden, built to commemorate the victims of the Port Arthur mass shooting in 1996. I could post photos all day on Port Arthur, my favorite stop in Tasmania. Hoping for a good soccer day for Ren and his teammates, that the referees open their eyes and stop all the nonsense and that no one is hurt. Go for the win Jags!⚽ Have a great day everyone! Time for exercise now.
  9. Today is National Chocolate Chip Day, National Slider Day, and Police Officer's Memorial Day The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no recipe for living that suits all cases - Carl G. Jung, MDMeal Suggestion for today - Tzatziki ChickenDrink of the Day - Pina PunchWine of the Day - Vignavecchia Brunello Di Montalcino D.O.C.G., San Paulo 2015Destination of the Day - Port Arthur, Tasmania AustraliaToday in History:1869 National Woman Suffrage Association forms in New York, founded by Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady StantonShip Locations Eurodam Juneau, Alaska 13:00 - 22:00 Koningsdam Tracy Arm/Endicott Arm, Alaska 09:00 - 09:30 Juneau, Alaska 13:00 - 22:00 Nieuw Amsterdam Glacier Bay, Alaska 07:00 - 17:00 Nieuw Statendam At Sea Destination Stavanger, Norway eta 5-16 Noordam At Sea Destination Ketchikan, Alaska eta 5-16 Oosterdam Barcelona, Spain 07:00 - 17:00 Rotterdam Stockholm, Sweden (day 2) depart 18:00 Volendam Ketchikan, Alaska 11:00 - 19:00 Westerdam At Sea Destination Juneau, Alaska eta 5-16 Zaandam At Sea Destination Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island eta 5-16 Zuiderdam At Sea Destination Praia Da Vitoria, Azores eta 5-19 Sandi for Rich
  10. Beautiful tulips! I would love to go there! I think your post arrived during my last marathon session. Sorry! Beautiful photos of your family Brenda. Awesome pictures of a doe and fawns. So lucky to see that. Thank you! I was just starting to look at photos when the phone rang and I spent an hour talking to my DD. Priorities! I haven't done a single thing on the book. What a beautiful family portrait of your handsome family. Thank you. Thank you RNB! The ship looks like a miniature next to it. You look just like her Roy!
  11. Do I get a prize?? 😁 I know it took at least an hour to do all that. By the time I'd finished there were about 8 more posts, but I really must work on Manaus now...I'm so behind on the rest of CC but it can't be helped.
  12. I've just finished eating lunch and have been resting up a bit reading Cruise Critic this morning. Time to get busy on that photo book. The reason I rested was I spent some time outside in the heat and humidity raking up some areas of the yard that looked poorly due to thatch and small leaves left by the landscaping people last fall. I got some old acorn debris up too. Everyone's grass looks pretty inferior this year and I'm wondering if the company that sprays fertilizer on our properties really did a good job or not. Sweat was just dripping down my face. Anyway, had to shower and cool down afterwards and just sat on the sofa reading and watching TV. After I finish here I promise to get started on Manaus! Thank you Graham. I'm glad to see others posting their photos too. Thank you for posting that Graham. It made me so sad though and it's a hard thing to think about.😥 It's good to hear from you. That really is nice of @POA1 to ask you to stay with them after your WC. What a view, eh? It was fun hearing how Callie and Leo reacted to you being back. Cats are funny!🐈 I'm sad to hear you are having more problems with your stomach issues. Hoping you're feeling good enough to enjoy your dinner out with your friend and his Mom. And thanks for the nice comment about Mom's photo. She had her hands full with 4 children and a family of 6 in a tiny apartment. Thankfully we moved to the suburbs the following year with room to spread out. Ann, great photos of baby animals with their Moms. All are darling. Thank you Roy. I got a text this morning that they were heading out for the day to Charlottesville, Virginia for Mother's Day. I hope the weather is nice there too. DDIL got her undergraduate degree from UVA in Charlottesville. So either she wanted to just go back for a visit for old time's sake, or to see an old friend there, or perhaps Ren wanted to see the University. Whatever they do I'm sure it will be fun. I think I would choose #3. But that's not what DH is fixing me for dinner tonight. Anyway, you and Sue have really been busy. I'm sure the deck and the back yard look much better now. Enjoy your