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Everything posted by HappyTexan44

  1. This level of detail is why this place is so helpful. Although, seems to me that if Liberty doesn't have the tech to scan the card, then it doesn't have the tech to require show reservations.
  2. I notice the live report was from the app. I wonder if they haven't updated the app but they have changed the menu?
  3. Royal might have. This might be about churning the tables faster so that they can fit in more MTD diners between early and late dining. I also don't buy that they can't hire enough people. They hire internationally. It isn't that people disappeared. If we let Royal get away with lesser_than, they will get the message that is sufficient for the customers and that will be the new normal.
  4. That is so true. We vacationed in Southern California last summer, late June. We were wearing things like hoodies in the low-70's F (22C) weather. My husband still grumbles about how cold it was. It did make a way to chat with other tourists. We'd see people dressed like us and ask where they were from because we knew they weren't locals, and likely from the south.
  5. I wonder if the President's Week crowd applies out of Galveston too? We booked Feb 19th, 2024 based purely on the cheap price. We can travel whenever. Texas has Spring Break vacations in March and April.
  6. This system does seem to make it easier for the customer to prove that they hadn't ordered the drink(s). If there was a way to lock our accounts to something like this, I'd do it. I'm thinking of Disney World's Magic Bands and pins. You can charge stuff to your room using the magic band and you set up a PIN that has to be entered before stuff can be charged.
  7. Well, if they are charging drinks to random people's accounts without a signed receipt, that effects everyone.
  8. I gave up ordering omelets anywhere. It is a rare place that doesn't overcook the eggs.
  9. Nope, originally MN but I didn't discover the real stuff until Texas. When I was a young adult my parents bought a Belgium Waffle maker. We tried "the good stuff" syrup to go with the bother of making the best batter. It became a tradition to invite people over for waffles the day after Christmas. They still put the pancake syrup on the table. I used to warn guests that once they tried the real syrup, they wouldn't be able to eat the fake stuff again. Eventually I think the pancake syrup was tossed because everyone that came was converted. Trader Joes has plastic bottles of real syrup. If I had to go somewhere cattle air, I'd use little travel bottles.
  10. Well, it could be that all shorts are banned. But they don't all have the same formality level.
  11. I don't know if I agree with "shorts are shorts" idea. You could extend that to "pants are pants" and that equates dress pants with PJ pants.
  12. Talk to be about the maple syrup. Is it 'maple' syrup (note the quotes) that is really corn syrup flavored with maple. Or is it genuine maple syrup that comes from a tree. My favorite hotel breakfast is when you make your own belgium waffle (so it is fresh) and the real maple syrup I brought from home. Yes, I travel with a plastic bottle of maple syrup. I assume I'll want to pack that for the cruise, but if they have the real stuff I won't.
  13. This thread could be subtitled, how to order an eggs benedict to maximize your chances of getting a really good one. I get why they would not want to toast the muffin. When I make it at home you want all the pieces to be done at the same time, and untoasted muffins are one less thing to worry about. But, I want my muffin toasted!
  14. "During the 2 hours I ran around the basically empty ship and took photos of everything I thought would be interesting. " That is so me.
  15. Oooh, that sounds good. I once had leftover lobster from eating at Del Frisco's. I made eggs benedict the next morning and used sliced leftover lobster instead of the canadian bacon. It was truly amazing. I can see a salmon eggs benedict being awesome too.
  16. Oooh, they have eggs benedict? I've never seen a menu for breakfast. That is probably my favorite breakfast food, period. Drowning in sauce. We have chickens and I'll occasionally make it. I'd been planning on using the MDR whenever it was open, but it is now a must-do for breakfast.
  17. I'd given MTD dining a thought, but we are already booked for early dining. So, we are good there. Getting the right dining table from the beginning seems important since we'll be stuck with it unless we move to an empty table, which is one someone else didn't want. I've read that they can change tables after you board. But, doesn't everyone get something that has their table#? Wouldn't they be annoyed that you are sitting in their table. .
  18. Do y'll think it would be possible to put in that request with my booking? Like how we requested the beds to be put together? 6pm would be an awesome time for early dining. Just from the outside looking in and doing lots of reading, MTD seems to be really "Medium Dining, we'll seat you when we can," I really don't think we'll have a problem being at the MDR on time. My family knows I become an ugly person when we are late. But theoretically, say someone arrives 30 minutes late for early dining, could they just skip the app. course?
  19. On BBQ in Texas, you can't go too wrong. The absolute worst I've had in Texas is an 8.5 on a 10 scale. A huge chain is likelier to be in 8.5 range and an independent in the 9.5 range. But awesome regardless. I recommend ordering Moist Brisket with burnt ends if it is an option.
  20. "Away from main entrance (don't like constant flow of guests past our table)" That makes sense. When I used to travel as a semiconductor engineer and I'd eat at an upscale restaurant, I'd often get a primo table in the center where no one walked by the table. The reason is that those were saved for the VIP customers. If they once gave one of those to a non-VIP local, then that local would start to expect a primo table. But, they knew that I wouldn't because I wasn't local. I wore the unofficial uniform of a female semi. engineer. It was really nice that no one walked by my chair. I'll add what you said to my notes.
  21. I just read this in the recent MTD thread "My experience with Early Traditional seating times on all cruises since May 2022 has been if your assigned Deck 3 where they will be doing MTD after early traditional, the have been scheduling you 15 to 30 minutes earlier that those on decks 4&5." So, I made a note that I don't want Deck 3 and why. I have a document where I paste the random bits of cruise advice knowledge that I come across. Early dining is a tish early for us, but better than 6:45+ MTD or late. So, I'd rather be on decks 4&5. But that got me thinking. Are there other areas of the MDR that are better or worse? What do experienced cruisers think? There will be 4 of us, two adults and two teenage girls. I was planning on asking for a table for 4 so that we can connect during meals. The videos of the MDR show a lot of 4 tops. We will be on the Voyageur.
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