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Ret MP

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  1. I don't believe that this has been mentioned. But, wouldn't there be medical bills, receipts, an Explanation of Benefits, or something like that with the patient's names, dates of service, procedures, etc etc. Wouldn't that help with the claim? I would hope so.
  2. I have provided tips to "Stewardesses." oh excuse me, Flight Attendants with tips back is the day when I used to fly. Never thought of the pilot though. Maybe because they never came back to my seat and delivered a drink, food, or anything else. Oh, I don't tip the driver on the subway, the bus driver, or whatever. Let's not get carried away here. BTW, I do give a Christmas tip to my Postal Delivery person and the Garbage collection folks, too.
  3. I don't view everything through an agenda. It either entertains or it doesn't. That's my view. CATS doesn't!
  4. I'm not disputing (no pun intended) what Royal says. However, the charge is not valid, if disputed until the credit card company says it is valid.
  5. I never stay in Miami even if cruising out of Miami. We try to get a room in Dania Beach, Davie, or on 17th Street Causeway in Ft. Lauderdale. Otherwise, it's Russian Rulet with neighborhoods and crime and/or price. Davie has some very good-priced hotels that are located very near the I-595 and the Turnpike or I-95. Some will make arrangements, if you fly in, for a shuttle to take you to the Port of Miami. Dania Beach is also somewhat moderately priced. We've stayed at the Holiday Inn Express which is just about on the corner of Davie Rd and I-595. It was clean, friendly, close (walking distance) to several restaurants even a wine cellar.
  6. I don't think that that is the issue here. I believe that RCCL has added a charge without any documented explanation or proof of what it is for. Usually, if we, all of us, notice an unidentified charge on our credit card, we just make a call to the business and have them explain it and then follow up with the documentation. How are we/the OP to know that CBP actually did charge RCCL for the issue? Did RCCL just assume that they are going to be billed for the incident? And possibly many other questions. Also, a dispute puts the payment on hold until the dispute is settled, giving the aggrieved party time to get the information/documentation needed and for the credit card company to do the same. If the dispute is granted, great. If it is not granted, the charging party will be charged all interest and principal, not so great. As stated, it's possible that RCCL may ban someone, if the dispute is granted, from ever cruising on RCCL again. That's a chance that must be weighed. Personally, I'm not sure RCCL has much of a leg to stand on. The fine is a fine on the cruise line, not the passenger. RCCL is making an ATTEMPT to recoup the cost of the fine. I think that that is why there is a possibility that barment is a last resort if disputed and granted. They know they have no other recourse because they can't legally demand that you pay a fine that wasn't levied on you, it was levied on the cruise line. That's all my non-lawyerly opinion. Opinions are like -----, we all have one.
  7. I've been on both sides of this issue more times than I hate to think of. While being the General Manager of the parking facilities at FLL and Port Everglades, I was responsible for responding to all credit card disputes. I am very happy and proud of the fact that I never lost an appeal to a credit card dispute. I've also disputed many of my own charges with my credit card companies. Again, I've never lost a dispute. So, the moral to my story is, that if you have all your ducks lined up in a row, and have documentation or proof of lack of documentation, you can't go wrong. Stick to the facts, never make unsubstantiated claims/accusations, and be polite whether in writing or on the phone.
  8. I've never noticed a noise problem in any of the connecting cabins that we've had. It's the balconies that give me the biggest problem, well once really. The people next to us used to leave the balcony door open and play their music, a kind of music that I can't stand, loudly, very loudly. We couldn't sit on the balcony and enjoy the sounds of the ocean while they were in their cabin. I complained to them, no change. I complained to Customer Service, a few times, and they sent someone to the cabin, a few times, but nothing changed. So, I now take a Bose speaker with me and I have the most awful music I can think of just for this type of issue. Fortunately, I haven't had to do it.
  9. While I agree with that statement 100%, I still tip the porter(s). That's just me, I'm not saying that anyone/everyone should. I just like to show a little personal gratitude to people who are providing me with a service. However, if the service isn't what I expect, they don't want to hear from me. Fortunately, that doesn't happen very often. In fact, I don't remember the last time.
  10. I prefer to look at it as a precautionary tale of reality, stuff happens and for me, it usually does!
  11. We are on Harmony in January and I'm actually looking forward to Grease. I've always liked the music in Grease the movie. I've seen Mamma Mia on the Allure and really enjoyed the music. I've always been a big fan of ABBA, anyway. So, even though I'm no big fan of Broadway shows, I did enjoy the music on Allure's show and I'm looking forward to Grease on the Harmony.
  12. 100% I don't have a favorite ship for shows, I'm not a big Broadway show fan anyway. But, my least favorite, one I don't get and don't want to sit through it again to try to get is CATS. Man, that thing sucked. But, I love the Oasis. So, I just don't go to see CATS, easy peasy. That's not to disparage the entertainers, some/most are actually very talented. They are stuck with what they are given, and in this case, it ain't much.
  13. It's been my experience that adult beverages are delivered to the table by a completely different person, not the waiter or his/her assistant, if any. I'm assuming that they are part of the bar staff. So, I do tip them for each delivery, usually once as we are always in a hurry to get somewhere else.
