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Red Leicester

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Everything posted by Red Leicester

  1. I’m still in! Reminds me of a company I worked for where we told all our clients we weren’t sending Christmas cards and we would make a charity donation instead. And sent that out as a first class letter…
  2. At least P&O are offering free drinks and vouchers. Imagine the uproar if they offered nothing. If someone sent me a memo that said "'ey up me duck, ta for coming back, 'ave a drink on us" I'm in. "Oi you, didn't think you'd be back, have a drink or two on us" I'm in. "Oi, free drink, have it or don't" I'm in. I'm offended they offered Champagne and no alternatives. I don't like champagne.
  3. No definitely not aimed at you nor anyone in particular. Just a lot of little stuff many people get really angry about and think P&O is out to get them. But why does it really matter whether it’s stated in the T&Cs? Back to the original point, take as much as you want to on board and drink wherever. Bigger things to worry about in the grand scheme of things. But as stated above if it gets out of hand then restrictions can happen. We shouldn’t sweat the small stuff. It’s a holiday, enjoy it, don’t get stressed. P&O aren’t out to get us in my opinion.
  4. This is what frustrates me about forums (and not just this one)... head straight to the T&Cs and / or if the answer isn't what I want then the CEOs email is... To the original poster - take your soft drinks on board, drink in your cabin or balcony if you have one. If you want to do them public side then do so but if you get asked to stop or cease then I would, pick battles and all that. Don't sweat the small stuff.. To be in the cabin is fine and I do. Outside my cabin I don't out of courtesy, though I may have done if I bought a bottle of cola when out and about. Feel free to try, if you get stopped then lesson learned. One of my things is to bring back a bottle of local brand cola from each port so I end up bringing off more than I take on. Never been stopped.
  5. Ta me ducks. I have updated me map, click here.
  6. It’s marked on my map, shameful plug for it. https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1hywWVUmk7zVTXMCdSkR5iAKYEGXTA_s&ll=46.57312007528419%2C-24.486358000000013&z=4 Britannia last September berthed in what Google Maps calls Masthamnen Cruise Terminal. Ten min bus ride. The transit in and out is straight into my top five port arrivals and departures.
  7. Evening All, I will wade through the above on Friday when I have a day off from work and provide some updates. Before I do can anyone message me with where the dock was at: Malta Villerfranche Monaco Mallorca Gilbraltar Athens Barcelona Venice, and where the water taxi dropped off. Dubai ***PEDANTRY ALERT*** Sorry to ask but I like these things correct when it comes to a map and shuttle buses. Occupational hazard. If I don't know I will not add it. *** END OF PEDANTRY*** It will take me a few days but I will do it. The PDF someone attached is quite useful but the Mark 1 eyeball is even better!
  8. My map is here All updates gratefully received and I'll update. Just message me.
  9. I'm sure I've read on here somewhere uproar at lack of afternoon tea yet most here are saying meh, not fussed. I have never been invited to a Cocktail Party so guessing Mrs RL and me fall into the not quite important pile. If I was invited I probably wouldn't go anyway. I'm all for a bit of loyalty though so any perks are worth it. Take it or leave it. The one I really don't get but causes adverse reaction is evening turndown. Removing that has caused uproar, not just on here but on other sites / media too. I have commented before that I just don't get what evening turndown is / was. Maybe I'm of an upbringing or generation that lost out on this. I can live without a second invasion of my room and the chocolate. It gives the already hard working crew some rest. The one thing I hope is turned round is the quality of the custard in the smash n grab. Awful on Britannia last September. I'd take that over evening turndown any day.
  10. I would concur with this. We opted for taking ourselves off Britannia in September, were allocated 07:45 as our time. Woke at 06:30, as soon as we saw the first person getting off, we were out, no issue with lifts at all and waved through with no problem. It is a long walk and pretty much on your own with all your luggage. But outweighed by the fact I was approaching Newbury on the A34 at 07:45...
