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Everything posted by macewank

  1. Does the same thing on the website. I'm not sure if she tried calling..will suggest that!
  2. OK OK.. I know in the other thread I said I was solo. That's technically true, but I'm joining a couple of friends and we were looking to do at least one excursion together as a group.. When she tries to go into the NCL app and book the excursion (Puerto Plata ATV+Waterfall thing) it will only allow her to add it to cart if she only selects herself. On the screen, her husband shows up as $0 and if she picks him, it won't let her add it. She's only been able to find a couple of them that let her add to card with him selected as well. Does that mean something? Like the excursion only has 1 spot available or something? It's letting me add it to cart no problem, but I haven't bought it so that's my only guess?
  3. The cruise line isn't going to care what you do with the free bottle of wine FAS+ allows you to have. It's 1 bottle of wine regardless of how many people drink it. Regarding the drinks, I certainly wouldn't care, but I imagine the cruise staff would if they caught you doing it blatantly. Regardless of whatever theoretical limit you're talking about here, allowing that sort of behavior results in the cruise line giving you twice as many drinks as they otherwise would have. They're in this to make money, not lose it.
  4. Will be on the Encore in a few weeks with a stop in GSC.. For folks that have gone recently, are the only options for the kayak excursion actually the double kayaks, or will they have solo/single ones available as well? I'm cruising solo and love kayaking, but not sure how much fun I'll have if I have to share a boat with a stranger.
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