  14. My wife is like that, "A good deal is a good deal", is her motto. Me, not so much. I'm one of those who thinks that "if a little is good, a lot is better". Bigger is better as far as ships are concerned, in my opinion.
  15. It's no different than any other purchase of drinks or any other service provided, tip if you want. No rules, just right!
  16. Both, many times. Never an issue. Enjoy your cruise.
  17. Yep, we toured the rooms and everything else. The single rooms are 450 SF and the couples are 500 SG. Yes, they are small but laid out very nicely, with tall ceilings, large windows, and a glass door to the balcony, a lot like a cruise balcony room door. There is a kitchen sink, a place for a refrigerator and microwave, and a kitchen table with 2 chairs. Not allowed to cook in the rooms/apartments so no need for a stove. They provide 3 meals a day and the meal we had was great (stuffed peppers for me and fried shrimp for my wife). You can have a toaster and Microwave, though. AFRH.GOV/GULFPORT has a great tour/video of the place, it's no B.S., it's as we saw it. The residents asked if we, and they didn't know us one bit, were thinking of moving in and we said yes. Almost all said that we should be ready to be spoiled and others said it was like living on a luxury cruise ship. Small, no doubt. But, large in amenities and savings.
  18. Just got back from my daily 3.6 mile walk with one of the Danes (my daughter's. Had to put one down the day before yesterday). Love to walk, but I'd prefer to run, which I do about 3/4 of a mile of that 3.6, just getting too old and fat. Thanks, I'll definitely keep you in mind when we finally get to moving there and looking for some good ole down home information. The Armed Forces Retirement Home (afrh.gov/gulfport) has a pedestrian bridge from the property across the highway (US-90) to the beach. Ya, I'm not much in to walking the same old path every day. I'll walk the beach sidewalk this way today, that way tomorrow, and another way after that, .............. Thanks again!
  19. It's a curse, for sure, a financial curse. One I'm willing to take my chances with LOL.
  20. This is not a direct response to the OP's issue: There is a new game(s) in town, not the old inbound running late, or weather causing delays, or fuel truck running late, et al. The new game(s) is/are lack of crew, lack of pilots, computer software issues, ransom hacks, strikes (actually strikes are old issues), and a few more I can't think of right now. And many of the above issues don't even have to directly affect the flight(s) you have booked to be an issue for you. Your aircraft can be sitting on the tarmac in the previous airport, waiting on, unfortunately, crew member(s), pilot(s), or all the above, and the aircraft doesn't make it to your debarkation airport. Having said all that, I don't fly for many reasons, the above just being a few of them. Back to the OP's question: As far as getting to FLL in time, chances are you will be fine, but it is, no matter what others say, a roll of the dice. I wouldn't do it. Since the OP is looking to get back to the SF Bay Area, driving isn't much of an option, LOL. I'd do it, but that's me! JMHO
  21. Thank you very much, great info. Maybe we can meet somewhere when you are down that way, and of course, we are actually living there by then. I'd be honored to buy you an adult beverage or Iced Tea (sweetened of course).
  22. Personally, I think it is a good thing that different cruise lines have different standards. That gives people options and can pick and choose based upon their desires. My only concern is that my experience, cruise lines don't enforce many of their own rules. I'm a rule follower and was an enforcer for one of my former careers. I believe we need rules that fit different situations and they SHOULD be followed and enforced. If X enforces their policy(ies)/rule(s), more power to them. If one of their policies is to be formal in the MDR, I'll pass. Choices/options are great!
  23. Well, I sure hope that we are moved in (still #1 on the wait list) before this wonderful cruise promises to be, the drive to the port will be much shorter. Final payment date is quickly approaching and as I like it, no excursions booked, yet. My wife will probably see to it that we get in at least one. She wants to visit the chocolate factory, but it is booked up, LOL, I love it. However, I wouldn't mind seeing a sloth, though. No big deal if I don't.
  24. I'm not a big gambler and my wife only plays slots, so I'm definitely not an expert on the subject of how you get free cruises or hotel rooms. But, I do know that at a Ceasars Casino a "Pit Boss" told me that on the maned table games, there is no way to keep track of how much money an individual wins or loses. So, they keep track of how much time you spend at a table, that's what they do when they get your rewards card, if you have one, and start the timing. Automated table games and slots, it's easy to keep track of how much a person wins or loses, if they use a rewards card. However, what's weird, I don't gamble nearly as much as my wife, she gambles at least twice as much as I do and she wins, but I sometimes get better rewards offers in the mail from the various casinos we visit. I use my OBCs to gamble with on a cruise. If I have any leftover on the last evening of the cruise, I cash it all in for cash. Unfortunately, that doesn't happen too often.
  25. When I managed the parking at FLL and shortly after 9-11, it was very common to see lines running from TSA in terminal 1 all the way across the pedestrian bridge and into the garage. What a mess. I left FLL shortly after that and went to Port Everglades, what a difference. Port Everglades was the perfect pre-retirement job, laid back. Of course, things have changed drastically since 2005 when I retired from the parking business.
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