time relaxing today. And your photo with your Mother is so sweet. Thank you for sharing! Oh boy, it's getting closer! The weeks do go by so quickly. Your catered meal from Olive Garden sounds very good. I hope you and your family have a wonderful time together. Jacqui your Mom looks so elegant in her beautiful dress. Women really dressed nicely in those days. Men, too, with their hats and suits. Love the memes again today. I hope you and Ivan are having lots of fun playing fetch. As for Ren and the Jags, you can't win them all. Wish you could but you can't! They will do their best tomorrow when they play again. Thank you for sharing your Nanortalik photos! It looks like someplace I'll enjoy walking around. I just hope we don't have bad weather and can get in there. Nancy, what a nice photo of your Mom on her way to the UP (upper peninsula) to their cabin. And wow, that's a lot of plants! Nice looking too. Are they all volunteers from various yards? I really hope your problems at your cabin are easily fixed. I know you're anxious to get up there. Keep us updated. Tina, thanks for the eaglets photos. More cute babies. Nice photo of your Mom expecting you. My older sis told me our Mom should have known she was having twins just by the size of her tummy. She could sit a plate on it! What a beautiful sky for that sunrise. Thanks for sharing with us. Wonderful family photos today Terry! Brings back nice memories, I'm sure. Vanessa, what a sweet photo of your Mom and you. They really liked to pose by the cars back then, at least my folks did. I'm sorry to hear you've been without her here on Earth for 30 years already. But she is still in your heart. More great photos of the wildlife and scenery in Yellowstone. I hope you have safe travels home and a wonderful Mother's Day. Joy, sorry to hear about your Mom. That's very sad. But seems like you have some good news to report this week, and that's a good thing. That armadillo won't know where to go next, will he? Glad to hear your friends will be coming down to visit soon, and your DS is planning on coming along on part of your cruise later this year. Fun! I'm happy to hear how well the dinner went and that you all enjoy each other's company. Bless you for befriending the Ukrainian family! Nice family photos today Lenda. You look so cute in your coat and matching bonnet. By the way, while I was outside this morning neighbor Linda walked by with her new dog. She said she was doing great when I inquired. I asked about the dog and she said she had rescued her recently, that she was 4 years old and her name had been Hazel May. Linda didn't care for Hazel so she calls her Hazey May! I remarked that she resembled a dachsund and she told me she was a dachsund mix. Her face and ears looked just like a dachsund. Anyway, I thought of you and your dachsunds while talking with her. Linda has never owned a small dog before but agreed this one would be easier to handle. I'm glad I was out there when she happened by. Thanks so much for showing us your photos of Nanortalik. Looks like lots of the ports I've seen in Greenland so far, and I know I will enjoy our stop there in August. @RedneckBob I've lost your post from this morning showing the Maasdam in Nanortalik by the iceberg. Thanks for that photo, and it will be fun watching for icebergs on our cruise. Paul, that is a very pretty picture of your Mother. Thank you! Thanks Maureen! As a Grandma I love talking about dear Ren too. What a sweetheart he is. I heard from a granddaughter today. I told her if she likes, she may have my china when she marries next year. I sent her a photo of the pattern, and told her no pressure. But she loves the simple pattern and said she would like to have china owned by family. So I will give it to her. She will have to let me know when she's ready for it. I have a lot of accessory pieces too so she may want to get a cabinet to keep it all in. Looks like you got a very nice bike for a good price! It's good for exercise, too. Sorry to hear about losing your Mom 33 years ago. Hope you have a nice Mother's Day. Beautiful photos of Nanortalik Ann! Thank you so much! That's quite a story about your Mother. In my family if you don't really know how to describe someone we just say they are "unique". 😉
  13. In honor of my Mother, Lorraine, on Mother's Day, here is a photo of her with me and a couple of my siblings. I'm the toddler in the middle. Please feel free to share a remembrance of your Mother today.
