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Ret MP

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Everything posted by Ret MP

  1. Port Everglades is probably the closest port to any major international airport, literally across the street from FLL. However, I would never book a flight that close to debarkation time. Just too many things that can go wrong (Murphy's Law and all). Did you check MIA or West Palm Beach for a more promising and doable flight? It may be a little expensive getting to one of them but it beats missing the early flight and may be better than waiting until ~8:00PM. Just a thought!
  2. LOL, that's for sure! Although I don't disagree with the premise of the regulation, I do disagree with the lack of flexibility with it or the hoops one must jump through to resolve any issues with it and the lack, it seems like, of competent assistance from RCCL.
  3. I think that the CDs do a good job at the game show and the quest, usually. However, on one cruise the CD didn't seem to show up for most of the scheduled activities, and his assistant covered for him. She did a much better job than he did. I only wish that I could remember her name. I'm more interested in who the Genies are.
  4. We usually just leave the bathroom light on and crack the door open by about an inch. Makes it easy to find the bathroom and you can see obstructions in the cabin as well as having the bathroom lit already. But, it isn't too bright to sleep with.
  5. Yep, I don't get it. I've interacted with one CD on Rustbucke Cruise Lines (has nothing to do with rust). He came into the buffet and sat with us, nice guy but he didn't, as stated above, make or break the cruise for us. He eventually starred in the latest unsuccessful TV Show, The Love Boat. I wonder if he went back to Rustbucket Cruise Lines.
  6. That's how I'd dispute it, charged without explanation or documentation. I'd tell them that if documentation or proof of purchase is provided, I'd gladly pay it. Until then, zip, nada, zero................
  7. I'd usually tell someone to bug the business almost daily with never-ending phone calls until the situation is resolved. But, if you don't have a special number to call, all you're going to get is the "phone answerers" who are just that, and nothing more, "phone answerers".
  8. If you say so, I have no idea. But, I don't remember reading when this incident happened. Seems to me that the process would start at the time frame that the incident happened, automatically. I'm sure this isn't a unique event for RCCL or others.
  9. And by my SWAG (Scientific Wild A$$ Guess), Royal didn't get the waiver, because of incompetence, laziness, lack of caring, or all the above.
  10. While I agree with you I hope you don't think that those words are mine. That was a quote from the Government's website.
  11. The latest $ amount is here: https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-19/chapter-I/part-4/subject-group-ECFR610bc0266d90628/section-4.80 "(2) The penalty imposed for the unlawful transportation of passengers between coastwise points is $300 for each passenger so transported and landed on or before November 2, 2015, and $941 for each passenger so transported and landed after November 2, 2015 (46 U.S.C. 55103, as adjusted by the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act Improvements Act of 2015)."
  12. I quit worrying about what people think of me decades ago. I worry about my family, my friends, and myself. If I feel uncomfortable about something, I don't do it. If a stranger feels uncomfortable about something I'm wearing or eating in the buffet, I could care less. If someone else in the MDA is wearing a cowboy hat, a tiger thong speedo, or a bare belly shirt, it AIN'T gonna change my experience or the flavor of my food, one bit. Now, get off my lawn LOL!
  13. I guess that is a distinct possibility and I wouldn't doubt it a bit. However, as far as disputing a C.C. charge and CBP is concerned (And I freely admit that my experience with doing multi-million dollars of transactions a year with customers and credit card companies, is at least a decade old and things could have changed a bit, and probably has), CBP bills the private company, as been reported in this thread, in this case, Royal (I'm assuming how that went) and then the private company tries to recoup the charge from the original customer by charging the C.C. on file, there may even be a mark-up. When you dispute the charge, it is a dispute against the charging company, Royal, not a 3rd party in this case, CBP, it isn't CBP that put the charge in against the credit card, it was Royal. CBP doesn't have an idea that your C.C. charge was/is being disputed. It's all handled by the charging company (Royal). A very large percentage of companies, I'd say most, have 3rd parties involved in the production, service, or whatever that the company provides, sells, services, et al, to their companies. You can not dispute a charge with each and every 3rd party that is in evolved with a product, service, or whatever. The dispute is with the POS provider. @PhillyFan33579 could be totally right, that may happen, I don't know for sure.
  14. In theory, the bands are great, in theory. But, you still, as I understand it, have to take the things off your wrist to give to a server/tender to scan at the computer terminal. If I have to do that, I might as well just pull out my Sea Pass Card, from my pocket or lanyard and hand it to the server/tender. Having said all that, I do like to use them for the purpose of opening the cabin door, like @ARandomTraveler, especially when we have our hands full of stuff we bought and we just couldn't live without. I'm not sure about all suite guests, but I know that Star Class gets them at no extra charge. They're waiting for you in your suite. So, I put them on and used them for the cabin door (I won't pay extra for them, not til they perfect the convenience of them, taking them off and on is no convenience). I have a small collection of them. Or I did until this move that we are in the middle of and I think we threw away most of our cruise memorabilia. We're just keeping our magnets, lanyards, and a few ceramic ship models that our Genies gave to us.
  15. What's rude to anyone else about eating a FF while walking around the WJ. I don't spit any portion of it in anyone's face, at the steam table(s), and so on. As far as opening your mouth while in line at the buffet, I believe we all do that when we talk, ask for a cut of beef, speak to the crew, friends, relatives, or whatever, not to mention that there is that pesky spit glass between you and the food/steam table. Eating a FF is no different than that, especially if one is aware of one's surroundings. I don't see you or anyone else complaining about the people jammed next to each other at the tables for two when you are literally inches away from others and their plates, people laughing, coughing, talking, spitting, and breathing heavily. I'm never that close to others in the WJ while walking around looking for something else to put on my plate. I agree about manners and lots of people don't have them in here. It's bad manners to accuse people of things that they have no idea about them. And I assure you, I come from high society but reject most of it. But, not the manners part of it. All of this is selective outrage.
  16. No, not hiding behind anything. Just following the rules as much as I can. Yet, after saying "Fair Enough" you continue.
  17. Don't assume anything, especially about me. You'd be sorely mistaken. I don't make assumptions about you and I don't/didn't accuse you of anything. I only ask for the same respect in return. And, you don't know what my level of expertise is or not. And yes, I believe I know much more about certain things than the average person. You have no idea what has prompted my view of WSU and its cadre of nincompoops.
  18. As I said, my hands are tied as to the allowed content here. It involves the forbidden subjects.
  19. As far as I'm concerned, quoting WSU is as bad as quoting from Wiki. I won't even read it. But, I did have a great laugh just knowing someone would reference from such a source. My hands are tied in here to fully explain why. And if you knew me, you'd know that I'm anything but a ME ME ME person. I've spent my whole life helping people in need, I actually gave up my own health to help others in need.
  20. One last thing I want to say, I don't take dust-up in here or any social media sites personally. Well, except for one guy who seemed to be stalking me for a long long time. But, I've met with people from social media sites after huge dust-ups and we actually had a great time, in person, and discussed our differences in a very civil manner. I look forward, someday, to the same experience with some folks here. THIS BOARD, ET AL, IS ENTERTAINMENT, or me, nothing more, nothing less.
  21. I may have. But, they are of no interest to me. Edited in: "Clothing Optional" is a whole lot different than the Pineapple crowd stuff. I'm not a total prud. It's just that my wife and I are attached at the hip and best of friends. Been Married 50 years this coming February. I don't want her or me anywhere close to such activities. I cus like a sailor and tell dirty jokes all the time. But, some things are just a little off-limits for us.
  22. Which said salivation remains in one's mouth unless sneezing/coughing.
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