  11. Ta chuck. Map updated with the new gen.
  12. Indeed. Bang for your buck, or ride for your pound this was by far and away the worst I've had. And I'm someone who loves a shuttle bus. Not helped by roadworks. We Went the length of a ship, maybe two.
  13. Ta for the gen. I have now updated my map. Do you know how long it took journey time wise? Also how much each way? And do you know if the buses were accessible to wheelchair users. Ta!
  14. Britannia in September / October was Formal in Main Dining Room, Sindhu and Epicurean on formal nights. Beach House wasn't. I don't think the Glass House was formal either. Crow's Nest also out of bounds unless you went formal.
  15. Thank you, all updated. Hope people are finding this useful. Any further gen or corrections then let me know or drop me a message and I'll update.
  16. Ta muchly, my map duly updated. Do you have any gen on journey time and frequency? Shuttle bus journey time xx mins. High frequency.
  17. I totally agree. But also those that do shouldn't knock the ones that don't do but live with the movement restrictions for an evening. Using a lift or communal corridor isn't a restricted area and the two camps shall mix and be friendly.
  18. You would still have to change again on the Elizabeth line at Hayes & Harlington or Ealing Broadway. No services route Reading - Heathrow direct. Also worth noting that on a weekday the CrossCountry service direct Southampton - Reading is only running every two hours at the moment and doesn't improve much with the timetable change in December. There is also the Railair link from Woking though only one of the two service each hour on a weekday calls at Woking from Southampton. https://www.firstbus.co.uk/uploads/node_images/RA2 from January 2021_0.pdf
  19. Pretty much as per on Britannia in September.
  20. Then don't pack it. It's not mandated but you have to accept your movements will be limited for a couple of nights.
  21. Fairly sure that has been made a couple of times up thread.
  22. I've hinted at it before but not explicitly. I imagine uproar if formal wear was turned away from a non-formal venue. A case of pick your battles maybes. That said what harm did some in formal attire do to your meal in Horizon? Did it make it taste different?
  23. Why wouldn't they let you in? I'd fully expect just a "Good evening, let me show you to your table".
  24. Not afraid at all. If I have to wear a suit and tie I will. But it's not mandated therefore my choice is not to. I accept I can't go into the Crows Nest on those nights. Good on the younger generation. It probably doesn't have the same impact on them given it's a rare thing to do. I say this given there are 20-somethings in my team who have never had to wear a tie let alone a suit. Having spent half my working life in suit and tie I'd rather not have that reminder on a holiday. Spinning it round a little... what's the actual problem with smart casual in some areas on a formal night if it is not mandated? I don't take offence at something sitting suited and booted next to me in the Beach House on formal night. Albeit the group of four that did wore loud waistcoats, were already heavily under the influence and very lairy, but hey it was formal night so...
  25. Nothing difficult except it does take up valuable space for some non-formal gear I'd want to take, or some electronic device to play with on board. Probably the latter in my case to be honest. One less thing to iron before and probably on board too when it comes out all creased. Why also pack something I don't need and won't use? Plus "nice" to me is different to everyone else's definition of "nice". Personally I prefer "exceptional" to "nice"! "Nice" in itself isn't a helpful word in my opinion. As I have mentioned before on this thread go back 60 years and full out black tie and dinner jackets would be required, people on here have already said "though I take a suit rather than DJ". So some standard slippage there already. Now smart casual is coming in more and more so more slippage there. In 30 years times I'll be moaning that ripped jeans and shorts were observed on "<insert name of choice> night" so standards and expectations will have changed again. Except it won't bother me really. Though based on reading posters here the revolution may be quicker than expected if people jump ship to other lines. It will be interesting to see what Saga etc will be like in 20 years time. That said there will always be a market for the formal traveller I suspect. P&O are adapting to their new markets and customers and need that repeat business from the next generation I'm afraid.
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