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Engineroom Snipe

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Everything posted by Engineroom Snipe

  1. The transatlantic prices look great until you add the airfare to return. 🙁
  2. Mom retort. "And guess if all the other kids start jumping off a bridge that makes it ok?" Little Jimmy, "How do you know what we are going to do next Saturday night?" 😁
  3. I said physical hypocrisy, not ethical hypocrisy.
  4. I am just wondering about it using the numbers provided by the manufacturer on its webpage.. 17 Tonnes Empty in stowed position. 45 Tonnes Fully loaded with 370 passengers and crew. 45 Tonnes fully loaded minus 17 Tonnes empty equals 28 Tonnes. 1 Tonne is equal to 2,204 lbs. Designed capacity is 28 Tonnes times 2,204 lbs which is 61,712 lbs. 61,721 lbs divided by 370 passengers (not including crew) is 167 lbs per person. So, the lifeboat is designed to hold 370 passengers whose average weight is 217 lbs, placing a 53 Tonne Load on the Davits that are tested at 55 Tonnes which is 110% of the 50 Tonne rating?
  5. It was locked because there was no supporting evidence and things were getting VERY personal. 🤐
  6. As more current cruisers report back on their MDR experiences, we should soon have clarification.
  7. @Biker19, you, most of all, KNOW that the mere mentioning of the "M" word is going to keep this post going on for at least two more days. 🍺 and 🍿 and 🍕 on me. 🤣
  8. Speaking of outrunning bears onboard (I know the intent), I am more concerned about getting loaded into a lifeboat that meets the United States Coast Guard (USCG) weight limits for capacity without sinking. The USCG up until 2011, used 150 lbs as the average weight of a vessel passenger for flotation capacity design requirements. They raised the weight limit that year to 185 lbs quoting health studies stating that was the statistical number as people have been much heavier than the past. It has not been updated since and passengers are only getting heavier according to recent obesity studies. I wonder what the average weight of an RCI passenger is? Total weight of all passengers divided by amount of passengers is that number. I think it would be a significant amount above 185 lbs. The following 370 person lifeboats are used on the Oasis. It bases a passenger average weight to be 185 lbs for passenger loading. I want everyone to be weighed and the average better be equal to or less than 185 lbs per person so my lifeboat does not exceed weight capacity. 🤣🤣🤣 https://www.rina.org.uk/mega-lifeboat.html
  9. Interesting. Does one now go to the Windjammer when it opens for dinner (say 6pm), have their preferred vegetables and make a custom salad, eat it there, and then go to MDR at second seating (8pm) if they like the main dishes and disregard any sides served (not eat them and waste them)? THAT would create even higher waste and food costs for RCI. This would create a higher demand for Windjammer at dinner which so many have observed to be more wasteful than MDR? I do not have the answers but RCI will over the next few months.
  10. There are many great coaches in football who could never play the game but they have expert knowledge and experience helping others who do. As long as the advice and expertise is correct, I will live with the physical hypocrisy. My opinion of course. 😄
  11. Well, I think you should take back your statement, "He is high maintenance." His personal water filtration system is first-rate requiring no pre-filters." 😁
  12. Yes, we have been beaten down to the point where we are critiquing which is worse during MDR, shorts 🙁, swimsuits 😮, or thongs 😲. 🤣
  13. Try and remain positive until your own eyes and tastebuds go onboard. Please report back when you do. I have three cruises this year and I am hoping for the best.
  14. You provide excellent examples of disregarded policies that I cannot argue against. They happen. Do not ask me to approve of disregarding those policies. 😉
  15. You add to a previous statement that I made in response to this statement. I wonder if we are just being played with. I just signed off on it and let it go. Unless you are going to agree with their viewpoint, your words will not matter.
  16. No question about your statement regarding the chair rules being violated does not happen on every cruise. Many policies are violated but do not ask me to agree that they should be violated. My problem was the poster trying to have those who abide by the rules agree with them that vaping in a non-smoking area is not a violation of the rules. They can disregard the rules but do not try and convince me the rules SHOULD be broken on purpose or agree that it is ok to break them.
  17. He is a high-end BBQ salmon specialist. You cannot afford him. 😉
  18. Plese refer to my post #26. I have no dog in this race. Why even worry about this when we will have to do whatever the cruise line mandates? It is a moot point to get worked-up about any changes that we will have NO control over except to not purchase the cruise fare. 😉
  19. We will have to agree to disagree. You completely disagree with my point of view and vice-a-versa. This conversation is getting us nowhere. You have your opinion and I have mine. Have a nice day. 🤐
  20. "Train like it is real and when it is real you will do it like you were trained." Pure repetitive reflex with no time to think about it. When the adrenaline is high, repetition is the key.
  21. So, you admit, there might be long term harmful effects but there is not enough data to confirm their harm. That does not prove they are safe. This sounds exactly like what the tobacco industry did for years until enough people were harmed and they were successfully sued.
  22. Please do not cherry-pick my words and yes, PASSIVE VAPE is HARMFUL. No, while being LESS harmful it is STILL harmful. Life Insurance companies, especially health insurance companies treat it as smoking. Passive vaping: an impending threat to bystanders - BusinessWorld Online (bworldonline.com) Life Insurance for Vapers - Policygenius What You Need to Know About Smoking and Health Insurance (healthmarkets.com)
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