  14. Good Morning friends and Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms out there! We will have a warm day here with 67 currently and a predicted high of 88 with sunny skies. Whatever you do today I hope it's a happy day for everyone. Thanks to Rich @richwmn for our Daily and Fleet Report. I'd like to commemorate Dance Like a Chicken Day, Bond With Your Dog Day, and National Decency Day. I believe Dance Like a Chicken means the same thing as the chicken dance which I don't think I know how to do. Everyone will be happy to celebrate bonding with their dogs and being decent is a good thing to do. We could use a lot more of it! Speaking of dogs, I believe my neighbor Linda has a new dog. She's the one who was in a horrific car accident last August and her DH passed away. She had a broken back and two broken wrists. She is starting to walk outside her house now, up and down our street, and I've seen her walking a tiny little dog on a leash the past two days. She had a much larger dog last year and I never found out what happened to it, but this little dog looks like a better match for someone who walks very slowly and doesn't have much agility. But good for her getting on with her life as best she can!! I like the Churchill quote today. The menu suggestion sounds okay but not my favorite. Maybe Debbie @dfish can boost my enthusiasm for it. Thanks Deb! Our drink is Knob Creek Old Fashioned 🍹and the wine a Chilean Cabernet. 🍷 Thanks to Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard for your input on those two. The Day in History is a good one. Lewis and Clark began their journey in my hometown. Prayers go to all on the Care list though we have seen much improvement there. 🙏 Three cheeers to the Celebration list! I'm glad to see all the cruisers as well as the other good news shared here.🚢 Let's try to keep that up. My good news is I finished 7 more pages in my photo book on the Amazon River cruise we took last November-December. That's a lot! I still have 16 days left to chronicle. 🤞 The port today is Nanortalik, Greenland. We had that port way back at the beginning of the port feature here on the Daily, on April 7, 2021. I haven't been there yet, but will go there on my Zaandam cruise in August so would be happy to see the photos and what to do there, so please do post if you have anything. Here is the link to make it easier for you. I hope Rich had a good night's sleep at home and isn't feeling too overwhelmed with settling in, getting food in the house, dealing with mail, bonding with his cats (haven't heard the story on that front yet but would love to), and dusting off the home computers. We will see him here live on Tuesday! Meanwhile, let's all have a great day, and be safe out there!
  15. Mother's Day Today is Dance Like a Chicken Day, Bond With Your Dog Day, and National Decency Day You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. - Winston ChurchillMeal Suggestion for today - Ham and Pea Pasta AlfredoDrink of the Day - Knob Creek Old FashionedWine of the Day - Lapostolle Cabernet Cuvee Alexandre, Colchagua Valley, ChileDestination of the Day - Nanortalik, GreenlandToday in History:1804 Meriwether Lewis and William Clark's expedition commissioned by Thomas Jefferson sets out from St Louis for Pacific CoastShip Locations Eurodam At Sea Destination Juneau, Alaska eta 5-15 Koningsdam At Sea Destination Tracy Arm/Endicott Arm and Juneau, Alaska eta 5-15 Nieuw Amsterdam At Sea Destination Glacier Bay, Alaska eta 5-15 Nieuw Statendam Amsterdam, Holland 04:30 - 17:30 Noordam Vancouver, Canada 07:00 - 16:00 Oosterdam Ibiza, Spain 07:00 - 17:00 Rotterdam Stockholm, Sweden 0800(+1) Volendam Glacier Bay, Alaska 07:00 - 16:00 Westerdam Seattle, Washington 07:00 - 15:00 Zaandam Quebec City, Quebec 07:00 - 15:00 Zuiderdam At Sea destination Praia Da Vitoria, Azores eta 5-19 Sandi for Rich
