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Everything posted by STLCARDS82

  1. Sorry this happened to you..How long did the total process take? snd you know CC...... Cruise Critic "The official Cruise site for Fanatic's!!
  2. This New Coke Spiced Zero Sugar is pretty good!!!
  3. Would you like to stack your medical Experience against mine? One word....Crypto!!
  4. If the fare would drop??? It's 2024!!!
  5. No, Royal Caribbean that I was on a back to back and they had on both sailings,... as of carnival. I haven't been on since before Covid so they might've changed it, but they used to have it every cruise in the main auditorium. Regarding the beer, I totally understand.
  6. That's surprising... a lot of the carnival cruises I've taken they had it in the main showroom and then the last Royal Caribbean cruise I was on they had it in the Royal promenade even did TAPS which I thought was pretty impressive!!
  7. Did Princess have a ceremony for the Military?
  8. Or they don't want to cruise carnival because they want to
  9. In fairness, that's all cruise lines these days!!
  10. In 2024 I have no confidence in any Corporation!!
  11. Europe(excluding our British Cousins)🙄🙄🙄
  12. Which is why a lot of people get sick on a cruise!!
  13. It all comes down to this! you can't save stupid people.If people don't want to get a passport and travel to foreign countries then what happens to them ..is on them! I've been a police officer, a firefighter, and EMT,a soldier...you start to learn you can't fix dumb people.
  14. How about the people that aren't on board and you're not currently in the situation with the Sapphire quit trying to justify to the people that are ...what a good deal they're getting!!!..You're not in the situation!!!!!
  15. There is a gap between coming back on November 3 from the 10 day to Martinique and the Brazilian adventure that starts on November 13 so there is a 10 day gap there
  16. Do you know what the month or date of the dry dock will be later on this year?
  17. In 2024..is all about the 💵💵💵💵
  18. No, but I have noticed since Covid ..cruise ships are breaking down more than they ever did ...more problems ,more issues... they need to take them out of service for at least one week at a every year to go through the ship for potential problems, but you know it's about.💵💵💵
  19. Bring back the Grand midnight buffet for just one night!!!
  20. Which is perfect until things go wrong... in my experience
  21. So much easier to just book direct with the airlines for US domestic flights!!
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