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Everything posted by nlclhc

  1. nlclhc

    YC Tips

    I think, having spent a lot of time both in Europe and in the US, that what an American considers good service is different than what an European considers good service. Personally I don't like American waiters because the come to often.
  2. nlclhc

    YC Tips

    But even in itineraries that start in US ports the population of MSC is much more international than the one in RCL, Carnival et al. MSC is the only line that I know that publicly says individual tips are not encouraged.
  3. nlclhc

    YC Tips

    This is exactly my point of view, I do it in the US, MSC is not the US.
  4. nlclhc

    YC Tips

    It is interesting to see how almost everyone who support tipping is American.
  5. nlclhc

    YC Tips

    I have sailed twice in YC, both times I got excellent service, I only tipped at the end.
  6. nlclhc

    YC Tips

    I was discussing it from an philosophical point of view, not from a legal stand point. In any case, thanks for your input.
  7. nlclhc

    YC Tips

    I completely disagree, the only one that wins is the owner. The server doesn't know a priori if the costumer is going to be a lousy tipper. Moreover, since normally for large parties tips are included by default it does not serve the purpose of incentivizing good service. In Europe and Asia the service in restaurants is as fantastic as in the US without the need of a 20% tax on top to the bill. We can discuss hours and hours without reaching and agreement. My whole point is that tips are viewed very differently in different countries. In some they are a percentage of the final bill, in some pocket change paid in cash (lots of Americans are surprised the first time they go to Europe when they see that there is no line in their credit card receipt for the tip) and in some they just don't exist.
  8. nlclhc

    YC Tips

    You understand that the concept of tipping for service is very us-centric. In lots of countries tips are rare when not completely absent and frown upon. I am an European that have lived in the US since 2001 and I still can't understand why it is considered something acceptable for a employer to pay very little to a worker and expect the client to cover the rest through tips. I, of course, tip as it is customary in restaurants when in the US but not because I agree with the concept but because it is what it is, for me a tip is a tax (20%) like sales tax are also extra (that is for another time.....) But I feel rather paternalistic to read what I have to do, specially implying that since I am sailing in YC the tips are more warranted. I am already paying a higher fare so sorry but I don't agree with your point of view.
  9. You can't book two online so you will have to call and book the second one by calling MSC. If your booking was done by a TA then MSC may tell you that they can't handle any add-ons and that your TA has to take care of that.
  10. Hello, I need to contact MSC about an existing reservation. What is the email address I should use? Thanks
  11. Armonia, Seascape, Seashore. Seaview next December.
  12. YC includes drinks, internet, open dining and for me it is worth it.
  13. On board of the seashore now. I was informed that Galvenston is confirmed as a new port for MSC.
  14. Can somebody tell me who are the YC Director and YC Maitre d' on the Seashore? Thanks
  15. My booking is listed on our profiles (mine and my wife's) and when clicking on the Voyagers tab we see our correct level, the discrepancy only appears on the eticket.
  16. Hello, My e-ticket shows both my wife and me as classic members although I am gold and my wife silver. How is the easiest/best way to get that changed? Thanks
  17. Yes, that is one of the bigger ones but to be honest we felt we didn't need as much. For our next trip we will be on one of the 'normal' YCP.
  18. We (2 adults+2 teens) finished a cruise on the Seascape in cabin 19028 (YCP). We managed with a single bathroom with no problem. We are going to repeat during New Year's this time on the Seashore.
  19. Thanks, I have sent them an email today, lets see how long does it take.
  20. Hi, How long does it take for the points to get annotated? It has been more than two weeks since we disembarked and I still can't see those points. Thanks
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