  16. Checking in with you all this afternoon. I've been working hard on my photo book and have completed 4 pages, so will continue and maybe get another done this evening. Time to do Parintins now! Oh, want to mention I misspelled Boi Bumba this morning. I don't like being inaccurate. It's got a b not a p in Bumba. The Jaguars game was at 11 am and this was not a good day for them. They took the lead with one goal just before half time (Colton scored with an assist by Ren). They only took a break for 10 minutes at half time trying to keep the tournament on schedule. There was a lot of trouble with the referee who didn't seem to know all the rules, or else wasn't catching everything. He would overlook a foul three times in a row when it was committed by the other team, but the fourth time he would call that same foul against the Jaguars. Ren had two defenders on him. The other side scored halfway through the second half, and there were two injuries that took quite a few minutes but the referee only added about 1 minute at the end for that so less time to try to score again. Anyway, with the score tied at the end they did penalty kicks and the other side won. Fortunately the Jaguars have the most points so are still number one in their group. Another game on Monday and let's hope we reverse today's bad luck! Charlene, good wishes for continued recovery and better health! More beautiful and interesting photos! Thanks so much for sharing them with us. I'm happy to hear Pat came home today. I hope all the news from now on is good news. Thank you for letting us know how she's doing. Prayers she can make that WC next year!🙏 So sorry the cleaner had an emergency. I hope Jim's surgery Monday goes okay and the dryer arrives with no damage. My niece is waiting for her third refrigerator in her new home due to damage to them. They finally went out and got a smaller one and bought it off the "showroom floor" to keep in their garage to tide them over. Second refrigerators are always handy. We've had one for drinks, extra freezer space, and extra items for many years. (Don't want to jinx it and say how old it is!). Hope this is the last of your bad luck. Good thing you were home then to help out your poor neighbor. I have a hair appointment Tuesday, too. Do all hairdressers take Monday off? Mine owns the shop and is off Sunday and Monday.
  17. Very nice photos Dixie of the park. I didn't see a park. Next time maybe...LOL! Quite a collection of statues there. Interesting they have a statue with a bull similar to the one in the Boi Bumpa show. I'm sure that soccer jersey was a big hit with your DD. Jacqui @kazu prayers that incision heals soon. I'm glad to hear Ivan is doing better with the grass now. Good luck with all the planting you have left to do! @Denise T good to hear you are feeling better already. Got to get that packing finished! Roy @rafinmd I'll have some of your alternative Mariner brunch menu tonight. Sounds delicious! Time to sort photos for Alter do Chao for my next photo book page. Later!
  18. Bruce @aliaschief great memes today especially finding the lost socks. Can that photo be real?? Good grief! You're doing a wonderful job caring for the kids. Having to take away screen time is tough but necessary. And congrats on progress on the potty training! Thank you Graham @grapau27 for your nice comments to me but it occurred to me we should not forget Roy @rafinmd was the original relief editor here for about 5 weeks until he was hospitalized with pneumonia and low sodium. So a round of applause to Roy for helping out so much on this publication. We wouldn't have gotten this far without you!👏👏👏
  19. So glad you're feeling a little better. Just take it day by day. You have a lot of courage to handle this so well. Prayers for continued good news for you.🙏
  20. On Nov. 30, 2022 the Volendam arrived at Parintins, Brazil. Our plans that day were to go to the Boi Bumpa show so we headed over to shore across that muddy water. While crossing we saw a few glimpses of the pink dolphins in the water. Here is the landing spot in "lovely" Parintins. On the way to the convention center to get our seats. Just outside the door as we were going in. Waiting for things to start. People were taking photos with a couple of performers. We were seated on the flat, main floor at first but someone near us started coughing a lot so we went to the back where there was a narrow platform against the back wall and stood up there with a large group of other guests. I took lots of photos, some blurry due to the action, and some videos. The music was LOUD! I took a lot of photos but just wish they would have all been clear. But you get the idea. If you go be prepared for the noise level. One man below us held his fingers in his ears the whole time. After the show we headed back to the dock and tendered back over. You can take a bus but we walked it because it was faster than waiting for everyone to board. Next is a photo taken of the shore, dock and hill you walk up to get to the main street. We took that one from the ship. If you go to Parintins this is the thing to do. Not much else happening if you ask me.
