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Ret MP

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Everything posted by Ret MP

  1. The first symptom of Conch Poisoning is posting on Cruise Social Media sites. The Second is desiring to cruise obsessively. The symptoms have been known to switch from second to first at times. THE CURE: Cruise!
  2. Tastes like Chicken! LOL. Seriously, I didn't actually find that it had any flavor other than the spices and lime juice put on it. BTW: It was a one-and-done for me. Didn't do a thing to make me want more.
  3. I would not notice what others are wearing! Why? Because I don't give two *>!~^s what others wear unless it is a safety, legal, or policy violation. But, even with that, if it was just a "Dress Code" violation in a dining venue, I'd still go about my business and enjoy my meal.
  4. DELETED. Probably would have been deleted for me anyway
  5. I should have mentioned that we only do "Closed Loop" cruises out of FL or TX, except once out of Seattle (never again) and once out of Cape Liberty. Next cruise out of Galveston unless we find something sooner at a great deal. Can't wait.
  6. Been there, done that. We almost always try to book at "Adult Friendly" times. The challenge is finding an "Adult Friendly" time frame as booking in the winter months is when South America is out of school and South Americans love to cruise out of Florida and Galveston. There is almost always a time when some school, country, or religion is on holiday. You can only mitigate. Don't get me wrong, I love behaving kids but can't stand absent/none parenting parents. I'm not trying to ban kids from cruising. I don't think too many people that are looking for a cruise on RCCL's side or Rustbucke Cruise Lines's site and see once a quarter/6 months/year a cruise that is plainly marked as "ADULT ONLY" cruise, and the itinerary doesn't include the more "Family Friendly" ports of call, would be too disappointed. Oh, and not every "family" has underage children. Many families are "ADULT ONLY". I know mine is, excluding grandkids. Additionally, a problem is the adults that behave like unsupervised children! I appreciate your thoughtful response, though. And I agree with 99% of it.
  7. When I was in my late teens and 20-something, I used to go to Eleuthra often (my dad was a golf pro there) and I'd go out with the locals, dive for Conch, bring them up to the boat, get the animal out of the shell, cut them in strips, the locals put some very hot pea-sized peppers and other juices on them and we'd eat them while they were still squirming. Go down and do it again over and over again. I <SMH> I <SMH> I <SMH> suffer no ill effeeeeeeects <SMH>.
  8. Wish I could have found something more Harmony specific.
  9. Youtube for cabin 11100 on Symphony. I assume they are very similar. That's the best I can do:
  10. Just wondering if any of you who were also waiting on your renewed passports have arrived, yet?
  11. I put my wife under with no problem. Ooooops, ouch that hurt. Help! I think something broke. JUST KIDDING, OF COURSE!
  12. Hence, my answer! And you did ask "Am I missing something". That is all, carry on!
  13. "Am I missing something"? <Specific? And I believe the possible attitude of the residents of the Keys is a possible issue for RCCL, et al. But, I'm not going to turn this into a 5-page debate. As is usually the case, no good deed goes unpunished. Sorry, if I tried to be helpful with a possible answer/information.
  14. I grew up and lived in Broward County (Most people think of it as Ft. Lauderdale) and I worked in the Keys a lot. If you have traveled to Key West during the high season (tourist season) you'd know how bad the traffic is. Why? For the most part, the road, US-1 is a two-lane road, most of it. The locals don't want to widen it, making it a 4-lane road because they are trying to limit tourism/access. So, that is just one example of the attitude of the long-time residents of the Keys. Most visited the Keys as tourists, eventually moved there, and now don't want more access for others. Another disclaimer: It's been about 10 - 15 years since I drove down to Key West and I'm not sure, and don't care, if the roads are being or have been widened any. Originally, when I used to go to Key West, way back when, I used the old bridge system that you see people fishing off of now. I used to drive a truck down there, clicking of mirrors was common.
  15. This is a discussion board, I was adding (emphasize ADDING) to the discussion. What I added "could" be one reason why RCCL, et al, aren't aggressively pursuing permission to dock in Key West and I wouldn't blame them. I would suggest that if you are looking for a specific answer, ask a specific question. But, expect the subject to be broadened anyway. This is a social media site, after all. Disclaimer: I freely admit that I don't know, FOR SURE, that RCCL, et al, are or aren't aggressively pursuing docking permission. I just know what was in the news.
  16. If you go back and search for some news articles from a year or two ago, you'll find that Key West isn't too cruise-ship-friendly.
  17. I've had Verizon for decades and never heard of that "Travel Pass" thing. No, I'm not saying it doesn't exist, I just haven't heard of it. But, my point that I'm trying to get to is that I have never been charged extra for any cell phone usage by Verizon while cruising. Just do the "Airplane Mode" thing and you are covered. I do have the International plan so I turn off the "Airplane Mode" when we get off the ship in ports of call in Mexico and other covered countries and call home if need be, and then turn on "Airplane Mode" as we are getting back on the ship. Just turn on "Airplane Mode" and enjoy!
  18. Well, there you go. I guess that's why I went back recently after about a 3-year hiatus. Oh well! It is what it is. LOL
  19. Yep, been there, done that, and enjoyed it. Not as good as Sonny's but still good.
  20. I'm not a big Playmaker's fan. Only because I'm not a big sports fan. However, I went into Playmakers on Indy and got a pitcher or two of Draft. The only place I could find that sold Pitchers. I enjoyed it so much while my wife was hitting the slots. There wasn't much going on "sports" wise. So, it was quiet and I enjoyed some alone time for a few hours. Just me and my beer.
  21. MARIORTON-WEBERNAUTS DICTIONARY: Massage Tasters: Verb An individual that licks hot stones
  22. Emojis would help or "LOL". However, my bad if it was a joke.
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