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Everything posted by Kristelle

  1. we are doing similar before our Scenic cruise in early September - 3 nights in London (family more than touristy) then catch train to Paris, 2 nights in Paris then train to Amsterdam and start cruise. We have a package in Paris that does Eiffel tower, than dinner and Moulin Rouge.
  2. Just read this thread, thanks so much for your story. Mekong river cruise is on our bucket list - was thinking of doing one which spend few days on land in Cambodia first then sails down to Ho Chi Minh city and fly home (to Australia) from there. We have been to Vietnam before in 2017 on a Wendy Wu land tour which went from Ho Chi Minh city up to Hanoi ( really enjoyed) - so this would only repeat 1 day in Ho Chi Minh city of where.we went before. Certainly sounds well worth doing.
  3. that link was from 2021. not sure how it is going now, 2 yrs later - but yes as you and I both said, very small now compared to years ago. They are trying really hard to preserve it.
  4. oh that sounds good: Organised exercises or Tai Chi or suchlike groups on board that you can join when and if you want to 🙂 there is no additional cost for these? I know the bikes are free because Scenic brochure says so. Occasional minor hiccups with bus waiting seem reasonable - the sort of minor hiccups that happen on all tours and you just take in your stride
  5. Thanks for that and also the example of a day sheet. so there are often exercise classes and suchlike on board in non excursion times? That sounds good. and short coach trips would be nice change to a day - waiting 20 mins for the ship to catch up isnt a bad thing is it? a few hours standing round in the cold wouldn't be fun but 20 mins would be ok.
  6. I dont think they really know why. Possibly foxes. Possibly Victor Harbour being more built up this days
  7. yes, true MM - on Kangaroo Island too - which I think have also decreased a lot.
  8. There used to be a thriving fairy penguin colony at Victor Harbour - unfortunatley decimated to almost none now.
  9. yes that's the one! starts in Amsterdam on 6th Sept. PS my name isnt really Kristelle though - just made that up for my user name.
  10. Thank you I havent been on a cruise before but I have been on several all inclusive land group tours - I guess they have a rigid schedule too - in that you all have meals together and do most things as a group on the same timing. I'm not sure what is meant by a chill rating - I like to be doing things though not spending too much time just chilling (on the ship, resort, wherever)
  11. Thanks for the welcomes. Not sure ocean cruising appeals to me but have always wanted to do Europe river cruise. Had it booked in 2020 but of course cancelled due to Covid pandemic so finally doing it this year.
  12. Hi everyone. I have never been on a cruise, ocean or river, before. am booked to go on Amsterdam to Budapest river cruise with Scenic in early September. 3 days in London, 2 days in Paris beforehand. I'll be back later with any (probably silly) questions........
  13. Fortunately most people are vaccinated now anyway I am up to date with all vaccines, including Covid, so I guess that is all I can do I think Viking has made a good decision although I am already booked with Scenic so doesnt affect me directly
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