  21. Good morning friends! I have 64F here with a high of 84 and clouds/sun mix expected. A good day for flying! Thank you Rich @richwmn for compiling the Daily and Fleet Report. Hope you had a good night's sleep and are ready to get home now. Our days today are Birth Mother's Day, Frog Jumping Day and International Hummus Day. Not a traditional Hallmark card event nonetheless a very important day to those who were adopted. Without their birth Mother they would not be here. So they actually have two Mothers to celebrate this weekend. Frog jumping is something I have no experience with and I've never eaten hummus so saying I don't like it would be inaccurate. I just don't know if I do. I won't comment on the quote. Our menu suggestion is another pizza, this time garlic and Herb Steak Pizza. Thanks Debbie @dfish for your recipes and photos today! The candy apple margarita 🍸sounds fancy and the Italian Prosecco sounds great! 🥂 Thanks to our gals Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard for their reports on them. The day in history sounds like a lot of ships to handle at one time especially back in 1787. Amazing how they thought of the idea of shipping all the prisoners to another part of the world would be a good thing. They just wanted to dust their hands of them I suppose. Prayers today for our list of Care people. We hope the prayers hasten your healing or recovery!🙏 Three cheers to the lucky Celebration people! May all your cruises and happy events be wonderful. Thank you Eva @superoma for handling this while Vanessa is away. I reported last evening on the Jaguars - Silicon Valley game. Jags won 4 - 0 and Ren scored 2, one of them being a penalty kick. ⚽ DH tells me Ren is good at those because he takes a step, does a little hitch step, sees which direction the goalie is headed and kicks it the other way. Sounds good to me! So a big hurray to them today. I hope today's game is just as great for them. The port of the day is Parintins, Brazil. We've had it here twice before on Dec. 11, 2021 and April 24, 2022. How ironic that I'm working on making my photo book of the Amazon River cruise now, and I haven't quite gotten to the Parintins port. I have Alter Do Chao next and then Parintins. That means I have no pictures already posted and will have to look up which ones to post! Oh boy! I'll place the links here for you if you have already posted your photos already so you can retrieve them easily. I guess I will just post this now and go on the hunt for the photos of Parintins. Have a great Saturday everyone and don't forget what tomorrow is!
  22. Today is National Birth Mother's Day, Frog Jumping Day, and International Hummus Day What a slut time is. She screws everybody.--John Green, The Fault in Our StarsMeal Suggestion for today - Garlic & Herb Steak PizzaDrink of the Day - Candy Apple MargaritaWine of the Day - Nino Franco Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore Brut, Veneto, ItalyDestination of the Day - Parintins, Brazil AmazonToday in History:1787 Arthur Phillip sets sails with 11 ships of criminals to Botany Bay, AustraliaShip Locations Eurodam Seattle, Washington 07:00 - 15:00 Koningsdam Vancouver, BC Canada 07:00 - 16:00 Nieuw Amsterdam Valdez, Alaska 08:00 - 18:00 Nieuw Statendam At Sea Destination Amsterdam, Holland eta 5-14 Noordam At Sea Destination Vancouver, BC Canada eta 5-14 Oosterdam Alicante, Spain 10:00 - 21:00 Rotterdam Helsinki, Finland 07:00 - 17:00 Volendam Skagway, Alaska 07:00 - 20:00 Westerdam Victoria, BC Canada 20:00 - 23:59 Zaandam Montreal, Quebec 07:00 - 17:00 Zuiderdam At Sea Destination Praia Da Vitoria, Azores eta 5-19 Sandi for Rich
  23. We ate a late dinner due to the game going on between 5 and 7. Cold rotisserie chicken, pasta salad, and baked beans. And wine. The weather in Maryland was hot! They stopped play for a few minutes for another player's minor injury and Ren ran to the sidelines for a dousing of cold water. The score ended up Jags 4 and Silicon Valley 0. Ren scored 1 goal and 1 penalty kick goal, and Cade and Lucas scored one goal each. Hurray! We are very happy campers here tonight. Oh, and I found out DDIL wasn't there tonight. She flies in tomorrow due to older brother going to prom tonight and she wanted to be there for him. Probably ironing his shirt and tying his tie! Hurray for Moms too! I can hear a roar from the direction of Atlanta Motor Speedway so apparently there is a race going on over that way. Nascar season has arrived for sure. I finished 5 pages today! I'm done with Santarem (yesterday's port of the day), and tomorrow is Alter do Chao. Have a great evening and a good night's sleep. See you in the morning.
  24. This is the best we could do Sharon with the raindrops blocking and no zoom, plus a ship in the way. That's you way in the back over there!
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