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Everything posted by 9265359

  1. Sounds utterly dire, although I expect they charged the usual ‘arm and a leg’ for it.
  2. Yes still using it. I started back in 1995 when Microsoft gave away a free copy on the free disks one of the computer magazines to promote Windows 95. Now I am running the free ‘sunset’ edition they gave away before closing it down. It still works well with Windows 11. There are several online applications that use the Open Banking protocol, but they are nowhere near as good. Moneydance is the closest PC software to Microsoft Money, but it is American so not perfectly compatible with the UK. Because they didn’t make any money selling them! They had to do regional versions to cope with differences for the various localities they were sold (e.g. ISAs for the UK) and also with the constant changes to rules and regulations, and the tiny number of people buying, then it wasn’t worth it.
  3. I would suggest that cruise company’s health policies, not particularly COVID, are driven by two key issues. 1. Does the policy encourage or deter customers. 2. Do we need to do this to minimise the risk of us being sued. With the COVID policy it was clear that back in darker times that customers positively wanted stringent measures, and that perception of security encouraged bookings. However now for the majority of potential customers has now flipped and stringent measures are deterring bookings. The issue that the companies will now be running up against is the second point, which is if they had a policy of ‘whatever, do as you want’ then are they risking legal consequences. As many tour operators running all-inclusive holidays have found to their cost with the ‘food poisoning’ scam claims, there are a lot of ‘no-win, no fee’ ambulance chasing lawyers who would be salivating at the thought of the potential claims if the cruise companies become too lax.
  4. Absolutely! Just finishing breakfast sat in the sun. Saw the day trippers from a couple of cruise ships arrive yesterday, and then disappear for their ‘4pm all on-board’ and missing the fabulous Christmas lights that put the UK to shame. I am sure there are logistical reasons, but it seems such a pity that at this time of year they don’t change the schedule for an early evening departure.
  5. You are not losing out, but in fact gaining. Most national retailers simply abandon the tricksy marketing ‘up there’ and simply sell at the lower price without the fake discounts or the multi-buy requirement. For example a national wine warehouse that offers a discount if you buy six bottles simply charges an equivalent lower price on individual bottles ‘up there’. The only thing is the minimum price still needs to be met, but that is rarely any issue for most. So two lots of shopping on the conveyor belt; one with alcohol and one without. If they want to play silly games…
  6. Only three weeks, that’s a pity. Currently spending three months in Madeira and various islands in the Canaries avoiding the UK winter.
  7. Even cheaper at the end of January - £741 for 14 nights on Iona for single occupancy of balcony saver or £617 for inside. £44 a night for room, meals, entertainment, travel, etc. - virtually giving it away.
  8. Most likely because as ships have simply become floating 'hotels' then whether the hotel is on land or doing it's regular weekly circular trip from A to A is irrelevant, and the skills needed for the role are the same.
  9. Sorry, but if two outfits are indistinguishable other than for 4" of stiches with the one with fewer stiches being acceptable, then the maître d' was foolish not wise.
  10. Ah the logic of - men's bare legs are offensive but women's are not, however if we allowed women to wear shorts that revealed no more than a short skirt (which would be allowed) then we would have to allow men to wear shorts. Pathetic decision by the maître d'.
  11. Or drink something else than the cocktails.
  12. But most of the bars don’t serve those - and plenty were complaining the (pre-made) Pina Colada was disgusting. They won’t. If the bar doesn’t serve what someone wants, then 99.9% of the time they will just order something else.
  13. Well the odds of that being a good idea have got worse with this change.
  14. They do plenty of cocktails, they are just their own inventions and not the tried and trusted ones you would expect. I assume they do this for two reasons. You can never say ‘that wasn’t made correctly’ because you have no idea what it should taste like, so if the staff mess it up it there are no complaints There are plenty of people who will order something new or different, and offering a menu of drinks they have never heard of drives sales.
  15. So for Cat A holidays there will be two signs - - If there is nothing wrong with you, and don’t worry, we won’t check, then this way to the ship and welcome to your holiday - If there is anything wrong with you then turn around and the bus home is behind you, and please don’t let the door bang as you leave I wonder how many will choose the second option. Ah well, another reason to avoid the buffet.
  16. No, the only reason they are still included on new ships is that some people still want them. It would be perfectly easy to fit out any of the new ships with no sharing tables, and it takes no more staff time as the individual tables tend to served in groups.
  17. It isn't any issue at all - just go to reception, the restaurant, or phone the booking number.
  18. Those ships did not have the space to set aside for dining rooms large enough to avoid table sharing. Short of space = cramped. Well yes! And that's why the head of the non-sailing bits of all cruise ships has the title 'Hotel General Manager'.
  19. You don't have to phone to get a paper copy if you don't have the NHS app, but can do it online (at least in England) - Get an NHS COVID Pass - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
  20. Lisbon it is worth getting the shuttle from the ship, to either use as a starting point to explore the upper parts of the city, or more likely to then walk back down through the town, and eventually back to the ship. It certainly isn't worth making your way back to the shuttle bus for the ride back to the ship. Madeira it depends how far along the ship is moored along the quay, if it is at the far end then worth it, but if closer then the walk down from the CR7 is quite pleasant.
  21. Theoretically yes, but probably no. Last month the check in staff were simply asking if you met the vaccination requirements and if you offered to show proof then your offer was quickly and firmly rebuffed. Yes, there is a date next to the QR code on the paper copy.
  22. If you went into a restaurant other than on a ship and they asked if you minded sharing with some random strangers you would think the restaurant was bonkers, so why put up with it at sea. Then you have the COVID issue that if you share a table and they come down with it then you will be locked in your cabin as ‘close contacts’ for a few days or more. Then you have to eat at everyone else’s pace, and you get stuck with the starter and soup people. Then if unfortunately something is wrong with your meal and you would like it replaced will you say anything as it will delay everyone else’s meal. Then there is the risk that the random strangers will hold some view that you don’t and are gauche enough not to take the hint and so continue. And some people actually enjoy their partner’s company so don’t feel the need to eat with random strangers. Shared tables date back to the times when ships were small and cramped and there was no other option. Life has moved on - take a look at the new Virgin ships, they don’t even have any MDRs.
  23. You sleep on your balcony? You eat all your meals on your balcony? You never leave the balcony to get off the ship. OK…
  24. Plenty of places you can do that on the ship, and £50 an hour or so to rent a bit of outside space is rather over the top.
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